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The Unknowable cannot be known because...?

there is nothing to be known. i speak here of, not God (whom so many see as an entity which bears multiple and often conflicting descriptions), but of our very source, Source/The Absolute Itself. Wouldn't it be fair to say That, out of which we arise and in which we have our Being, cannot be revealed because It is without qualities...It simply is? Therefore, without qualities, there is nothing to describe or even know. Yet That is our root of Being, our Home (speaking figuratively).

This surely is the great realize we are That in Its unknowable vastness. There is nothing to comprehend...there is only to Be, unidentified with anything, including Source. It is impossible to "identify with" That (implying a separate existence), for we already are That. Only the mind plays the game of hide and seek, ever looking outward for That, while in Truth we both contain and are contained in That which we are. Even these words cannot come close enough to convey the unmanifest, which is an expansive, beginningless and endless nothingness. Yet it is in the very nothingness that the harmony of existence is known. Once realized, we abide effortlessly in the peace, harmony, joy, stillness, silence. This is what the masters have discovered and how they are able to Be, without any ripples disturbing their equanimity. Whatever comes does not trouble or touch them, for they no longer identify with anything. They remain in the Unknowable, Unexpressible, Unchanging Reality.

23 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    What an Excellent matter explained in the second paragraph of the question !

    Yes 100% true that Unknowable cannot be known ! I fully agree !!!

    It is better to be a part of Universe and experience and wonder the events !

    In fact this may the true Enlightenment !

  • 10 years ago

    How I see it:

    Love goes both ways through stillness and emptiness and spirals around. And all life is full life on all levels of subtlety in all aspects and dimensions. So it's an infinite positive integrated reality spanning throughout space and time. And the bubbles collapse and expand, and there is force to destroy and return to nothing and force to break out. But that's confusion and separation and fear, but trust and wholeness and mystery are different with a different attitude involved. And creation and return are the same thing with love going both ways and in all directions around the calm because nothing is separate at all. And all walls can dissolve. It's simply the difference between yes and no.

    When all the yes's are in place there's one more, because they all get switched on all levels, and after a while all switch back, so know the place of all no's as well and a tiny hole through which all is lost is a source of emergence in to full life which is all life.

    And all the ways are one way, because they are all part of creation and return and part of full life, that occurs subtly and not so subtly, and on a minute and macro scale. And all is real and all experience is valid, open and all inclusive. And nothing is as a seed, and all else is as a flower that grows opens seeds and dies. In the cycles of life, what comes from the seed occurs with what steps back from the seed, and that's what all good or God is, creating and calling, manifested in all life, from the foaming minute energy throughout everything. So the silence reconnects with all and with it's "source". Because the mystery is within the silence not vanishing from it, and the ripples go in and out. That's the expression, without which nothing is nothing and nothing else, but with it nothing is part of all and not separate either.

    And there is trust and purpose. And the purpose is always what's best for all, in manifold expression as one purpose. And it is both the unchanging and the ever changing. Harmony and a beat, because all pulses like a heartbeat or breathing and a symphony of everlasting life. "Vibrations" = living, so living God. And it is not just silence, it's a route, but it's one with all things. Spiritual and natural at the same time.

    We are not disconnected or just in silence and joy and stillness because there is empathy and we are in life, and so a part of the turning of the soil so that the calm expands and in life we have an optimum level of stress, because we are receptive and active and that is in living in physical life, and a co-creative purpose and the spreading or the expressible forming into greater pace and harmony through that. So we are as a conduit through which something fills to lift us and all up. And it's the abundance that refills the joy while it's expression flows.

    There is the power, the silence and the changing image. Three in one. What sources and what moves in life force on many levels of subtelty. Both these aspects are one. And it is the greater love that is unlocked as the veils drop.

    All that we are, all that all is, is the awakening. And the unidentifying with anything, is also the identifying with everything, because the nothing is the expanse encapsulated within everything, and the sacrifice hidden behind nothing the expression of the love and the love returning to.

    With masters, it's the ripples that disturb seeming equanimity that return them deeper into it on a more subtle level, because they have understood the process and know such things are triggers to undo what more subtly stands in the way, as the love and humour comes back out and the way is led, that troubles are the source of undoing of troubles and so there are none. They are more than being, because they are fully aware and receptive and responsive. And ripples carry away any subtly remaining debris. So they identify but in a different way, in a way that dissolves the downside of empathy and transforms negativity into positivity, so there is no downside. They are returning, repositioning, spanning, all as one. And it's as a jet stream reaching out and touching and lifting, lighting the way. Energy transforming.

  • 10 years ago

    I'm not sure I can agree with the idea that what Knows cannot allow Itself to be known. Knowledge is a state of awareness and What Is is fully Aware of Itself.

    A wave that is completely absorbed in being the wave cannot know the ocean from which it has it's being. When the wave turns it's attention within it becomes aware that it is the Ocean itself having taken form and then it knows it's Source and becomes aware of It's True Nature as the Ocean while still remaining a wave. When it finally subsides back into the Ocean it's awareness is that of the Ocean.

    It is by conscious awareness that every atom of creation exists without a single one being left unaware. What Is is fully aware and thus knows It's creations point and purpose. Therefor we, being make in It's image are also capable of knowing. The subtle difference is that the ego/mind level of knowing cannot know the subtleties of Spiritual awareness and cannot discern them. That is the level at which nothing Real can be known but only what is apparent.


