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Do you personally think that people deserve to burn in hell for eternity?

Not interested in what your religion says, or what you've been taught. Instead, I want your gut reaction. Is burning people in hell for eternity fair?

What crime would they have to commit to make it a fair punishment? Is there a crime bad enough?

I often thought about this when I was a christian (I'm now an atheist). It never seemed fair to me to punish people for eternity.

30 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    I never thought that it was fair that a person who wasn't Christian, a woman who didn't obey her husband, a person who missed going to Sunday services or someone who had their questions about their faith would be tortured in Hell for all eternity was fair. I was pretty much raised that any little wrongdoing would get you eternal torment, no matter how trivial, and never once did it seem fair to me.

    That's one of the reasons I'm now a polytheist. I could never figure out how a person could deserve to be tortured for all eternity for not believing in a particular faith. It never seemed fair, but instead quite cruel and heartless.

  • 10 years ago

    In order to understand The Bible, you must understand it as a whole, and not just pick some small part out of context, so that one can make it all look ridiculous without actually addressing the whole.

    God has Power to raise the dead.

    He put this Power at the disposal of his worshippers, with no limitation whatsoever, but our own ability to Believe. This Power is most useful for the Living and not for the already Dead.

    Therefore, the real sin that anyone commits, to merit Punishment by Torture in Hell,

    is to have never made any friend or comrade who thought so much of them, that,

    once they died, they moved mountains, to bring them back to life.

    By the consensus of the companions in life that they chose,

    they deserve to be in Hell and suffer interminably.

    This was also their own belief when they were alive.

    The Ancients preferred to kill their Prophets than have them raise them and their loved ones from the dead. A similar situation ensues today. How can God be blamed for this?

  • 10 years ago

    O can think of a few deserving "souls" who deserve it. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, bin Laden, Hussein. These people were responsible for the deaths of thousands if not millions of innocent human souls, many of which went through a painful and horrible deaths. They obviously showed no mercy to any of their innocent victims.

    Question for you. If you're an atheist and don't believe in Heaven or Hell or a supreme being, why the question?

  • 10 years ago

    I, personally, don't believe that anyone deserves that. I also don't necessarily believe that's what happens to people. But, you must understand, I am NOT God, or any form of a God, that I might be qualified to judge people for their actions. I, myself, don't believe that I am worthy of spending eternity with my God, but at the same time, I don't feel that I've done anything worthy of eternal torture. I also don't believe that the Scripture actually teaches this, if you read and study closely.

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  • 10 years ago

    The only way infinite punishment is justified is if the crime is also infiite. However, our lives are finite, therefore an infinite crime is impossible, which in turn makes infinite punishment unjustifiable.

    Burning for eternity is also impossible on a more basic level. In order for something to burn, three components are necessary: a fuel, oxygen, and activation energy. So, unless hell has oxygen and our souls/bodies are constantly replenished during the burning process, it is impossible to burn something forever.

    Thus, the Christian doctrine of hell is not only immorally cruel, but also impossible.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't think an eternity of torture is ever justified punishment. Not even for the worst of us.

    God does what He wants though. God does not answer to me. Hell may exist and people may go there if that is what God has decided.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    i do believe in god but i don"t believe he lets people burn in hell forever what if after you die if you have commit some hideous crime he punishes you with some kind of prison as life would be eternal those who have murdered many people would have to serve hundreds or even thousands of years locked up, surly this would be fair justice, only those that were truly sorry for their deeds would be released from this prison and let into gods kingdom.

    hitler may have to serve several million years in prison

  • 10 years ago

    I don't. Especially for offenses as benign as doubt.

    Not even the worst amongst us would deserve such a torturous fate. I can think of a rare few who may deserve a hundred years or so in the pit of despair, but none who deserve an eternity.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I would like to see Hitler burn in Hell but there is no such thing as Hell. It was a mistranslation of a Hebrew word for the grave. There is no burning lake of fire, no devil with a pitchfork, etc.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Burning for eternity isn't possible, burning requires a fuel to consume..

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