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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Was Jesus a conservative or a liberal?

He led without a mandate. He taught without a script. His common sense parables filled people with promise and compassion, His words forever inspiring.

He never condemned what others believed – just sin, evil and corruption.

He helped the poor without one government program. He healed the sick without a government health care system. He feed the hungry without food stamps. And everywhere He went, it turned into a rally, attracting large crowds, and giving them hope, encouragement and inspiration.

For three years He was unemployed, and never collected an unemployment check. Nevertheless, he completed all the work He needed to get done. He didn’t travel by private jet. He walked and sailed, and sometimes traveled on a donkey.

Herman Cain

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus was neither.... the king of kings can't be reduced to a political ideology

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Neither, as christians are keen on declaring, he became not political. That reported. professional-existence Anti-conflict Anti-loss of existence penalty not attracted to making a income Healed the ill for unfastened Fed 1000's on the sermon on the mound, for unfastened. sounds like what like modern Christian Conservatives might call a commie socialist or liberal.

  • 10 years ago

    J.C. was Obviously a Hard-Core Liberal

    Matthew 19 : 21

    Matthew 19 : 23-24

    Mark 10 : 24-25

    Luke 6 : 20

    Luke 18 : 24-25

    and Clearly J.C. was NOT 'apolitical'

    Mark 12 : 14 - 17

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He was a realist and a radical . he told the people their thoughts would lead to action . If you see a man hungry then feed him . He threw the money changers out of the house of God . meant it for our hearts too . Then he told the people they didn't need the Pharisees and the dogma and rules , they just needed to turn to the Father . I and the Father are one ... That one got him thrown in a Roman prison ....

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  • 10 years ago

    Jesus is apolitical. I hate how people from both sides of the spectrum are willing to commit blasphemy just to illustrate a point.

    He was God in the flesh who lived among men.

    Source(s): Social/Fiscal Conservative
  • 10 years ago

    Jesus was both; he followed tradition; except where it strayed from the true path - Cons.

    He helped the needy, the desperate, the poor in spirit - the true sense of being a liberal - help without turning the one you are helping into someone dependent on you for everything in life.

    He never condemned rich people in the sense of them having money; he condemned their love of money over their fellow man.

  • Socialist liberal, definitely pro life.

  • 10 years ago

    He was a man who lived in a ancient era. Trying to make Jesus Christ a modern day ideaological trophy is kinda pathetic.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I would say he was a conservative. He always taught individual salvation and responsibility for ones actions.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    so, if a gov. tries to do what Jesus did... heal the sick, feed the poor... it's a bad thing?

    you tell me, cons rail on the poor for being lazy, worthless trash...

    liberals try to help them... maybe sometimes the wrong way...

    but, which do you think fits the bill more?

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