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Mormonism? What do you think?

Joseph Smith founded this form of Christianity in the 1820s. Really? Brigham Young a man mormons refer as a modern day Moses. Really?

As an agnostic I choose to have no religion but don't disbelieve in the possibility of a God. There are just too many religions for me to handle but Mormonism seems the least legitimate.

Mormons believe that around 500 BC a small group of people sailed to the Americas. A new testament of Jesus Christ was written (By Nephi and then many other authors as time passed). Eventually the gold plates that the testament was written on was to be burried by Moroni to be later recovered by Joseph Smith and translated

Some of their beliefs are that:

* Jesus came to the America's shortly after his ressurection.

* Jewish people settled in the Americas in 500 BC.

* Joseph Smith was a prophet that translated the golden plates into the Book of Mormon.

* That the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints is the one true Church restored as Jesus Christ meant it to be.

* The only way to go to Hell (perdition) is by ultimately knowing that Jesus is your saviour and still denying him. (Wow!! Sounds easy enough, where do I sign up?)


Well if your going to make up a religion you might as well do it all the way like Scientology. Mormonism plays off Christianity because Joseph was too f*cking lazy to start from scratch.

Update 3:

Ammon giving more money and aid does not make your religion legitimate. This is clearly about common sense. In other words, If people religion lead them to believed that (fecal matter was God) but gave billions and billions of dollars to charities and foreign aid does that make their religion more legitimate?

Update 4:

Zootal I don't disagree with you at all All religion is hard to believe. However, people came up with these stories thousands of years ago to control society and give them morals. It's all BS when it comes to religion. Religion started out with stories. One generation past on these stories to the next. Then came written language and the stories were then written down. Then came translations, differing interpretations and differing points of view.

Do you remember playing the Telephone Game? Most of you probably played it as a child. You would whisper a short sentence into someone's ear, and they would then turn and whisper it to the person seated on their other side. By the time the message had passed through a dozen people it was so different from the original it had everyone giggling hysterically. Religion is just like that, but factor in thousands of years.

Update 5:

In other words it seems more likely that the older your religion is, the easier it would be to believe in. Like being among the first people to hear the message in the telephone game. Mormonism is less then 200 years old making it the least legitimate denomination of the Christian religion.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a normal shovel full of BS - typical religion. But nice people for the most part.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I don't know what's weirder, Jesus walking on water or Jesus teleporting to the Americas after he died.

    To say Mormonism is much more weird than mainstream Christianity is an exaggeration.

    All religions are full of make believe stories that no sane person has any business believing.

  • Neerp
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I know, right?

    But it is perfectly believable that some guy stood on the ocean and waved his arms and the sea split in two, and some guy goes around healing the blind and deaf and sick, and when they kill him he comes back from the dead. Donkeys talk, angels talk to men all the time, etc.

    But it's not possible for a small group of people to cross the ocean on a boat? Or for a man to translate gold plates?

    How is this any less believable than the stuff you read in the Bible? You may not believe in either, but what makes one less believable than the other? Talking donkeys, old dudes splitting the ocean, people crossing the ocean in a boat, some guy translating gold plates - it all sounds the same to me.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Orson Hyde said; "Jesus Christ was married at Cana of Galilee, that Mary, Martha, and others were his wives, and that he begat children".

    Journal of Discourses vol 2 p.210

    Orson Pratt said; "The Great Messiah who was the founder of the Christian religion was a Polygamist.. .we have also proved that both God the Father and our lord Jesus Christ inherit their wives in eternity as well as in time".

    The Seer p.172

    The Mormon 'Jesus' is the spirit brother of Lucifer, who became Satan, the devil, and was born as a result of sexual relation between God the Father and Mary, who was no longer a virgin. Jesus was a Polygamist, married at least 3 women and begat children.

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a religious sect that believes that during the Assyrian Exile in the Old Testament (around 700 BC), a large group of Jews sailed across the Atlantic ocean on a roof and started a new society in Central and northern South America. That the Native Americans are descendants of this group.

    They had additional visions of God and his laws, recorded on a set of golden plates. This included a visit by Jesus himself in spirit form after his death but before his resurrection. They were taught may new doctrines, including the idea that God is a lien from a planet called Kobold where he has a wife and children, that Jesus and Satan are brothers, the true followers of God after death with become "Gods" over their own universes (just as God who was once human became the God of this universe.)

    They also believe that to be saved a woman MUST have children, that God requires each family to have as many children as possible to give bodies to spiritual beings waiting to be born as humans, and they did believe that a man was suppose to have multiple wives (their second leader had over 100) but received a new revelation against that after the US government threatened to jail them all.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Jesus is our Lord ans Savior. he's the Son of God and our brother. He atoned for our sins and died on the go so as that all of us could stay back. he's the middle and starting up of our faith. we do not trust Joesph Smith to be like a God, yet he does carry historic fee to us. We trust him to be a prophet very like Abraham and Moses. We keep on with is revelation an similar that lets keep on with the ten Commandments. we do not keep on with JS teachings, we keep on with the Lords teachings given to us by revelation by Joesph Smith. He like another prophet of previous became an device of God, providing coaching or maybe repremand to His human beings from God. He restored the gospel to the earth so definite there's a lot more beneficial teahcings of him and his existence and the arriving about of the restore, yet Jesus Christ is what our church relies round and we attempt to stay by His teachings both previous and those days printed. If it wasn't Joesph Smith it may were somebody else. The Lord could have His church be restored with or wothout J.S. If J.S. became not committed and keen to disclaim what he knew to be genuine, the Lord could have used somebody else. His paintings heavily isn't stopped, no remember what the competition. As for Diasymae, truly they were continuously stated as the Church of Christ, yet extra the latter day to tell apart themsleves later even as distinct different churches had an similar call. this can be contemporary in any historic past of the church both LDS documented and anti-mormon literature. desire that helped:)

  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Mormons give more to charity according to Income Tax Returns more than any other group of people in the World and no other group of people in the World is even in the same ballpark as far as that is concerned.

    THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints teaches people to be Good Samaritans.

    Is it crazy to be a Good Samaritan, is this what you are suggesting???

    Or perhaps you are trying to suggest that the more of a Good Samaritan a person is, the more crazy they are.

    Forget about what Jesus Christ said...

    be a narcissist instead.

    If Mormons are so crazy, then why is it that it isn't Mormons spending their life in a venereal disease clinic waiting room???

    Can agnostics and Atheists say the same???

    You can criticize Mormons all that you want, for all the good it will do you.

    I have found that the more people criticize Mormons, the more likely they are to have a life time supply of Valtrex. Simple as that. Chat. Learn.

    God bless.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Mormonism is the Scientology of Christianity. It's insane.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    If you're good mormon man married in the temple, your wife will be your baby factory to populate a planet assigned for you to be the god of.

    Source(s): Seventh-day Adventist
  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Mormonism seems wackier than Scientology? Then I assert you simply haven't looked into Scientology yet.

  • 10 years ago

    Once you decide to believe in an imaginary sky daddy, the details seem unimportant.

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