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Lv 7

Should Christians fear death? Please see details.?


You may skip these details, if you wish. However, they are important.

One of my sisters experienced a ruptured bowel this past summer and was as close to death as one can get without actually dying. She was hospitalized for five weeks, three of which were spent in the IC unit on life support. It was touch and go for quite some time.

This particular sister -- while a believer in God -- was never particularly religious and holds no real opinions so far as religious beliefs, Biblical teaching, etc. She just lives her life and allows others to do the same.

One day, while talking about her experience, she related that upon waking that morning she knew something was seriously wrong, although she felt no pain. We suspect the pain medications she takes for rheumatoid arthritis kept her from feeling the pain of a ruptured bowel. Anyway, she showered, dressed, gathered a few things together, called for an ambulance and sat down to wait. It was at this point when she felt herself slipping away.

I need to state that my sister has always feared death, end times prophecies, etc. However, at this moment she knew she was dying. She felt nothing but peace. No pain. No fear. She stated to me that, if this is what it's like to die, then she's fine with it. There's no reason to be afraid.

Sorry for all of that, but I needed to set this up.

Enter my father and stepmother, who are both deeply religious. My stepmother sang in a gospel band and raised three ministers, so you get the picture. Anyway, when my sister related this story to my dad and stepmother, my dad remained silent (he's faced death himself on several occasions) yet my stepmother gasped and asked, "Weren't you scared?"

Further conversation kept coming back to how my stepmother found my sister's experience to be extremely frightening, yet my sister is totally at peace with this. So profound was her experience that she's set the sarcasm and selfishness aside and has become a changed person. She now finds great pleasure in friends and family, and has let go of past hurts, slights, grudges, etc. She's learned to be more compassionate, more loving. I really like this new side to my sister.

So, my question is: Should Christians fear death? And if so, why?

My sister and I have discussed this subject yet have not found a suitable answer.

Thank you for reading all of that. As always, no thumbs down from me.



((((((God is Good!)))))

Thank you for taking the time to read that. :)

Merry Christmas to you.

Update 2:


Oh, I just saw your edit... I really don't know what to say, except that I am so very sorry. :(

Update 3:



You have described my mother, and the way my sister used to be. Amazing.


My wish before dying is to learn moderation in writing, LOL. :D

I don't think you odd at all. From previous posts, I know some of what your wife has experienced and can understand your position.

My dad feels the same as you. At 85 he's ready to go and isn't afraid to do so.

Sometimes, I'd like to leave this world behind, not liking at all what it has become, but my kids would be devastated. All we have in this world is each other, so matter the pain and the struggle I'd never leave them.

Merry Christmas to you, Bill... and to Fokker... and anyone else who has taken a moment to answer this question.


Update 4:


Update 5:

I tried to hug all the rest of you but Yammie cut me off. :(

Hugs to bad tim,

Update 6:

Yammie is busy just snipping away.

Hugs to Wayne.

Hugs to

Update 7:

Hugs to

Update 8:

Sorry bewitching kitty. Yammy won't let me hug you.

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thanks for sharing the story. You are a bright star here amongst so much darkness.

    I do not believe most Christians will fear death, but I do think we will miss what we have here. I have gotten the call from the doctor, "Yes, it is cancer" and have some understanding of death. I do not fear death but I do want to maximize my time here on Earth.

    Source(s): (((Queen))) Thanks for your kind thoughts, I will be fine. Merry Christmas to you!
  • I'm so glad your sister came through such a terrible time, I would be lost without my sis! I can't imagine what the rest of you went through.

    That said, it is natural and human for people to fear the unknown, so, I think, that denying that basic survival instinct is to deny our very humanity, our very basic "living creature-ness".

    I will say, most people that have actually faced death tend to arrive at a state of acceptance, which alleviates the fear somewhat. One thinks to themselves, or at least I did "well, that wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be!"

    As most everyone here knows, I'm an atheist, but, I do believe in a form of reincarnation, I see death as a change, leaving behind this flawed, broken body that continues to betray me and cause me pain.

    If Christians, or any one else for that matter, were to stop fearing death it would not bode well for the continued survival of the human species.

    In other words, I think your original question, SHOULD humans, Christian or not, fear death is best answered with a resounding yes. Without that fear we would walk gladly in to dangerous situations that will, more often than not, kill us.

