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  • Toddler hitting and spitting at mom when being picked up from daycare?

    A two year old in my care has been hitting and spitting at his mom when she picks him up at night. At first we tried to ignore the behavior but he kept going. We have been telling him gently to be nice and gentle and show him but he kept hitting his mom. We now have to give him T.O. and he'll be ok and say sorry then as she is putting his shoes on he hits again and will look at me in a "what are you going to do" stare. His mom takes away his TV time and we have also had to resort to me dressing him instead of his mom because he was being naughty. This has been escalating for sometime and now that mommy is pregnant it isn`t getting any better.

    We normally have the TV on at that time because it is time to get diner ready. The TV is visible from the doorway and I beleive this may be part of the problem. I will talk to my children about changing our TV time and see if that helps.


    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Potty training won't fully release?

    I'm a daycare provider and am in the process of training a two year old. We go potty every 20-30 minutes and he will produce a small poop or a tablespoon size pee. Once he feels the pee coming out he'll stop it to look in the potty but then refuses to try to get some more in there. The pull up in between some potty time are full to the brim. I understand that it maybe the fear of letting it all go in the potty but how do we help with the comfort.

    When he goes we make a happy song, wash our hands and then get a mini M&M. We don't pressure him but just say it`s potty time and we go sit together, him on the potty and me on the toilet. And yes, I do go with him to show exemple. This is the 7th or so child I`ve potty trained in my 7 years of operating a daycare and this holding is new for me.


    5 AnswersPreschool7 years ago
  • how to get diagnose with Gall-bladder issues?

    I`have pain in the right side of my abdomen under the point of the ribs for 8 days now. Also with bloating, bad breath, gas, pain when digesting and chills. Doctor made me do bloodwork and Ultrasound. In the mean time I`m on a fresh fruits and veggie diet which I find hard and long. I miss my pasta, rice and milk products but if I consume them I`m bent in two in extreme pain. The pain is always there lingering, It`s more apparent even after consuming fruits and veggies but exchuiating after eating anything with fats.

    The doctor`s office called and said my US came back normal no signs of gall-stones but i read that the cholesterol gall-stones don`t show up on the US. We are still waiting on the bloodwork.

    I`ve tried the gall-bladder cleanse but didn`t have any Epsom salt I didn`t see much of a difference beside feeling like I was oily all over inside me for a whole day. It really seems like GAll-bladder how else do you get diagnosed? This is depressing and painful.

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • doing a gall bladder cleanse it feeling like this normal?

    I`ve been having gall-bladder issues for over a week and while awaiting the doctors news from the test I took I decided to undertake the gall-bladder cleanse. I was unsure of using the epsom salt so I did the rest and forgo the Epsom salt. Now three hours later after taking the concoction of olive oil and grapejuice I feel horrible. Like I`m full on oil in my blood, my mouth on top of being nauseated. I didn`t realize the oil would get in my blood stream. How do I stop this? I want all this oil out and out fast. I feel overly oily. When I spit I see bit of oil in my spit I wasn`t expecting this. I`m getting an anxiety attack over this and can`t find anything related to how I`m feeling. Help

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • How do you removed asphalt tar from concrete?

    The previous owner thought it a great idea to tar the entire garage with asphalt tar. How do we remove this? It has been on for a while and just using a hose ain't doing nothing. I tried scrubing too but not sure if I should use a certain kind of soap or solvent.


    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • how to install a soffit vent for hood fan?

    We are trying to vent our hood fan into the soffit oppose to in the attic as it is atm. We cut the hole in the soffit and when we attempted to pass the tube in the space with the insulation it didn't fit! When we are in the attic, we are crawling as far as we can and still can't reach that area. We shovel all the loose insulation but under is a sheet insulation which we cannot take off, we tried. We are using a 5 in semi regid tube that we reshaped into an oval in hopes it would fit. After feeding a line in and attaching it to the tub, it unraveled while being pulled thru. now what?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • How to cap a dead chimney?

    Our chimney is no longer of use for us and we want to plug it up to prevent water and snow to get in and damage it such as it did last winter. No one around here seem to have any idea how to do it the right way. How do we go about pluging it up. It currently has a rain cap on but the snow and rain still get in. It needs to be done properly.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Will this part of her ear fall out?

    My eight year old dog got into a fight with another dog last week. She was badly injured with many laceration and puncture wounds. She is being treated with antibiotic and is healing nicely. One of the many injuries she suffered was to her right ear. The other dog's canine tore her ear a good inch. It has created a triangle on top where the skin is hard and dry. It feels like it's dead skin. If it is dead skin will it fall off on it's own or do we need to go back to the vet?

    It was already drying up when we saw the vet and he had a look at it but didn't comment on it since other more serious puncture wounds needed tending.


