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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 10 years ago

Are people who say Michael the Archangel is Jesus Christ aware of the pagan and church tradition about him?

I was doing some research into Michael the Archangel and found this information about angels in a library book:

Michael the Archangel features in Christian, Judaic, Islamic and Celtic writings. He is portrayed as an intercessor and is supposed to help humans achieve world peace. He is there to protect and is the patron saint of police officers and military personnel. He is assisted by a legion of angels known as the "Band of Mercy." Michael is portrayed as holding a sword and a shield. He is supposed to send feathers to humans as a sign of his presence. Apparently, his aura is bright royal purple and this light is supposed to be connected to Christ. On a practical note, he is credited with being very good at fixing electrical and mechanical problems.

This came as something of a surprise to me, and I wanted to know if what I read is acknowledged and accepted by Roman Catholics, Muslims or Jews.

Also, do people like Jehovah's Witnesses realise this background information about Michael the Archangel? After all, they say he is Jesus Christ. Surely, no Christian would not want to subscribe to any teaching that had its basis in pagan or unchristian origins.


Jim has pointed out the Roman Catholic traditional aspects about Michael the Archangel, although it would be nice to have some sources to look at. The other stuff is probably from the pagan, Celtic writings. I would love to hear about the Judaic and Islamic views of Michael the Archangel.

Update 2:

Regarding the Trinity (for the benefit of Kawiaka), in the book "Egyptian Religion", Siegfried Morenz notes: “The trinity was a major preoccupation of Egyptian theologians… Three gods are combined and treated as a single being, addressed in the singular. In this way the spiritual force of Egyptian religion shows a direct link with Christian theology.” However, the next sentence goes on to say: “In order to avoid any gross misunderstanding, we must at once emphasize that the substance of the Christian Trinity is of course Biblical: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The three are mentioned alongside one another in the New Testament, probably for liturgical reasons.” Why did the WTS deliberately stop their quotation prior to this sentence? Why did they not want the readers of the Trinity booklet to know that Morenz says the Bible teaches the Trinity doctrine?

Update 3:

Re quotation from Morenz - it is absolutely essential that people quote in FULL, and not mislead by using partial quotations. Yes, it is necessary to take the first sentence and put it into context with what came after. To fail to do so is scholastic dishonesty. If, as Jehovah's Witnesses claim, the origins of the Trinity doctrine is pagan, and it is wrong to use anything of pagan origin in worship, would it also be wrong to be associated with a pagan teaching about Michael the Archangel?

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Show us the 1 passage in your bible claiming that Jesus is Michael the Archangel and this guy will give you $144,000. Go to this website to submit your answer and please let me know your answer as well. Arrogance and pride is sinful in the eyes of God and a god like you claim. Your comments are quite insulting.

    @Mindy-you quote "Yeppers, we most certainly do, however, why on earth would we care to indulge in teachings that are not of God's Word of Truth, the Holy Bible?"

    You actually did quote from a would-be apostate called Terullium in some of your previous responses to other questions. Sounds like you indulge in some of his teachings.Who's calling the keddle black?

    Answering your question: you are right in saying that Michael the Archangel is a POWERFUL BEING of LIGHT and assists those who call upon him. God sends his angels, also in human, to help those in need. Some call them spirit guides. Michael The Archangel is separate from Jesus and is not Jesus. No where in the scriptures states such nonsense stating Jesus is Michael the Archangel. He is a separate being.


    It's interesting how the JWs EVEN quote from a WOULD-BE-APOSTATE-Terullium- who never mentions Jesus being Michael the Archangel/ a god.....In fact, he believed in the TRINITY, a soul which can be tormented in hell and the Crucifixion which of course the JWs do not believe. This is just one of many example of JWs picking and choosing what fits into their CONTRADICTING belief system.

    Anyway here is some more info. for you:

    "According to Judeo Christian teachings, the great archangel Michael is thought to have been referenced indirectly as far back as the book of Genesis. It it taught that it was Michael who stood guard at the gate of Eden, making sure that the tree of life was kept safe. It is also taught that Michael was the angel who facilitated the publishing of the Decalogue for the Jewish people, who blocked the way forward for Balaam, and who vanquished the army of Sennacherib. Christian scripture also refers to Michael directly by name, such as in the Book of Jude, it states that Michael has a confrontation with Satan over the body of Moses. Michael is also mentioned in the Book of Revelation, where it states that there was a great war in heaven, and that the archangel Michael with a legion of his followers fought the great dragon. This is a reference to Michael defeating his brother Lucifer, and then casting him and his followers out of heaven for all of time.