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Being= The Supreme God. I like what you are trying to transmit, but, there are those who believe(without proof) in God, and so few who know God(proof) as an entity, but still it is an honor either way, if you can replace proof with master you will see a little deeper into a place unknown. I will tell you what is taking place, all people either program, manipulate, instigate, stimulate, or inspire, themselves, others and all spirits, it takes a master to move a mass. The entity is alive, why it chooses so few masters can be debated for ages without agreement. Maybe even the Heart that abuses the power that is given by this choosing. Belief is eradicated by actuation in you, you know the Being exists, now it is know, now the belief is placed in the world, what is going to happen tomorrow, what the nations will do, what masses will mass together, it is reasoning outside our little circle, point being, I know there is a spirit, but what about the rest ? The Mass.

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  • taya
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Good argument. Well, if you have called it 'Unknowable' then the debate ends there. How to know something that is unknowable? If you know it then it is not Unknowable. Your argument smacks of Sufism, of pure Existence, of actual experience and not just words. Simply so. But to say it has no qualities would, I think, be too simplistic. I would rather say it has all the qualities. Just like sunlight has all the colours of the rainbow in it, yet it appears to be without colour. But unless and until one actually experiences oneness with Reality, with Existence, it would simply be semantics. Once you have gained actual experience then you will know that words simply cannot describe it. The actual experience is poetry, bliss, while words seem so empty. Words can only pass messages, dry messages, never the actual experience. That is why those who have experienced have so little to say. They simply cannot say because there is no way their words can convey the experience. They know it but they cannot pass their experience to you. So they give you hints. It's frustrating telling you something knowing full well that you will never understand.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think there is more than one thing at play here.

    1. There seems to be a kind on 'Nekker cube' effect, wherein that which has always been plainly visible in front of one's face suddenly becomes apparent. This Awakening to the obvious is not something which the individual can 'do'. It comes through grace - or it doesn't come at all. (I'm still standing in the queue but aren't you impressed with the way I sound as though I know what I'm talking about? :-)) )

    2. We are not outside of the Unknowable and thus cannot perceive it as something apart from ourselves. As Meister Eckhart put it, "The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me."

    3. And here I paraphrase David Carse who, in Perfect, Brilliant Stillness, puts it so well. All there is is pure Awareness. There IS nothing which is aware, just pure Awareness.

    Lovely post, my friend

  • 10 years ago

    This is interesting... for your question in itself is a paradox. Since you have already defined that which you are trying to define, as 'unknowable', you leave no room for knowing it. But then there is the paradox. For by defining that it is 'unknown', you have already started to define that which is 'unknowable'. So you have made a start because now at least you know one quality of that which is 'unknowable' and that quality is that it is 'unknown'. So if you were born in the matrix of 'unknowable' , do you think that you might as well be 'unknowable' to that which is 'unknowable'. For, if 'unknowable' is a quality of the 'unknowable', then it is YOUR quality as well.

    So is your question answerable or unanswerable? Did we walk on a paradox just to create another. But then isn't that natural for that which is creation. And that is the experience. And that which is 'unknowable' knows it through our knowing. Which brings us to a new place that even the 'unknowable' does not know everything. In this matrix of the 'unknowable' we are being eternally created and through our creation of SELF is created the knowledge of the experience that we have. The experience that we have was otherwise 'unknowable' to the 'unknowable' till we brought it to surface and made it 'known' to the rest of the universe.

    Even more interestingly, the paradox ends in a Big Bang, where the 'unknowable' meets the 'unknowable' aspect of you and discovers itself beyond all the discoveries that ever were. Masters eventually discover that they are the source of all discovery of the 'unknown'. The 'unknowable' knows more of itself as it experiences you through you.

    This is the leading edge my friend.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Revelation 20:12

  • 10 years ago

    The Unknowable cannot be known because ...truth is of neither space nor time but of some other dimension, or all dimensions, or some other undefinable realm yet to be realized and actualized because it is outside, or inside, our range of awareness.

    This whole system(society) that we have created is an extension of our deepest hopes and dreams...and fears and insecurities. The "reality" of society is defined from scientifically controlled, measurable, and predictable experiments and all else is pseudoscience, quackery, or conspiracy which means that society's reality is only as good as the tools we have to measure certain realms of existence(thought aka movement thru time) and non existence(no thought aka movement thru space). And seeing as how our tools are all inventions of mind it leads us to realize that our reality is little more then thoughts manifested into tools which measure our manifestations. This type of circular system will get us nowhere.

    I am getting way off topic here but i think what i am trying to say is that science will not give us answers, religion will not give us answers, spirituality will not give us answers, numerology, astrology, philosophy, beliefs, thoughts; they all lead to more questions even if the seemingly higher level of analysis appears to be involved....we will never know the answers that we desire.

    Surrender to paradox, accept the unknown, be kind and gentle.

    so what now?

    I am serious.

    What does one do now?

    Once you are done experimenting with movement thru time(brain analysis) how does one commit fully to movement thru space?

    The old man would walk all day with his horses..he rode them a lot of the time but he also liked to just walk right beside them....sometimes he had a place to go perhaps the grapefruit orchard to pick, perhaps the hot spring to take a dip, maybe visit with a buddy....but even if he had nowhere to go he always said to me he said "You just gotta keep moving Bodhi".....

    this didnt make sense to me at the time but as i have accepted the unknown and surrendered to the paradoxes that bug me i have very little use for the dimension of time as it is only useful to the analyzing mind........

    So now we must move....

    "Exodus...movement of Jah people"

    ~Bob Marley

  • 10 years ago

    For one who believes that OMNIPOTENCE (i.e., Infinite Good) is the only reality of which all matter (including each of us) is a part---a Hologram, really, there is no such thing as "the unknowable."

    I even sense that infants are born KNOWING, descending as they do into the low-frequency slow-moving physical plane of illusion from the Cosmos (the All, the Omnipotence). What infants do not have at birth is a SENSE or STRUCTURE for their knowing, and this then becomes their "life" experience---to learn what they KNOW through the "naming" or structuring of their materialized beingness.

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