    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is it Ice pick headache?

    On the weekend, after a stressful day, I'm sitting watching TV then I turn my head to the right and feel a sharp pain like an ice pick that then seems to spread like fingers on top of my skull under my skin. The sharpness leaves but the pressure remains. Went to bed not long after and hoped to sleep it off. Was ok in the morning but had another stressful day, our son isn't easy with us at the moment, the age of acting out. By the end of the day I was feeling the pressure that feels like a hand with fingers on the right side of my head. I'm not sure if it was from the tiredness or the anxiety of the pressure pain but it did seem that my eyes weren't as sharp. Took tylenol and went to bed. Woke up as usual to go to the bathroom and the pain was still there. Did manage to fall asleep and this morning it's still lingering. I'm anxious about how I'm feeling and did have a small panic attack this morning and was followed with face numbness on the right side which is typical when having a panic attack for me. I'm not hearing well on the right side but I think it's from the Q-tip slipping in too deep two days ago and my eye sight seems different but that could be from the anxiety.

    Anyone else ever had an ice pick headache that seemed to linger for days?

  • how to cook on a camping propane stove without burning.?

    Hi we are going on our thrid camping trip and have not yet mastered the coolman propane stove. We purchased a camping cooking wear yet putting oil or butter never seems enough even on low heat. We burn the surface of meat and not even warm the middle of the meat. Forget about doing eggs they stick and burn! Is there a trick. Is it just that was aren't putting enough oil or butter or should we use PAM (I try not to use that because to the gas in the can) Should we get a spacer to highten the pan from the burner? Do they even sell spacing things?


    6 AnswersCamping8 years ago
  • Sewing question for car seat organizer?

    I`m making a car seat organizer from exemple found on-line. My only issue is that the finished product turns out from the weight of the items the kids put in their respective organizer. I currently have two ties to attached them to the headrest and one elastic about 4 inches from the bottom to hold it in place.

    I thought of putting another elastic at the top but we found that it gave us back ache. I`ve done another one with a thicker material doubled and sown across the top to help it keep it`s shape and I`ve mitered the corner instead of the rounded corner I orginally did. This design is better, holds better but still turns towards the kids with heavier container (for exemple a sippy cup or juice bottle).

    I`m not sure what else I could try and would welcome ideas. Here is a pattern similar to mine.

    car seat organizer free pattern picture.

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • 7 year old disrespectful help?

    Our 7 year old has always been very defiant border on disrespect but in the last while it's bowled over to being full disrespect. He talks back, he tells his sister of for screaming in a tantrum, he has to have the last word and when I place him in his room because of his behavior most time he flips and the tantrum are crazy. He screames like a madman, he gets so frustrated that it's scarry and when he's like that he is difficult to calm down. Iobvious try to curb his attitude and try to make him think about what he is saying and to treat others as he would like to be treated. I also got books about being nice, they are very positive books. We are also talking about positive thinking because he keeps saying that he can't. He can't calm down that it's our fault. That he can't be nice, that he can't be respectful. We calmly tell him that we believe he can calm down and when he does we praise that he did calm down in the end, When he is nice, we try to catch him in the act and tell him how proud of him we are for being nice and same when he is respectful. I don't know why he is negative but we also are trying to teach him that he decides if things frustrates him or not. That his view is very important.

    If he wants he can choose that what we say is bothersome and move on instead of being disrespectful or start screaming tantrums. Still we have much disrespect and back talk towards us and our daughter. He's more respectful of my daycare kids but is having some issues at school too.

    We are open to different ways to help him learn to control his feelings and respect toward himself and others. Please share your view and ideas. Thanks.

    OH ps. TAking priledges away does but a temporary dent. He did end up going to bed early yesterday but not sure if it'll do any difference. He's had to spend the evening in his room, didn't do much either. We are unsure what else to try.

    10 AnswersGrade-Schooler8 years ago
  • squirl bite my thumb didn't seem to break skin, safe?

    We found a baby black squirl this afternoon and it crawled into my son's hands. While holding it it tried to knaw at my thumb but I removed it. It stung like a kids' bite but no blood nor what I can see a break. This was around 3pm. We are now 10pm and my thumb still feels numby kinda thingly. Could he have cut my skin just a tad and given me something? Am I just imagining this or sould I get it checked out. I can't see anything. He may have cut in the skin but not to the blood. It's a bugging thingly feeling.

    1 AnswerFirst Aid8 years ago
  • Why isn't the plaster drying well.?

    We are changing the trim in the living room to a smaller width then before. And around the new windows the new trim is smaller as well and the wall was damaged when the previous trim was removed. After taking the cocking off from the walls and mold. I plastered all the trim edges to even out the paint and behind where the trim was before. Some spots were deaper then others and I just did one coat. I did this on Thursday and now it's Sunday and some spots are still darker then others like they didn't dry fully yet. ON the box it said that it should be dry in 60 -90 minutes and fully in 24 hours. So why is it still darker at some spots and how long before I can apply the second coat?

