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Deciding if we will go ahead and adopt.?

We have two kids of our own 3 and 6. OUr daughters godmother is a foster parent and we on occasion care of the younger child she has in her care. We've done this with two different child over the years and have now fallen in love with this little guy who is 8 months and are considering adopting him. This is a hard decision to make because I want to make sure that we are doing this for the right reason and will offer him the best home he can have. I've talk to my kids about adopting a little boy not saying who and my son says he's willing to share his room My 3 year old doesnt' understand but she loves this little guy a lot when we care for him. We can financially do this and our heart are in it but we are not sure what but we are unsure for some reason. we want to make sure that we do it right because we'd be affecting the life of 5 people not just one. What do you think? We will be caring for him in 14 days for 2 weeks. We will look into how it is life with 3 kids with me operating my daycare and getting them ready for school, then we will talk with his social worker and hope for the best because there is still the chance that if we say yes we want to proceed that they say he's already has a family waiting for him.

He;s not yet in the adoption stage but I know there is little chance he goes back to his mom as she's gone back to the group home where she was abusing drugs prior to his birth. He was born addited and is now out of the withdrawl stage. The biological grandmother adopted her first son and will not adopt this one as she's older and find it hard with one 2 year old already.

My heart aches for him to be with us and I really want what's best for him.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are not already licensed with the state as a foster parent and licensed for adoption from foster care, that should be your first order of business. Different states have different requirements, but to adopt from foster care, most states require that you be licensed for both (foster care and adoption). This can be somewhat of a lengthy process, so you should get started right away if you have not already gone through it. Once you have an approved home study, you can apply to foster the child (or adopt if he is legally free by then) .

    If you are considering adopting him then you shouldn't wait to get started on the state licensing. You will have plenty of time during the licensing process to change your mind if it isn't right for you. However, if you wait until he is legally free to adopt before getting started with the state, you will likely miss your chance.

    Contact your local Department of Social Heath Services for more information.

  • abcdef
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You sound like good people with a firm family sense. YOu say you want to make sure you're doing this for "the right reasons". What are the wrong reasons? You will be testing it out for 14 days, but I think you already have a pretty good idea what it will be like. There will be stress and strains, especially if the child has some disabilities caused by his birth. But you sound like you can handle it. But of course, I don't know you. The child's worker will be able to help you out in that respect.

    I adopted a child who was born with a mild form of disability. We went through some really tough years, but somehow we managed to come through it and he is now 30 years old. He's making his way in the world and while the credit goes to him, I know that I had a part in his development. I hope that helps.

  • 9 years ago

    Your motives sound amazing. And since you can care for him financially and provide a good home for him and you love him then go for it! It sound like you really do love him already. My parents adopted 3 kids out of the 5 they have. Me being one of them. I was also addicted to drugs when I was born but since my parents are great people my life has been blessed and amazing.

    If you think its good for everyone then do it. One day he will thank you for changing his life and loving him. :)

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