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For the fundies/Armageddon/Last Days believers?

What is your reaction to today's news that Israel now has a missile capable of delivering a nuclear device on Iran? So, are we now one step closer to the Armageddon/Second Coming fantasy?

Believers/ unbelievers, pros and cons welcome, but back up your opinion with coherent reasons. Bible quotes automatically thumbs down unless they actually pertain to the question.

Blessings on your Journey!

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They've based their pathetic lives on an incorrect interpretation of their ancient shepherds' guide. If it weren't so sad, it would be hilarious!

  • 10 years ago

    "So, are we now one step closer to the Armageddon/Second Coming fantasy?"

    Fantasy? Man oh man, take some time to read what the Bible says about the end times and you'll see that all of what's happening in the Middle East WAS PREDICTED THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO! Read and study Ezekiel 37, 38 and 39. The fact that Israel still exists is prophecy fulfilled.

    You think all of that unrest and revolution in those Arab/Muslim nations all at once are a coincidence?

    Read Psalm 83 and pay special attention to verse 4, then compare it to what Iranian Prez Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said some years back, and Muslim leaders of Iran are still saying about Israel. Read Zecharia 12 and compare that to what you see on the news daily.

    Read Isaiah 17 and see the fate of Damascus then watch this clip -

    I've only included a few examples, but ALL of God's word is the TRUTH, and Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

    Some more clips you may or may not believe

  • Hawk
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Threatening "Thumbs Down" is (IMHO) a bad move. (1) Playing games is childish. (2) You will quickly learn that others can do it, too. (3) You may regret having started it.

    On to your rant, um, I mean your "question"! ---

    I wouldn't say it's a "step closer." I would say that it is part of a bigger picture. The state of the world today exactly matching Bible prophecy in no way diminished its message. Um. If anything, I would say that fulfilled prophecy verifies it. If the Bible says something is going to happen, and it happens, then thousands of people are not going to run out of the churches and say that the Bible is a lie. Are you following me so far?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    There's very little I can do about the actions of others, especially people on the other side of the globe. If the second coming should happen in my lifetime I'll simply adapt to the changes. I'll either be taken to Heaven where I'll await the final battle, or I'll be left here on earth and I'll get one last chance to be worthy of going to Heaven. Since I can't predict when the end of days will come or even when I'll die, I'll simply live and try to bring glory to God and serve my fellow man. Best regards.

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  • 10 years ago

    They've had that for quite a long time, as Vanunu would've told you over two decades ago. I don't believe WMDs will have much bearing on the coming of the Kingdom.

  • 10 years ago

    Of course Israel is planning on destroying Iran and as many Muslim/Arab countries as possible. If she ties it to the "end of days" she gets silly Godtards to be her allies, send their sons to die for Israel. Israel must do this soon while America is still foolishly allied with her. Israel can't do this with Mr. Obama in office so they will wait for a more pliable, stupid republican fundamentalist. Towards election time watch the "end days" rhetoric skyrocket.

    Source(s): Israel NEEDS WW3 soon and NEEDS the USA to fight it for her. What better way than Armageddon silliness?
  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    They have had nukes for a long time.

    Their official line was basically, "we won't introduce WMDs to the region, but we wouldn't consider it introducing them if nobody knew we had them." and everyone knew they had nukes.

    God bless.

  • 10 years ago

    Do you actually sport one of those hats that appears in your avatar?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes I do think we are closer.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It's beyond our control why worry about it.

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