    As stated repeatedly within Jewish rabbinic teachings, the archangel Michael has served and continues to serve as the protectorate and guardian of the promised land of Israel. On numerous occasions within Old Testament scripture, Michael had to battle with the angelic princes of other nations, such as his conflict with the angel Samael, an evil accuser of Israel. It is also taught that Michael was the angel that saved Abraham from the burning furnace that he was thrown into by Nimrod. In a likely more well known story, Michael was credited as the angel that stopped Isaac's father from sacrificing him. There are numerous other Old Testament scripture that include Michael interacting directly with both Jacob and Moses. In more contemporary Jewish teaching such as Kabbalistic traditions, the archangel Michael is regarded as the protector of not just the state of Israel, but of all the Jewish people, regardless of where they reside.

    The Islamic faith recognizes four separate archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Azrael, and Isfrafel. Within Islamic traditions and literature, the archangel Michael is referred to by name as Mikha'il or Mikal. Islamic teachings state that Michael dwells within the seventh heaven, and has wings of beautiful emerald green. He is mentioned just one time in the holy Qur'an in Sura Chapter 2 verse 98. In this scripture Michael is described as an angel of good, who brings peace and prosperity to all of mankind. In this same set of scripture, it is also reaffirmed that it was Michael and two other archangels who visited Abraham, the same teachings held by Christians and Orthodox Jews. Within Islam Michael is closely linked with the great archangel Gabriel, with both appearing together while carrying out numerous duties for God himself, such as comforting Adam and Eve after they are both banished from the Garden of Eden for all of time"

  • 6 years ago

    The Archangel Michael is actually Jesus Christ. I too found it hard to accept at first till I did some intensive studying. I also found out that Lucifer was Jesus' brother. Most shocking of all was when I discovered God produced BOTH of them by having sex with his wife/one of his wives. I know this will sound blasphemous to many people bit it is true. God DOES have sex! Angels have sex too.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    the only biblical verses about Michael are that he is an archangel; one of God`s chief messengers. In Revelations he fights against the devil and his angels, but that is it. That is all the bible says and everything else has been added by people. Jesus is the only son of God and not one of his angels. Jesus is not Michael and Jehovah`s witnesses cannot back that up.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I did know that Michael was the patron of police and military and what Jim pointed out about the Catholics, but I was not aware he had any significance to the Celts. How interesting!

    We already know Jehovah's Witnesses are selective in what ideas they will reject as pagan and what they will accept and ignore as pagan... We see from their misquotations in regards to the Trinity they have no interest in honesty... I've even seen them quote sources which say the Trinity is pagan because the Bible itself is pagan! They don't care about finding truth, they care only for misleading and decieving Christians.

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  • Lowly
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Jesus is not an angel, but is superior to angels. For a time, he was "lower than the angels". He is not a created being, as the angels are...

    There are some theophanies in the Old which an

    'angel of the LORD' appears. This may be an early appearance of Jesus. Check out the story in which the captain of the LORDs host appears to Joshua.

    He is not Michael the Archangel.

  • .
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    For those who do read the bible let us not forget what has been written.

    But the Spirit explicity says that in the latter times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to DECEITFUL spirits and doctrines of demons 1 Timothy 4:1

    This untruth can only be attributed to an evil spirit appearing as an angel of light, deceiving and misleading many.

    For there are certain men crept in unaware, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and DENYING our only God and Lord Jesus Christ- Jude 4

    For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the Living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers- 1 Timothy 4 10

    Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious APPEARING of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ- Titus 2;13

    another important scripture to clarify all this is found in Jude 9, here Michael the archangel is disputing with the devil about the body of Moses..Michael can not rebuke the devil and thus says..the Lord rebuke you. It is common knowledge that Jesus CAN rebuke that serpent Himself. Yet in this passage, Michael can not do this.

    " But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, :The Lord rebuke you"-Jude 9

    many are being deceived.It was told long ago that this would happen. we are warned about these things.

