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Stockbroker. 40 years investment experience. Own investment website

  • Why was my answer deleted?

    My answer was delted and my appeal turned down. Why??

    The question was: 'What happened to Pan Andean?'

    My answer: 'Hi Raysor,

    We're sorry, but upon review we found that the following answer was indeed in violation of the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines:

    "Taken over by Petrominerales April 2010 by way of a Scheme of Arrangement (done automatically without you signing for it). So you would have got 15p per share unless you moved addresses and didn't tell them. In which case you will be a dissenting shareholder"

    Violation Reason: Chatting / Not a Question or Answer / Incomprehensible'

    What idiot at Yahoo decided that reason?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • I still cannot understand Yahoo policy?

    I have asked this before: what are Yahoo playing at? This answer was deleted and appeal rejected (spam).Question was asking how a convertible preference could affect financial ratios.Answer "It could hypothetically affect some financial ratios. The conversion rights should be taken into account in the accounts (to give fully diluted figures)."

    The link was about diluted earnings:

    Violation Reason: Spam

    Go to the Yahoo! Answers Appeals Board:

    Does anyone understand their philosophy of denying viewers good answers?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Lori Anderson website updates?

    Anyone know if there any new movies on Lori Anderson's website? Say over the last two years or so. She must be getting on a bit now but....

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • What is the Yahoo Appeals Board?

    How do you go to the Yahoo Appeals Board. I have appealed against a deleted answer and received the following:

    Not sure what you are getting at, but it may be a question of liquidity. The price is usually based on a minimum order size (MMs) or the size on the order book. If your order is outside the size quoted by MMs then your trade price MAY be different. Let's say the price is $48-$50 in 1000 and you have an order to buy 10000: the price may be higher than $50."

    Violation Reason: Spam

    Go to the Yahoo! Answers Appeals Board:

    How can this be spam? Answered the question and then a link to my investment website for an article about Level2 prices:

    This is allowed by Yahoo: "it's OK to accompany a good, on-topic answer with a link to your website, blog, or email to offer more information"

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Answers violating Yahoo community guidelines?

    Is anyone fed up with good answers being deleted for apparently violating community guidelines? Recently I have had loads deleted. For example: Can't remember exact question but something like "what is EBITD and EBIT?" My answer: "They are just different ways of expressing earnings EBITDA is Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation. It is basically trying to express the basic earnings of the business. EBIT is obvious. While looking at balance shaeets, P&L etc. you need to look at all the figures and see whether they are a true reflection of the business and adjust them accordingly"

    Then quoted link to my website: to give a bit more detail about co. accounts and how they should be interpreted.

    According to the guidelines " Yahoo! Answers is a place to gain knowledge, not customers, page views, or dates. If you have years of experience in something, have a special hobby, own your own business, or if you are a knowledge partner, it's OK to accompany a good, on-topic answer with a link to your website

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Yahoo recent policy change?

    Yahoo Answers has changed recently. I have had quite a few excellent answers deleted (as against comm. guidelines. The ones that I appeal on I never get an answer to my appeal. And some even say: "..already appealed". What is going on????

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Expiry date options BP & Devon?

    What are the expiry dates for Devon $60 Calls Jan 2013 and BP $40 Calls Jan 2013.

    On Yahoo Finance it says (on the Jan13 option page) 18th Jan & 3rd Jan and on the actual page of the option it says 13th Jan & 13th Jan.

    13th Jan is Sunday??

    3 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • Who owns the copywrite?

    You commission an article to be written about a certain subject for publication. The article is written and paid for. Someone writes to the publisher for permission to use the article. Who owns the copywrite?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Who owns the copywrite?

    You commission an article to be written about a certain subject for publication. The article is written and paid for. Someone writes to the publisher for permission to use the article. Who owns the copywrite?

  • Expiring call options?

    Just out of the money call option (US) expiring today. Let's say it moves into the money before the close. I am told the option will automatically be exercised. Suely that's not right (unless they sell the ctock as well, at the same time). Anyone know what happens?

    3 AnswersInvesting9 years ago
  • Getting banned/penalised?

    Has Yahoo changed the way contributors get answers deleted or accounts banned?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products9 years ago
  • Maximum and minimum value in Excel?

    I know everything is possible in Excel it's just knowing how! I have a cell containing a DDE link to a share price and formula to give value of my holding (so value constantly changing). Just for fun I would like another cell to show the maximum and minimum values as they are hit. Like those thermometers that give you max and min temperatures.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Why do my shoes squeek?

    Why do my shoes squeek (seems to be the back bit). Why does the squeek move from left to right shoe daily (and sometimes both or none). AND.. is it contagious? My shoes started squeeking (about year old) and then my friend in the office, his (oldish) shoes started squeeking as well!

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Where can you buy Reverse Convertibles?

    Just read about Reverse Convertible Notes mentioned here

    Where can you buy them? Or are there ETFs?

    1 AnswerInvesting10 years ago
  • How would I set up a website like this?

    Is it fairly easy to set up a website like this.

    I want to get web exposure for my company and its products.

    2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing10 years ago
  • How do you find people interested in writing technology articles?

    Do you know any sites that bring together article writers (paid) and webmasters?

  • How do you find people interested in writing technology articles?

    Do you know any sites that bring together article writers (paid) and webmasters?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Excel query using DATES?

    I am using DATEVALUE to find the number of days between two dates and then multiplying that number by a daily interest amount. The first date is fixed and I have converted that to a DATEVALUE in H48. The second date is the current date (which increases each day!).

    So my formula at present is =DATEVALUE("1 July2011")-H48)*1.136986 where I have to update today's date manually. Is there someway I can substitute TODAY so that it will update automatically?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Just seen two Alfa Spider convertibles in Canterbury?

    Red and a black one. Around £13k ('57' 67000m). Is this the prettiest car ever?

    Trouble is they are supposed to be so unreliable. Anyone had/got one?

    2 AnswersAlfa Romeo1 decade ago
  • Zero rate VAT & other questions?

    I've probably been doing this wrong for years, but do you include zero VAT items in the input/output (total vale of sales/purchases)? As my accounting system includes all purchases and sales regardless of whether vatable or not, I just stick in the total.

    Also can anyone explain how you account for a reverse charge (or tax shift).

    2 AnswersUnited Kingdom1 decade ago