    Edit: It's okay {{{Red Queen}}} I know you meant to! {Stupid Yahoo, I say that a lot, don't I?}

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Unfortunately you're going to get a lot of dumb answers on this.

    No, Christians should not fear death. For us, death is simply another phase of life where we will experience the love of God like never before. In the next life, we will not be floating on clouds and playing a golden lyre. We will be active and strong. There will be no pain, sadness, or sickness. Nothing negative shall affect us.

    Meanwhile, we should be thankful for being alive down here, since God ordained that we live out our days for now.

  • 9 years ago

    A complex question requires a complex answer yet the answer should be simple. It is hard not fear death because it's unknown and we as weak humans have a tendancy to fear what we do not know. As a christian you have faith that you will go to heaven after you die. So you have no reason to fear death. As less than perfect people many of us still do fear death. Also I myself fear dying because I know I have not lead a very good life, and have put myself before god most of the time. The only reason to fear death as a christian is because of the fear of what we have done in life but because Jesus saved us from sin we have no reason to be fearful. and many times those closest to us fear our death more than we do. Your sister's experience is very similiar to people who have been that close to death. god sends a feeling of peace to help.

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  • Wow - goosebumps reading that :)

    I don't think anyone should fear death. Even if you believe in eternal slumber, well, that sounds peaceful too.

    One of my favorite quotes is: "Death is the only inescapable, unavoidable, sure thing. We are sentenced to die the day we're born." Gary Mark Gilmore.

    It is simply inevitable. My (very religious) mother and grandmother live in constant fear of death. So much so that they wont travel to see their grand kids - rarely in cars, no boats, and certainly no planes. They hate my lifestyle of camping fishing and sports, because 'I could die.' I love my life, and I'd like them in it more often. Their blood pressure is high because of constant worry, they just have no peace. It makes me so sad...they miss out on things that help make our lives fulfilling because of the fear.

    Anywho - I have some peace about my demise BECAUSE of God. I'm going home one day. It'll be sad for close family and friends, but ultimately, I will be in a better place upon death than they are while alive....and I'll get to see them when their time comes too. I hope we can all find some comfort in death with God, in order to fully live our lives, accomplish all we want to, and give him some thanks along the way.



  • 9 years ago

    I don't think a Christian should fear death. If you are a follower of Christ you know the joy you'll have once you die and are with him. I think my only apprehension in dying is who I leave behind. I feel for them, because they've lost a husband, a dad, a brother, etc. I'm a very emphatic person and know they'd suffer if I passed, that is just natural, but it still pains me to think of it. However, death in particular is not what I'm worried about. Unless of course I'm gonna have to die by being eaten by a shark, now that's just kinda freaky.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    With regards to an afterlife, there either is or there isn't, but everything points to there is.

    Whenever somebody has nearly died they have said something rather similar to this or that they felt an enormous weight was lifted off their shoulders and indeed they always "come back" more positive.

    I do think there is something else but I don't believe that I'm going to be left out of it for not believing Christian things.

  • 9 years ago

    Fear is an emotion. It can be useful at times, harmful at others. Emotions are never right or wrong. They happen and what we do with them and how we handle them is where right & wrong come in.

    If a person never experienced fear, I would worry for their sanity. If a person, regardless of belief never had a moment to fear death, I would say their survival instinct has gone awry, or perhaps they are not being honest with themselves or us.

    To move past this fear & on to acceptance & peace is a wonderful thing.

  • J
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Why should Christians fear death?

    We are servants of the man who has authority over death.

    And because of him, we know that death is now only a doorway to more abundant life.

    To live is gain, to die is Christ, as the saying goes.

    Living is good, dying is better.

  • 9 years ago

    The Bible defines faith as:

    " Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

    Hebrews 11:1 NASB

    Now if you truly understand and believe the Gospel, you believe the judgment for your sins that would have damned your soul were already suffered for you by Jesus, and therefore you need not fear suffering for them yourself.

    “Truly, truly, I (Jesus) say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life."

    John 5:24 NASB

    Knowing this gives great assurance because the only alternative to faith in the Gospel is trying to earn your own righteousness, and as I recall hearing a Catholic priest saying that his greatest concern in life is that one day he would appear before St. Peter and come a up a nickel short; so it is for those who try to earn salvation. They can never know if they have done enough.

    listen to the stories of some others who faced not only near death, but clinical death - that is, if they were revived they would have remained dead........

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