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Rameshwar asked in Business & FinanceInvesting · 10 years ago

what is the best & safe way to invest money to get maximum interest?

i have some ammount of money for investment.i want a safe way to invest the money.

i am a retired person.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Banks FD and RD is the best option for investment. If you want to earn money on daily basis then Commodity market is the best option for you.

  • John W
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Best, safe and maximum all contradict each other. The safest would be a government bond and then it's only as safe as the likelihood of the government actually paying the bond. Therefore the safest investment are US Treasury bonds. Obviously the rates are abysmal on Treasury bonds but the reason why is because they are safe. Any other investments has a probability of loss. A company could go under and not pay their bonds, even municipal bonds have defaulted. You can buy insurance on the bonds and many municipal bonds have such insurance policies and if an insurance company goes under, the industry as a whole will cover the payments.

    However an economist by the name of Markowitz analyzed the effects of two asset categories, one being safer but with lower returns then the other. The safer category is typically bonds in general so some risk still exist while the riskier category is typically stocks in general. He found that a ratio of 25% equity (stocks) to 75% bonds had the lowest risk, even lower than a porfolio of 100% bonds. He also found that a portfolio of 50%/50% had the same risk as a 100% bond portfolio but much better returns. Therefore you will see conservative funds that have between 25% to 50% equity, moderate funds that are close to 50/50 and aggressive funds that are higher often greater than 80% equity. Markowitz never determined a limit to acceptable risk so he never defined how much risk is too much risk other than saying that it's up to the investor's judgement. Bernoulli who gave us hydrodynamics did determine a method of determining the most desirable risk 300 years ago but it's largely ignored as he's a mathematician not an economist. Others such as Claude Shannon and John Kelly also defined risks identical to how Bernoulli did and though the principles are used in telecommunications such as with the Internet, Shannon is an engineer and Kelly is a physicist. The 80% equity value comes from Ben Graham's book "The Intelligent Investor" where he recommends never going above 80% equity because you need some balance in order to rebalance the portfolio against if the market goes down.

    As a retired person, you should probably aim for the conservative portfolios with low fees. Granted they are not risk free, only the US Treasury bonds or insured bonds can be considered risk free. But they will have lower risks then investment grade corporate bonds and better yields.

  • 5 years ago

    It depends on how much money you actually received, what you have EXPERIENCE in, and you need to start building a good credit score if you want to operate a business. I'm sure at 21, you don't have much of a credit history. With that said, if you had good credit, the best idea would be to purchase an EXISTING business, that you have EXPERIENCE in. So if you've worked retail before, and know about being a cashier, customer service, etc, then it would make sense to go buy a liquor store, or grocery store or something. The point of buying an existing business is that customers already exist, cash is already coming in, the employees are already trained, management might be in place, etc. You just come in and start making money, but buying an existing business is also more expensive (upfront) than building from scratch. I'd love to know how much cash you have, because I bet it's not as much as you think it is, when it comes to starting a business, especially without good credit. Oh, and every idea you mentioned above, was bad ideas. P.S. You still work as a business owner. It won't be as easy as sitting around and having money come in.

  • Raysor
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Possibly high grade corporate bonds. It depends on your attitude to risk. The safest option would be Gilts (and you might like to look at Index Linked Gilts to form part of your portfolio.) Yield about 3%. Corporate Bonds around 5%-6%.

    If you are looking for extra yield with security then one way is to take interest at the slight expense of capital. That is you buy a medium/long bond with a price over par. That will increase your yield (annual return) but at the end of the bond's life when it is repaid you will not get all of your capital back (say 7-10% less). If you have a reasonable amount of capital I suggest you talk to a stockbroker.

    It is not complicated but if you don't understand the principles then it is best to get a professional to guide you (or at least suggest the available options and possible outcomes).

    Why are some answers suggesting equities? He is retired, wants income and low risk investment.

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  • 10 years ago

    Equities (Stocks and mutual funds) continue to be the better options of investment. Researches show that a systematic investment in equities can give a handsome returns higher, as compared to any other investment instruments. However you should do careful research and then invest in the equities, otherwise the risks involved are too high.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


    SBI is the best & safe way to invest money to get maximum interest. so in this present time many offer to it is very positive and banifit interest.

  • 10 years ago

    Investment in stock is always give higher return but at the same time you need to be careful while choosing the stocks.....

  • 10 years ago

    Vanguard is a very reliable company at Call them up and talk to them. They services are the cheapest in the business but they are the best.

  • 10 years ago

    invest in real estate. real property market values never goes down. kinda long term though but a sure and solid investment.

  • 10 years ago

    Swiss banks have ALWAYS had the highest interest

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