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Can I download Broken Steel-Fallout 3?

Okay, so I have XBOX 360 and Fallout 3. I already beat the game once and I am about an hour or so into my second play-through. I want to download Broken Steel to get the level cap to 30 and extra ending. If i download it now, do I have to start over or can I just continue playing the same play-through I'm playing and get the level cap and the ending? And can I download it through XBOX 360 marketplace?

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Basically, with BS, if you enter the fathers favourite bible testament in the password locked thing, you survive, after that there is 3 more missions. Clues in the name, its an add on. it adds to the story. so no, you dont have to go to beginning.

    Source(s): 420 hours gameplay time on F3.
  • 9 years ago

    After installing Broken Steel you'll get message saying that the level cap has been extended and some other thing. You can download it from the Marketplace.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    After installing BOS Fallout 3 looses the ending and there is no more of it, i won't spoil you how to finish the first part of the game and how to activate the purifier without dying and if you manage to do it, you wake up later and go on with BOS after which the game is infinite like oblivion and skyrim. Yes, xbox marketplace has it.

    Source(s): I have 'em all on my box
  • pepin
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    nicely that bloody sucks. considering you downloaded it at that place you're unlikely to have the flexibility to do it on your annoyingcontinual. this is form of like a thank you to't proportion pc video games interior the experience which you ought to sign up each laptop game on this is own gadget, for that reason, combating piracy. i'm uncertain a thank you to restoration it however. Sorry mate. however the chap approximately me seems to be responsive to a lil bit extra suitable than the likes of me

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