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Lv 4

Why is divorce less common in couples who do not live together before marriage?

My dad used to always talk about how people who have "lived in sin" are more likely to get divorced. I guess this may be true, but have come up with a few reasons as to why this is the case. Tell me what you think.

1) People who refuse to cohabitate before marriage likely do so because of religious convictions, and they also refuse divorce for religious reasons as well.

2) People who are religious are obviously able to believe what they want, regardless of having good reason, so when they are in a troubled marriage, they are in denial about that as well.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I learned this in one of sociology classes. Those who cohabit prior to marriage make up the majority of divorce cases. Of course, with these kind of facts, we all know that correlation does not imply causation, so no one really knows the exact reason why. A few theories have been produced, and what you've stated so far is not too far off from what has already been speculated.

    A.) Those who refuse to cohabit prior to marriage most likely do so because of religious beliefs. They're probably more likely to see divorce as an even bigger sin, or (like you've stated) may be in denial about a failing marriage, or settle into a failing marriage.

    B.) Those who opt to cohabiting prior to marriage are more likely more secular, seeing divorce always as an option.

    C.) Those who opt to cohabiting prior to marriage may view marriage as a "trial and error" arrangement, rather than a lifelong commitment. Again, seeing divorce as always an option.

    I'm sure there are other theories that I'm forgetting, but those are a few that I can recall off hand. I've always refused to live with a significant other if we were not married, or engaged, for fear of never getting married. I have this thought in the back of my head that if I give a guy too much of me he'll see no reason for marriage. The whole "why buy the cow if the milk is free" sort of thing.

    I can see the logic behind wanting to live with someone before marrying them, so where exactly does it all go wrong if such a couple marries then divorces? People say that you never really know someone until you live with them, so how is it that people *still* get divorced after going through such a brilliant and wonderfully executed plan? Did they not know what they were getting themselves into with their significant other? It' so bizarre... 0.o

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    @katherine- Majority of the world has premarital sex and majority of the world do not save themselves for marriage it was the case hundred years back. Only than it was worse because people were forced to marry often and arranged marriages were common how is that at all fair?

    I would think however its less common because those who wait to cohabit before marriage are often more religious than others and more heavily religious people tend to divorce less and even if the love in the marriage and passion is gone they may still remain together for some reasons. They also REFUSE to divorce i believe is a huge factor. In addition to that i agree with your #2 and they are often in denial.

    I agree with you! i actually think its best to live with someone in my opinion before marriage than you can see how you react together on a day to day basis. If you have not even lived with "set" person and you marry what do you do if you find out you cant stand living with them? Not only that but i also feel its best interest to have sex before marriage. Because despite what the religious fanatics say sex is a huge indicator in physical attraction and in intimacy and romantic feelings. If the sex is terrible and you lose interest and let alone sexual interest and physical interest your marriage will suffer.. a "True love" has or is a consummate love and consists of (passion, intimacy, commitment)

    If you do not have passion intimacy or commitment ... Than you do not have a consummate love but you could still stay together assuming you have a fatuous love or a compassionate love.

    The divorce rate among college educated people within the same social class is at an all time low. The divorce rate among people who are in poverty, poorer, or different social classes or widely different demographics let alone those without stable economic support is at an all time high.

  • 9 years ago

    Hello Dear ~

    The answer to your question is because couple who don't move in ... take the marriage more seriously, because they've said VOWS, they've made PROMISES. They've put on the dress and the suit, and taken the step of declaring their intent in front of their universe, so of course they take it more seriously.

    See, here's the thing about moving in: It implies a commitment (that being: marriage) that does not exist. They play at being married, but they're not married. They live in the same place, sleep in the same bed, pee in the same toilet, pay the same bills ... but it's not marriage, because if it WAS marriage, they would BE MARRIED. It's a fake marriage, and everyone knows it except the couple. She's doing all the wifey things that wives do, only she's not a wife, and he gets all the benefits of what she does for him (foremost is regular access to her vagina), but he has all the benefits without the responsibility or obligation that a husband supports.

    Living together is accepted in society because, well ... anyone who doesn't think that living together is hunky dory is made to be stuffy, or prudish, or old-fashioned, and not hip and with it. It sometimes has something to do with religion, but I'm not that religious and I'd never live with someone first, because it's not marriage. I want the respect that a wife gets, and the protection under the law that a wife gets. If we moved in, I'd just be the girlfriend.

    As to your remark about religious people being in a troubled marriage ... what married people know that couples living together don't know is the true meaning of DEVOTION, and COMMITMENT. Live in couples haven't committed to each other, whereas married people have. They made the promise to stay together in sickness and health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer. If their marriage is in trouble, then they have made the commitment to fix it, or die trying, which is something live in couples don't do, because if they did, then they'd be married. Of course, in cases of abuse (substance abuse or physical), or other extreme situations, they'd be justified in getting an annulment, but married couples are far less likely to walk away when things get tough, because of the commitment they made.

    Live in couples are live ins because they don't want the hassle of making a promise they know they can't keep, otherwise they would make the promise and say the vow.

    That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.



  • 9 years ago

    Wow. Interesting hypothses...

    1) We didn't live together because we knew it would upset our folks and we were close to marriage anyway so waited another 6 months to make all parties happy or satisfied. No big deal. Mature and responsible couples ususally take ALL loving parties into consideration...

    1) Christians/religious people are no different than the rest of us...We as humans have a conscience...we try as long as we can in difficult situations and then finally succumb. No real revelation here.


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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Many live in sin even after marriage. Sex has nothing to do with divorce. It is the mindset.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    morals dear. Showing respect for those convictions and beliefs go a long way. Especialy today. Stick to your morals. And be happier for it..

    Source(s): personal experence.
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