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Have you ever re-gifted a wedding present?

My husband has suggested re-gifting something we were given as a wedding gift and I am curious if anyone else has ever done this (or considered it)?

The item that we are considering re-gifting is a very pretty scrapbook album, wedding themed. I do alot of crafts, but I have just never taken to scrapbooking so it is really not something I could use. The couple we are considering re-gifting to is a couple we know well and we know the bride does scrapbook, so I think it is something she would actually use.

So, have you ever regifted, or considered regifting, a wedding gift?

Do you think re-gifting is ever OK, or would you rather the recipient holds onto the item - even if they wouldn't use it?


My husband & I normally give cash as a wedding present regardless of how well we know people, so our thought was to give them our usual cash gift plus the scrapbook as well.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would never expect someone to hold on to a gift if they are never going to use it.

    Bu that doesn't even matter. Gifts don't come with strings attached. Once the gift is given, it is totally at the descretion of the receiver.

    We received a few gifts I knew we would never use. Many of them were donated to the thrift store, and engraved items went in the trash.

    Don't feel bad. If the album is still in it's original packaging and looks new, go for it. If you genuinely think they will like it. But I have to say, there are so many scrapbooking styles these days, most people like to choose their own stuff.

    I just remembered. We also received a regift item on our wedding. It was very obvious because it wasnt in original packaging, although it was obvious the item was unused (the givers had been married one year before so it may well have been a gift from their wedding).

  • Blunt
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Re-gifting is acceptable, granted, it should be on a different social circle from where the gift originated. Make sure there are no tags, receipts or cards attached to the gift and the box.

    I think it would be a very nice addition to your cash gift.

    We did not regift as most of our wedding presents were cash, although I did consider returning, exchanging a Tiffany & Co. Crystal bowl that we did not care for, but we ended up keeping. What I do with unwanted gifts, I donate them to the Purple heart or the MS Association or Goodwill as I do not have the space to store unwanted items, I prefer someone else to enjoy it and for the charity to benefit.

    Good luck

  • 9 years ago

    I have one I would consider regifting if I could find a special soul who might like it. We were given this gigantic piece of metal wall art, which we don't even like, and takes up so much of a room we have to crowd our furniture to accommodate it. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit in any of our closets. While we appreciate the giver's generosity, we don't know what to do with this thing!

    I don't think regifting is all bad, so long as the item is in new condition, never used and you're not just passing along a gift that nobody wants. Your trash could be someone else's treasure! I would just make sure there are no ties to the people who gave it to you and the people you regift it to.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Since you are planning to give them an additional gift, too, I think there is nothing wrong with it.

    I received a re gifted item at my own wedding. A couple of our friends got married and received a kitchen gadget that wasn't on their registry. They had no clue what to do with it or why it was so awesome. I explained how the gadget worked and why it was an awesome gift. They never took it out of the box. Every time I went over it their apartment, I saw it still sitting on top of their fridge, unopened. They were not really doing well financially, so we weren't really expecting any gift from them. They ended up giving us the gadget for our wedding since it was clear I wanted one.

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  • 9 years ago

    I think it's fine even if you don't give them an additional gift. The only caveats are that you haven't used it yourself and that you have a reason to think they'd like it.

    I re-gifted a MOH gift once! It was my best friend, and she gave all of us these gorgeous Tiffany pearls to wear in the wedding. The problem is, I loathe pearls and she obviously didn't know this. So I gave them to my stepmom several years ago. She kept saying omg you spent too much money and I kept saying I got a good deal on them! But she loves the necklace and I never would have worn it.

  • 9 years ago

    I'm not a person who deals well with clutter so I don't keep things laying around I'm never going to use to be able to re-gift. Honestly I think it's tacky if they are good friends, I think it shows you don't think enough of them to get them something that you put specific thought into. If I didn't know them very well it might be a different story. If she hasn't seen it and the person who gave it to you has no chance of seeing that she has it then go for it I guess, but I would get them something else as well.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    As long as the scrapbook wasn't a gift from this couple you want to give it to, then I think it is okay. It's better that somebody gets to use it, than letting it dust down in storage.

  • 9 years ago

    My ex boyfriends mother did that for her 2nd sons bridal shower.She re gifted some stuff....i would never do it but to answer your question,yes,i know someone who did....


  • No, I haven't...just make sure you don't re-gift to the people who gave you the gift lol.....

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