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Creationists, when someone who claims christianity denies the bible what do you think?

I have seen time and again on here where someone quotes the scriptures and attempts to expound on them only later to see them deny the scriptures and claim evolution over creationism.

If someone already believes what the rest of the Bible says why would it be so difficult to believe that God-who spoke all things into existence through his miraculous power- did so in 24 hour days? God decided on that and told us in the Bible.


Is God now lying to us and pretending an evening and a day described as ONE DAY are no longer one day but eons of time? Is the Bible telling the truth or not?

Aren't you calling God a LIAR by disbelieving his Word over your own understanding?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It Looks as if one User/answerer here lives up to his Name of Heretic, and fails to realize the unfortunate trends in modern Christianity is that of reinterpreting Genesis to accommodate evolutionary theories. Many well-known Bible teachers and apologists have caved in to the evolutionists and have come to believe that adhering to a literal interpretation of Genesis is somehow detrimental to the credibility of Christians.

    If anything, evolutionists lose respect for those whose belief in the Bible is so tenuous that they are willing to quickly compromise it. Although the number of true creationists may be dwindling in academia, several faithful organizations such as Answers in Genesis, the Creation Research Society, and the Institute for Creation Research have affirmed that the Bible is not only compatible with real science, but affirm that not a single word in the Bible has ever been disproved by true science. The Bible is God’s living Word, given to us by the Creator of the universe, and His description of how He created that universe is not compatible with the theory of evolution, even a “theistic” understanding of evolution.

    Suggested reading for this would be

    The Battle for the Beginning

    By: John MacArthur

  • 9 years ago

    I think that it is an abuse, or at best a misuse, of sacred scripture to use The Bible as if it was a Science textbook. I believe God created human beings. Indeed, I believe He created all that exists. I think it is clear that The Bible tells us this.

    The Bible does not tell us exactly how God did much of anything. When we are told by sacred scripture that God spoke things into existence, that still does not tell us exactly what happened. I believe that the literary style of the book of Genesis makes it clear that much of it is allegorical. Some people call it allegorical, and then say that because it is allegorical none of it actually is true. I think that is not only false but is plainly not reasonable.

    The basic story in Genesis is factually correct. God certainly made all things. I think that is the most important thing to learn from the story of creation in Genesis. Genesis tells us that God created the universe, then the planets, then made plants and animals on Earth, then created humans in His image to be stewards over all the Earth. All of that is true.

    The Bible does not in any place tell us that The Bible tells us everything there is to know about what God has done. Indeed, in The New Testament book of John, we are told that God in the person of Jesus Christ did so many things that the whole world is not large enough to hold all the books that would be needed to write down all that God has done. I think this tells us that we should keep in mind that God has done much that we do not know about.

    The Bible does not mention all the different kinds of dinosaurs, nor even all the different species of birds and mammals, but we can look around and plainly see the evidence of dinosaurs of many kinds, and hundreds of thousands of kinds of birds and mammals. It is obvious that many things have happened that The Bible does not tell us. I think that evolution likely has happened, and that if it has happened God is the One who made it happen.

    The length of a day certainly could have changed. Our modern days, which we divide into 24 hours, are the length of time it takes for Earth to spin one single time. Maybe God made this beautiful planet Earth spin more slowly when He first made the planet. If so, a day at that time would have been much longer than a day is now. The Bible does NOT tell us that Earth always has rotated at the same speed OR that the speed of rotation has changed. Maybe God finished making the Earth and then made it start rotating more quickly, so that a day now is much shorter than a day was when Adam was created.

    We just do not know all that happened, and we sure do not know how God does everything that He does. It is possible that God made all living beings through some sort of evolution, then created humans. If so, this would NOT disagree with The Bible and would NOT disagree with Science.

    I think we never should accuse The Bible or God of lying. One reason we never should do that is that we are NOT qualified to do so. We do not know God perfectly. Anyone who says he or she knows all that God has done is mistaken or is a liar. We must humbly accept that our knowledge is limited.

    I think we should be much more humble about many things. When we think Science disagrees with The Bible, we really only know one thing for sure - that we are mistaken about our understanding of Science or of The Bible, or of both. I think many scientists are unreasonably arrogant about what they claim to know certainly. I also think that many of us Christians are unreasonably arrogant about what we claim to know about God.

    You asked if God is being called a liar when people disbelieve His word over their own understanding. I think the answer often is "yes" and that people often think they know more than God. This is a tragic sin. Christians and non-Christians all are sinners, and we all ought to be more gentle in how we declare what is true and what is false.

    We ought to realize and admit that there is much that we do not fully understand. I believe that scientific evidence of evolution is something that we do not fully understand. I am certain that we do not fully understand God. Rather than say that God and The Bible do not agree with Science, we should say that we do not yet understand how God and The Bible and Science are in agreement.

    We should remember that Science is a product of human reason and that God created human reason. As such, we can trust human reason that is used humbly, since human reason was created by God. When we think our human reason tells us that God is a liar, we should realize that we are mistaken about something, and probably mistaken about many things.

    I am Roman Catholic.

    Peace be with you.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I personally believe every single word of the Bible. I don't take atheists too much to heart. Most talk out of complete ignorance, and they'll grab any bits or pieces of something they can in order to make their absurd points.

    As for evolutionists......they're easy to deal with. Evolution is a "theory", which is something that is speculated, and unproven. They can no more find evidence to support them that is rock solid, then they claim the Bible can. I go by faith.......what do they go by, other than someones unproven thoughts? It's sad.

  • 9 years ago

    I shake my head in total astonishment that someone would have the nerve to claim to follow God in one breath, then call Him a liar in the next!

    And THIS is what Jesus meant (at least in part), when He said that many would come and claim this or that ("Didn't I do ... in your name?" etc), and He will tell them, "Depart from me, you workers of iniquity! I never knew you!"

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  • 9 years ago

    Solly, dollink, but you are a theological mess. Genesis is purely allegorical and if "god" is all powerful, why could not "god's" "days" be of indeterminate length? It is only the minority of literal-bible "pseudo-christian" fundamentalists that take the 24-hour day thing literally, most REAL Christians know it is allegorical and accept it accordingly.

    But then, creationists are too closed-minded to even grasp the meaning of allegory, I guess.

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • I just pray for them. Only God can make it clear to them that His Word is completely trustworthy.

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