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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 9 years ago

Proving God exists to Atheists?


It's quite easy. Think of the hardest formula you can, the longest formula you can, the most complex. Perhaps it's rocket science, perhaps it will be the mechanics of a vehicle, or a structure. Have a look at some of Einsteins equations, was he clever? He gave us a good understanding on how relativity works. Now, consider the sheer amount of equations needed to create just one bacteria, a living organism. A organism that needs to move, reproduce, sense, eat...the amount of formula's that exist in each one of us is mind-blowing. In just one single cell, if the formula's were written out, it would take possibly thousands of books to cover all the different processes within just one cell by formula. They say rocket science is difficult. It's a joke. The science behind making a rocket go in to space and come back down to earth again? Why do atheiss get so proud? This is *nothing* compared to creation of life-forms, compared to creation of planets, to the creation of stars. And yet, the Bible is rejected? You'll have to explain that one to me sometime.

21 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The bible is a work of fiction. It was created by humans over a few thousand years.

    I am a Biologist. I study Primatology, and especially the relationship between humans and other great apes. I know what it takes to create a cell (no math needed)

    I minored in Astrophysical Engineering, I am also a "Rocket Scientist". There is NO Equation that could out-do an organism, yes, you're right, in that sense.

    But what is Physics mainly?

    CALCULUS. A mathematical based formula writing system, with no "boundaries".

    Without Calculus, there would be no study of "Rocket Science" (Astrophysical Engineering), but there is the study of Physics, and because in order to study Physics, we need to understand the math behind the XYZ axis,Speed and velocity, dimensions, etc.

    There is no Math in nature, except in Physics, and certain geometrical aspects.

    Source(s): It pains me to know that there are people out there, like you, who generally believe that there is a correlation between Astrophysical Engineering, and Biological Evolution.
  • 9 years ago

    The formulas you talk about are descriptive of inherent properties of the matter and energy involved. No equations are needed for bacteria to be created. The molecules in the bacteria do what they do because that is all they can do.

    Consider a snowflake. Under the right conditions a snowflake will crystallize with nearly perfect hexagonal symmetry. It's not because angels were carving each snowflake and using protractors to divide them into precise 6 degree sections and make sure the corners were 240 degrees each. They have that shape because under certain conditions of air pressure, temperature and humidity that's only way water molecules will stick together.

    If you take a rock and break it in half the two halves each half of the rock will have a specific number of atoms in it. Adding the total number of atoms of both halves (plus the number of atoms that might have been part of the dust created in the breakage) you get precisely the number of atoms in the original rock. Does the rock need to know how to subtract 13 or 14 digit numbers to know how to break?

    Stars form because that's what gravity makes hydrogen atoms do. If everything was different (say some alteration in the constant of gravitational attraction) then everything would happen differently but the thing is something will always happen.

    So why is the Bible rejected?

    1) Even if there was some divine math wizard the Bible doesn't add up. For example if you made a man from clay the amount of silicates and aluminum compounds found in any clay would prove toxic to human life, thus you would need a molding substance with a far lower ratio of these compounds to even start making a human. OTOH stone age man was using clay to make pots and sculptures for centuries when early Semitic (ie pre-biblical) religion was forming. Stone age logic suggests that if men need clay to sculpt figurines then gods must work the same way. This suggests that the story of man's origin was written by people with a good grasp of pottery but zero grasp of biochemistry.

    2) We do not live in The Matrix. In The Matrix computer code (a form of chained mathematical equations and logical modifiers) creates a reality. In real reality formulas are used to describe what we observe. What we observe is a very chaotic and heterogeneous universe so we need a lot of formulas to describe it. Anyone can create formulas that are MORE complex than those that are found in the universe but they will describe nothing of any relevance. You can try it yourself. Just start with X then send it through random mathematical functions, divide it by pi a few dozen times, multiply it by an irrational number, use a bunch of cosines then at the end put "=Y". You can run any number through this torturous equation, it'll be more complex than any formula in the universe (if it's not just add more functions in the middle) and it will be completely irrelevant to any matter, energy or phenomenon in the entire universe.

    Source(s): Look at these things, that's water, that's just water doing what water does because that's the way it's molecules bond. It's amazing and kind of beautiful but it's not supernatural.
  • 9 years ago

    I'm sorry but...

    10CO + H2 + 10NH3 → 2C5H8N5O (guanine) + 8H2O

    And that is just one possible method for one of the elements of DNA...

