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Michael asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

agree or disagree? - Gingrinch would be another McCain, if made the republican nominee.?

Supporting Gingrinch in the primary is the same as voting for Obama in the general election.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Newt is a useless fool - but then that's republicans. All they do is feed their Billionaire - they really have no further platform.

  • 10 years ago

    Newt is a much more nimble and aggressive debater than McCain ever was.

    That said... (and I could well be the only one in the country outside of family and staff who feels this way) I'd much rather have McCain holding the office than any candidate in the current field. I look at Congress and what's happened with the so-called "super committee"... no one has the courage to compromise. No one will risk budging one hair from the party line on either side for fear of being vilified by their own base - it's why absolutely nothing is getting done. Obama has proven that he's just another player along for the ride in the same political game. I know McCain has a firm grasp of his own principles and what's good for the country - and I know that when that hasn't coincided with his party he hasn't been afraid to go it on his own. Call me crazy, but aside from being "not-Obama", I really believe the country missed an opportunity for a president who could have done a lot of good for this country.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I disagree and here's why:

    The biggest mistake McCain made was his refusal to really go after Obama on alot of subject. Rev Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayer, etc. McCain refused to bring these subjects up and the campaign staff wasn't crazy about Sara Palin doing it either. Gingrinch is already going after Obama a several subjects small and large. Best example of this is his comment about TOTUS (Teleprompter Of The United States).'If he (President Obama) wants to use a teleprompter, then it would be fine with me.' (during a debate)

  • meg
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    If the GOP base could bring themselves to support a libertine with no honor he would do better than McCain, because they are the ones that really care about personal virtue. When the country is in a mess the rest of the voters are looking for competence and their worst nightmare is another Bush.

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  • 10 years ago

    I think the liberal media has figured this out and is playing up support of Gingrich. Most people I know are not supporting him and are for Romney.

    I do not trust anything they are saying.

    Vote according to your heart and not what the media is saying, it's the only way to do this thing right.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No, Gingrich will be supported because he is the only one who the leadership can support over Romney. When the convention happens Gingrich will be nominated, even if his numbers are less.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Agree. A vote for Gingrich is a vote for Obama. He's a morally bankrupt slime-ball who has absolutely no widespread appeal.

  • Di
    Lv 7
    10 years ago


  • LAN
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No. Gingrinch is the one that reigned in Clinton and made his Presidency such a success.

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