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Anonymous asked in HealthMental Health · 10 years ago

Please read this, I am NOT trolling!!?

ALOHA. If you're going to suggest I'm a troll, please leave.

Alright, if any of you are familiar with the condition, synesthesia, I congratulate you! I have synesthesia, mostly colored hearing, colored letters/numbers, and colored taste (just a bit) and rarely my mirror-touch synesthesia spikes up.

If you have no idea what synesthesia is, do go here:

And again, it is not associating as most people commonly think it is. And they say, oh oh I have synesthesia, because chocolate seems like the color blue to me! When really, for me, if I eat chocolate, in front of me, about two feet away, just floating there, in my vision, is a light baby blue that is sort of stripey and shiny. The darker the chocolate the more purple the color gets.

Alright, now that you know I have synesthesia, I'd like to put something else out there:


Now, when you google them, there is a wiki page saying the aura is paranormal, or something like that, though it's been covered by science as well. Look up aura if you don't know what it is.

I went to get an acupuncture because I read the book A Mango-Shaped Space, about a girl with synesthesia. She got an acupuncture and she saw like rainbow bubbles, and people auras, and everything. I desperately wanted to try it. So I did, and all my colors were enhanced like crazy. But not only that, but every person, animal, or thing had an aura, a colored glow around them. I could tell what people's moods were, if they were lying, or not, and when someone touched something, their color was left there. They left trails of their color as well. It was CRAZY. It stayed for a day and then it started fading. I can still barley see it now, but it's pretty much gone, sadly.

DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE? I have read a few places the relationship with synesthesia and auras, but I'm still confused. I felt magical. And also kind of high. And I am not on drugs right now, just to clear that up.

Anyone out there know what I'm talking about?

Oh, and you should read A Mango-Shaped Space, it's a good book.


Nevermind.... -.-

I guess people aren't very intelligent on here. You'd know what I was talking about if you read my question.

Update 2:

@The kawaii

the word believe is shimmery and green, and has like sharp edges. the color b is green and shimmery too, but the ee sounds add a gold tinge to it.

Update 3:

There are also like tendrils and balls that go off and onto other people's colors. people leave their colored smears on things they touch.

Update 4:

Oh haha and i'm never on drugs, not just "right now". I suppose my question isn't clear.. I was kind of freaking out about it thinking it was so amazing, so I just wanted to know if anyone else had heard of this.

18 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't tell you how it happened, but it doesn't seem like a massive leap. I would wonder how the colours themselves relate to lies or feelings unless you asked the people you saw.

    Having said that, there is an argument that all humans have the ability to read energy as well as other 'psychic' things and that its just a case of unlocking it. It could be that it worked, it could be psychosomatic because you wanted it to happen you believe that it has.

    Either way it is pretty interesting.

  • 10 years ago

    I think to be able to see auras is amazing.

    Perhaps the acupuncture tuned and enhanced your synesthesia to the point that all of your senses would combine in a way that will let you see auras. Since synesthesia allows you to hear colors, feel sounds and taste shapes that might have opened up to say, another sense. One that is called the sixth hidden sense, that allowed you to see those glows around people. Which again, I think is amazing. It's like having an extra vision, sort of like the eyes of a mantis shrimp that can see far better and far broader than humans. It is as if you can see the light (aura) that people emit through their emotions which you may sense but actually see.

    I think everyone can sense other peoples auras or emotions to say, but you were actually able to see them.

  • 10 years ago

    okay, first of all, in reference to your second paragraph you do have synesthesia even if you don't SEE the colour blue. However, it is different from the synesthesia you have.

    There are many different kinds of synesthesia, and you can (for most syns) have two different kinds- associative or projected. YOU have projected because you really see the colour, but if you have associative then you can just relate the colour. I have associative, and please say I do not because I can list the whole alphabet to you in colours and same with numbers, anything I feel...well...pretty much everything.

    There are also different kinds, you can learn about them here-

    BTW, I'm reading the Mango shaped space soon and I'm really excited! Sadly, I have to finish a stupid book for school before I read it -_-

    I have associative auras too. I can always sense people's emotions, in fact, not just with colours but I can like feel when someone is angry and I get like REALLY uncomfortable and just want to crunch up into a ball. When they're really happy I can tell and I'm happy they're happy, and when they're annoyed I can tell too. Also, emotions have colours. This is associative, like I said before.

    For example-

    happy- green

    angry- red the more angry the darker.

    sad- blue

    anxiety- red


    Also, I can tell you the aura for objects. Like the area on the apple farthest away from the stem is pink, although I don't actually see it as pink it's just projected.