    2C5H8N5O and C4H5N3O share 3 hydrogen bonds to form the CG/GC base pair.

    In total (haven't counted) there are probably around 15-20 chemical formulas that would explain most common aspects of DNA.

    I currently have an evolution simulation running on my computer. It is currently tracking 108 living bacteria like organisms. All with the needs you proposed. It was at nearly 2,000 but I changed some environmental parameters that nearly caused mass extinction. The current 108 are adapting to overcome the harsher environment. No, it isn't based on DNA as seen in real life. These organisms are on their ~10millionth "cycle" (each cycle would be about a year) and ~1millionth generation. The ones currently surviving locate food, initiate the means to eat the food when in range, avoid attacking each other, rest until food is needed, do not destroy food sources (it can regrow if not totally destroyed), remember previous food sources, and return to them after a certain interval. That is going beyond a lot of bacteria, and has evolved from one simple function which was simply "move randomly". All this from random mutations. The "DNA" consists of 6 "genes" the longest of which could be notated using 880 base pairs, and the shortest of which could be notated using 192 base pairs. This digital "DNA" doesn't include physical characteristics. Those are handled separately in this simulation. It could though.

    In fact, given a few months I could write up a program that would simulate the process with real molecules. I'd need a more powerful computer to run it (lots of parts requires lots of calculations, but they are the same calculations over and over again for each part), but the part of the process that would take the most time would be developing a user interface and graphical representation. A strictly numerical representation could be done over a weekend, maybe a week.

    It isn't as complicated as you think, it really isn't. Especially when you understand some of those formulas you are saying are difficult.

    The amount of raw data in a human cell is roughly equivalent to 630Mb of digital data. That is roughly 660.6 million characters (assuming one character = 1 byte), roughly 66 million words (average word length = 10 bytes), 322 thousand pages (2kb per page). So maybe hundreds of novels. But, by contrast World of Warcraft... The video game... Takes around 32Gb of space installed. Roughly 52 times the amount of data in human DNA... Yeah... Not so mind blowing now eh? At our core level we are actually less complicated than a computer game.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    So you go on this huge rant about how our existence and the universe's existence is beyond comprehension, that it's wickedly complex, and yet you think that's an argument *for* some space daddy going "poof!" and creating everything we see with magic? That something so simplistic as the Bible, that everyone can read and properly understand on some level, should be considered a valued option? That humans are capable of figuring out with precise accuracy the ultimate "truth"? That we're able to pin down with absolute clarity who and what our "creator" (for those that believe in that) is and his exact character and his exact desires and his exact way of judgement?

    Oh, and there's also the fact that our complex and incomprehensible "God" just so happens to have a childish, human attitude where if you don't believe in him he sends you to Hell to be tortured for all eternity. Sounds like some whiny spoiled brat to me.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    First explain how the Bible is connected to anything you just said. Life is complex, a creator is needed, and the Bible talks about a creator so the Bible is true end of story. That does not make any sense. Given your argument is old but how can you even link the two? It makes no sense.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    god would need to be more complex than all the bacteria and all things that exist, you're taking the complexity of the universe and just moving it up a level, saying that there's something invisible which is even greater and more complex than the universe which simply exists for no reason, it's infinitely less likely than saying that the universe exists on it's own without a creator.

    Source(s): Even if there's a god, the bible is still a man made book of self contradicting myths about a giant bearded guy that commits genocide to build up his own ego, no matter what, religion is still made up.
  • Super
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    "And yet, the Bible is rejected? You'll have to explain that one to me sometime."

    Yes. Because it contains contradictions and evil stuff. As far as believing in a creator, that's fine from what you wrote. But believing that the source of access or contact or understanding of the creator is from the bible requires another proof of it's own and I don't see one.


  • 9 years ago

    Your argument would seem to suggest that Atheists believe that man created life. This is not only untrue, but logically impossible. Therefore it is not an argument at all. "Things are complicated, therefore God," is not a logically sound statement.

  • 7 years ago

    Jesus did not come down on this earth to commit genocide, just to build up his own ego! With his blood he washed away our sins. He's saved us!! We well not go to hell and all we have to do is believe. It's very simple really.

  • 9 years ago

    The simple thing your forgetting is that all that science and math does not explain that we were created, more like we evolved from single celled organisms to multi celled organisms, it kinda works like technology, at first theres a one transister processor, now theres like what a millon transistor processor. and the intel i7 wasnt created from jesus it evolved into what it is today. stop reading fairy tales, itll make you think the sky is pink

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