    Followers of men indeed believe that Michael is Jesus.

    It is sad to see them deeply deceived,lost and to deny Jesus what is rightfully His.

  • danman
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    It always intrigues me that Christians, Jw's, Mormon's, all speak of spirit creatures as if they have some special insight on the makeup of these unseen alien creatures. Stories of materialization, appearances, and vague references in the bible, allowing for strict interpretations of who, what ,where and when these unknowable creatures exist or existed. Pure arrogance and hyperbole.

    Who of any of the responders here has ever even seen an angel, let alone know it's rank or standing in the alien world of angles and spirit creatures? Not one of you.

    Reliance on 3,000 year old eye witness accounts as proof is the epitome of 'blind faith', which is responsible for most of the discord and violence found among those religions most reliant on such 'eye witness' reporting.

    If God the grand creator wanted mankind to know of his spirit creations and the ranks he assigned them, do you think him capable of releasing an up to date organizational chart? Or better yet a clear and concise message that would once and for all, clear up the very makeup of himself?

    Three in 1, trinity, omnipotent not omnipotent, son or no son, son living in heaven with a human body, the list is endless. The answers are all conjecture and guess.

    The bible provides no clear answer to any of these stalemate questions. Why oh why the intensity and fervor of one side vs another. NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE ANY OF THE ANSWERS. Yes jw that means you to, despite your unfounded confidence in the 'slave class' they don't know for sure either.

  • Daniel
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Charles Taze Russel, who founded Jw's, was a seventh-day Adventist before founding his group. SDA's also believe that Jesus and Michael are one and the same; so, that must be where Russell got it.

    The following article states that Ellen G. White learned about this due to a vision.

    "Recounting her vision of December, 1844, Ellen speaks of her and Jesus as "In a moment we were winging our way upward…" Seeing this, in the light of her calling Him "Michael the Archangel" (Desire of Ages pp. 99, 379; Spiritual Gifts Vol. 1, p. 158; Prophets & Kings p. 572) one is led to question if she did not, in fact, really view Him as just that—an angel! And if so, what of His deity and bodily resurrection?"

  • 10 years ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs about Michael and Jesus are drawn from the Bible. They did not draw their beliefs from pagan sources. Just check every JW publication that has discussed the topic - it appeals only to the scriptural evidence.

    You would have to ultimately prove that JWs derived their beliefs from pagan sources and did not reason from the Bible to make your point.

    Your argument seems to be based on the misconception that JWs reject anything and everything that pagans have ever done. This is ridiculous because the fact that pagans did *some* things wrong doesn't mean they did *all* things wrong.

    The fact that some pagan religions may draw some of their beliefs from the Bible that happen to be right doesn't mean that it is therefore wrong for true Christians to hold similar beliefs. And it doesn't mean that there's any meaningful connection between those beliefs and the beliefs of true Christians.

  • 10 years ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses base their knowledge of Michael & Jesus on the rendering by the Watchtower Society, so in less it the teaching comes from this source they will have little to nothing to do with it. That being said, I knew that Michael the Archangel was to be the Patron Saint of Police Officers. Many Police Officers wear this on their uniforms.

    As for the Trinity and the deceptive practice of deliberate stopping of a quotation that actually defends what they disbelieve. They need sources to back up their concepts and there is none that is creditable. So they take part of quotation from top scholars and apply, in part, that they can use to support their false doctrines, intentionally leaving out that part that disagrees with their concept. It works for their purposes, for most people will not take the time to check it out. You, like most good Christians see the ... in those articles know there is something missing and being the good Borean as you are, you look it up. Low and behold the missing part completely changes the ideal presented. But for the members of this organization, they are not to question such things. For you or me they don't care if we look it up. They have that covered as well, you as the "apostate" and me as the "opposer" are part of Christendom and we are trying to trick them and do Satan's work. So they are not to pay us any mind.

    The other information you brought forward is something I never knew and find it interesting purely as artistic thinking. Thank you for sharing that with us.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Most of what you have quoted is accepted by Roman Catholics - but I don't think that all of it is. The things that are believed by Catholics:

    - intercessor

    - protector

    - patron saint of police officers and military

    - sword (shield perhaps not so universal, but common)

    - Jim

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