    BTW, if someone says that A is red but your A is blue that DOES NOT MEAN they don't have synesthesia. EVERYONE sees/imagines them as different colours, it's rare to find two identical alphabets.

    I have synesthesia, MANY kinds in fact (rare and not, but no projected.

    I can translate anything to colours. You name it. I don't SEE them as colours, but I can tell you what the colour is. Like I said before this is called associative and is actually more common than projected. Also, I can translate sounds into shapes but not any other sense I can translate into shapes (except the smells of some foods)

    For example-

    Triangles are always green, squares are always blue, acute angles are always pink and circles are always orange. High pitched sounds are trianges, medium sounds are squares and low pitched sounds are circles. :)

    I also have OP (object personification.) this is where I give objects personalities. (btw I also give the alphabet letters personalities and genders!) For example- my glasses are rude (idk why I got those!) and my headphones are sweet and shy :) Don't get confused, they don't actually TALK to me, I just know the personalities.

    Here is an online synesthesia community that I use where the people are really nice and don't think your weird when you say, "This girl I met was very, very bright red." xD You can ask whatever you want about synesthesia and you can also answer questions about synesthesia on there. When I found out I had synesthesia and most people weren't like me (got this info from a NOVA show on the brain) I was on my laptop non stop figuring out all I could and when I found nexus I made an account as fast as I could. You sound something like me because you seem to be really interested in the topic. I remember when I found out I didn't realize you could be associative and I thought I didn't have it but then I found out that a lot of synesthetes don't see the colour they just associate it with whatever it is they see colours in. I was soooo excited when I found out :) <---nexus

  • 10 years ago

    You make a number of statements, but it is not really clear what your actual question is, or whether there is one. But what does come through -between the lines maybe, or even mixed in amongst all the colours and shapes, is that you may be wondering whether you can return to that elated feeling that you are referring to. Possibly this could be achieved by a further acupuncture treatment. But what you experience is not that common and I would strongly suggest that you get a medical opinion on what exactly happened, why and whether it is even advisable to seek to return to that stage? You also hint by stating And I am not on drugs 'right now'. Do not go chasing that same high again without getting it checked out first. To do so might aggravate an already difficult situation for you and take you further from (what most of us perceive to be) normality. Good luck with it all anyway.

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  • 10 years ago

    Oh, yeah, definitely! Colors and auras are related, and I know about the book you’re talking about. Don’t be freaked out- it’s a normal thing for people with synesthesia for stuff like that to happen- especially after something like acupuncture. It’s just like in the book- things should happen the same way for you as they did for her.

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    You have typed a full page of description. The wonderful part is - it is difficult to know where your main question is hidden.

    In the end you are asking: Anyone out there know what I'm talking about." I am actually not able to hear what you are talking. There is no sound at all. Of course I am able to read the whole thing. It is not having any head or tail. I am not able to imagine very fast like you. Basically I am weak in grasping. If I read when my mind is refreshed and recharged in the early hours of the morning, I may get some idea.

    Nobody can ever know how this can be possible.

    By the way what you are showing now is it a miracle or magic. Based on that I will give best answer.

    Source(s): own
  • Kailey
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I respectfully don't know what you are talking about, but that definitely does NOT mean that I, or anyone else aren't intelligent. I have heard about synesthesia in a book called Out Of My Mind. As for the paranormal part of it, I don't know what to believe, but maybe you could see a psychic medium, or someone else who has felt this. I sounds like an amazing gift, to me.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    One might want to no longer disturb or have rag or dwesh, then it isn't sin otherwise sin to react on trolls is sin. God realised soul, sturdy of ideas (Sthitapradnya) Raga dvesha viyuktastu visyan indriyascharan atmavashyai vidheyatma prasadamadhe gacchati financial ruin 2- sixty 4 Srimad Bhagavadgita.

  • 10 years ago

    Just to put it out there, I believe you. I can't say what could have caused it, because I don't have your condition nor have I ever heard of it happening before, but it does seem like you are being honest about this. My best suggestion would be to find a support group/forum for people with your condition and talk to the members, see if anyone has had similar experiences, etc. Best of luck :)

  • Violet
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    As someone who has a touch of synthenesia (not as strong as yours, but still makes itself known), I do believe you. Accupunture is a therepeutic art that's known to do all sorts of things to people, because it deals with pressure points along people's "energy channels" and "chakra".

    While I doubt anyone else but you or someone else who's gone through this can effectively understand what happened, I suggest contacting someone who studys synthnesia and describing it to them to see if they have any answers or at least have heard of it. Who knows - the two of you could have discovered something that scientifically proves auras!

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