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)9 years ago
  • Cutting a quarter circle in a square piece of wood?

    I'm new at attempting to cut curves or circles. I typically do straight cut projet. I'm building a corner shelf and have cut all my pieces. Now I'm not sure how to go ahead and cu;t the quarter circle. I've got it marked but what tool would do the best and most efficient tool to use?


    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)9 years ago
  • Deciding if we will go ahead and adopt.?

    We have two kids of our own 3 and 6. OUr daughters godmother is a foster parent and we on occasion care of the younger child she has in her care. We've done this with two different child over the years and have now fallen in love with this little guy who is 8 months and are considering adopting him. This is a hard decision to make because I want to make sure that we are doing this for the right reason and will offer him the best home he can have. I've talk to my kids about adopting a little boy not saying who and my son says he's willing to share his room My 3 year old doesnt' understand but she loves this little guy a lot when we care for him. We can financially do this and our heart are in it but we are not sure what but we are unsure for some reason. we want to make sure that we do it right because we'd be affecting the life of 5 people not just one. What do you think? We will be caring for him in 14 days for 2 weeks. We will look into how it is life with 3 kids with me operating my daycare and getting them ready for school, then we will talk with his social worker and hope for the best because there is still the chance that if we say yes we want to proceed that they say he's already has a family waiting for him.

    He;s not yet in the adoption stage but I know there is little chance he goes back to his mom as she's gone back to the group home where she was abusing drugs prior to his birth. He was born addited and is now out of the withdrawl stage. The biological grandmother adopted her first son and will not adopt this one as she's older and find it hard with one 2 year old already.

    My heart aches for him to be with us and I really want what's best for him.

    3 AnswersAdoption9 years ago
  • why is it getting worse each year?

    I'm just 30 with two kids 3 and 6. I operate a daycare for the last 4 years and it seems every year when the snow comes it gets harder and harder to have the energy to shovel. Like my energy is limited and when I hit the that's it stage I have to stop right there and then and take a long long break before continuing. At my age that shouldn't be....should it?

    I've been cleared two years ago for heart problems (which were done because I had palpitations to rule out problems, I have extra ventricular palps at times) and told I"m ok for activities.

    I've prep a garden by myself in the fall and I admit over did it but normally a bath, relaxing and early bedtime would fix it this time it didn't and I woke up with my heart pounding painfully, I had to take several deep breath to calm it down and then it was ok but I had to take it really easy for a week and a half before getting my energy back.

    They keep saying it's my anxiety but I'm not anxious when I'm doing those things.

    So why is it getting worse each year?

    I'm seeing my doctor today and will talk to her about it but a second set of oppinions is always good.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • Feels like someone punched me in the back and I"m out of breath.?

    I've done Zumba for the first time last week. And had a migraine the next day and started to feel more out of breath. I did stop a medication on that weeks Monday for the same symptomes. ON Sunday we did a walk and I starting feeling out of breath and a pressure point in my back. Near the end of the walk the right bottom side of my face got numb a bit. Took a few hours to go back to normal. My mom said she's had that feeling when over stresses. I didn't go to bed when I came back and probably should of and will next time. I'm just wondering if this is due to over exertion, anxiety or heart related.

    What do you think.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • Where can I buy hidden cam, cam dowel and cam screws?

    I'm building a desk and want to imitate a desk bought at Sears and hide the attachments. They used the hidden cam with cam dowel and cam screw, they also used twist-lock fastener. I'm in the area of Ottawa and can't seem to find any of these. I've went to home hardware, home depot and Rona. They all don't have it. Where else could I find these.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts10 years ago
  • do you think Zumba could be good for me?

    I'm an anxiety sufferer and have maintained on top of it but still have flare ups. My anxiety is related to my heart health, therefore I take supplements to help my cardio health but with two young kids my exercise is more related to running around after then or to do whatever needs to be done around the house. I've been cleared two years ago that my heart is good to do exercise. I did a bit more once I was cleared and take walks and do light exercise. Over the weekend I over did it by readying a new garden by myself over a day and had a chest pressure point and got scared because I felt my heart working hard hours after I was done. I've slept a lot and feel better but still taking it easy this week I think. Once I"m back on track do you think that trying Zumba be good for my health or pushing it too hard? It's an hour session. Should I recheck with the doctor to be cleared again since It's been 2 years since I got everything checked out, I do get annuals and they check my heart enzymes and hormones (I'm also hypothyroid), coming up in Jan 2012.


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness10 years ago