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What are some good songs to lift your sprit?
My friend recently had back surgery. It did not go as expected and now he can't feel or move anything from the waist down. His MRI came out ok but they are still running test. The doctors sent him to TIRR hospital in Houston for physical rehab. He is an alcoholic and going through a very ruff time. He needs any help to lift his sprits. I'm looking for songs like:
Carry Underwood-Something in the Water
1 AnswerRunning6 years agoHow to intimidate your daughters boyfriend on their first date? Suggestions?
I really don't want to do the whole, "Just cleaning my guns" thing. It's been done too many times, though I do have several guns. I really want to get this young man to resect my little girl. But I know what I was like when I was his age. However, most of the girls I dated in HS honestly had fathers that just seem burnt out trying or no father at all.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoAre we are own proof Aliens exist?
We certainly are proof intelligent life exist in the universe. Well some more intelligent then others.
11 AnswersPhilosophy7 years agoAre we are own proof Aliens exist?
We certainly are proof intelligent life exist in the universe. Well some more intelligent then others.
17 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years agoColt LE6920 or Daniel Defense M4V1 AR-15?
3 AnswersHunting8 years agoChristians, Jews, and Muslims, what do you think about this video?
Please watch the whole video before you comment.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWhat is normal? What is perfect?
If no one is perfect, and who is would not be normal. In fact the only thing that that is normal is our imperfections. So why do people fear others who are different then they? Why do they hate what they don't understand? Humans are smart aren't we?
5 AnswersPsychology8 years agoScorpion Vs Subzero who would win in a fight to the death?
If you could just give me a reasonable battle scenario based on their moves. Who would win? Be as detailed as you want but short and sweat works too.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoMy girlfriend and I don't have sex anymore?
We have been together for 7 years now. The first 2 years were very rocky, we would argue all the time. I was in a very weird place then and completely scared of what I was going to do with my life. Well, we decided to go back to college together and try to help each other though it.
Well, it turns out we made an amazing team. She help me pass College Algebra with a "B" a class I previously dropped twice before I met her. I would help her in every way I could but mostly with her research papers. We both ended up graduating with honors at the exact same time in Dec. 2010. She earned her teaching degree in Math and I earned mine in Communication Studies with a minor in Marketing.
I love her so much and lover her family too. I had planned to marry her as soon as I found a good job, but finding a job even with a degree was a challenge. She ended up landing a teaching position at a local middle school 4 months after graduation. Well, needless to say I was happy for her but became increasingly depressed. Because she got this job I felt I couldn't look for work outside our hometown. This just narrowed my options, and I live in Kingsville, Texas. It's not exactly a very big town and jobs are few and far between.
Well, after a year her mom said she could find me a job working with (CIS) Communities in Schools. I was desperate and completely bored out of my mind staying home all day applying for crap jobs near town. So I got the job and it turns out I love it. Thing is, her mom is my boss now. Don't get the wrong idea, her mom didn't hire me. She recommended me to apply to for a job opening because she new the old CIS person was leaving from her school. My girlfriends mom is the principle at the middle school I work at. Though her mom can't fire me directly, I can't keep my job if I don't have a good relationship with the administration and staff.
Work is not the problem. I love my job and everyone there is amazing. The kids are my favorite part of this job. They are mostly economically disadvantaged kids whose lives make you appreciate what you have been given.
But back to the problem. My girlfriend and I though we have a great relationship our sex lives are almost non-existent. She works so hard she is exhausted. I always try to get her in the mood but it's just not happening. We might have sex once every 2 months are so. Now, I don't want get married to a girl who doesn't find me sexually attractive anymore. Not only do I think she is tired but I also think she just lost sexual interest in me. Maybe it's because she makes more money then me as well. Maybe she feels like I'm not good enough anymore.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoWhy is it so hard to find a girl who loves to cook nowadays?
I have been in a number of relationships and the one I'm in now has lasted the longest. This girl loves to cook. When she moved in she brought over all her pots and pans, cookbooks, kitchenAid appliances etc. I have never heard of a crock pot before, I've seen one just never knew it was called that. Anyway out of all the others she has been the only one that can and loves to cook. Why? What happened to or ladies? I used to do most of the cooking in the past. It's nice to be told get out of the kitchen at let the master take over.
8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoOMG this is the coolest thing in the world!! What do you think? Must be born before 1987 to appreciate this!!?
On the top of this webpage is the alphabet. Click on any of these letters and you will find and be able to play 100's of NES game your looking for.
Click on the game screen with your mouse curser first then the normal controls will work! FYI: you can customize your settings!
Best answer goes to guessing my favorite NES game!!
Enjoy!! Let me know what you think. Please.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years agoMormonism? What do you think?
Joseph Smith founded this form of Christianity in the 1820s. Really? Brigham Young a man mormons refer as a modern day Moses. Really?
As an agnostic I choose to have no religion but don't disbelieve in the possibility of a God. There are just too many religions for me to handle but Mormonism seems the least legitimate.
Mormons believe that around 500 BC a small group of people sailed to the Americas. A new testament of Jesus Christ was written (By Nephi and then many other authors as time passed). Eventually the gold plates that the testament was written on was to be burried by Moroni to be later recovered by Joseph Smith and translated
Some of their beliefs are that:
* Jesus came to the America's shortly after his ressurection.
* Jewish people settled in the Americas in 500 BC.
* Joseph Smith was a prophet that translated the golden plates into the Book of Mormon.
* That the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints is the one true Church restored as Jesus Christ meant it to be.
* The only way to go to Hell (perdition) is by ultimately knowing that Jesus is your saviour and still denying him. (Wow!! Sounds easy enough, where do I sign up?)
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoWould you watch the execution of your family members murder?
I understand no one really wants to watch another person die. Life is precious, however some people don't deserve to live it. They were given the gift of life and abused it by taking it away from others. The people they kill are innocent average people like yourselves. They kill men, woman, and children. These people are notorious killers who if not imprisoned would kill again and again. Think of the abusive boy friend that went too far and killed his pregnant girlfriend because he didn't want the child. Or the husband who killed his wife for the insurance money. Think of the serial murderer who rapes his victims before he strangles them to death. Think of the sickos like Jeffery Dahmer who lured, drugged, raped, killed, then dismembered his victims. These people are on death row for a reason. What they did was not an accident, it was planned.
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years agoWould you want to watch an execution?
If it was a close family member who was killed by the person. Would you watch?
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years agowhat's a troll????????????
1 AnswerLanguages10 years agoWhat's an awesome wedding song for the first dance as husband and wife?
Im leaning toward Ottis Redding, "Thats How Strong My Love Is" but would love other opinions. If I haven't heard it I will look it up.
2 AnswersWeddings10 years agoWhat's the best song ever written? In your opinion.?
Just one answer, I know it's difficult to just pick one song but you have to choose.
6 AnswersLyrics10 years agoWhy would anything need to exist, without something to witness it's existence?
11 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago