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rack and pinion steering Q?

anyone know what month and magazine [car craft or hotrod] had article on rack/pinion installations in older cars,,Im looking to buy a 66 mustang with manual steering,,OMG i almost wrecked during a test drive,,lol..or good mustang websites

3 Answers

  • Troy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's a lot of companies out the making both power and manual rack and pinion conversion for early Mustang's. But be prepared to spend some money. One kit the comes to mind right off the top of my head comes from It's a 100%bolt in kit. I've seen homemade kits using racks from most anything, cheaper, but much more labor intensive. Two other companies I can think of for bolt in kits would be Heidt's and Randall's Rank and Pinion.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    They don't have a rack & pinion! They have a steering GEAR box. Buy a rebuilt one at a parts store. Common part. Same one fits many Ford models and even some Chrysler models.

    Source(s): Pro mechanic.
  • 4 years ago

    The rack (it fairly is the resevoir in the engine compartment) might leak if the potential guidance fluid point grow to be too extreme. and because there is not any longer plenty air in the rack, it would be complicated to bypass it. My suggestions run around this line. they had to characteristic 2 ounceson the shop. You already had a seal situation - it grow to be leaking. And that's a threat that the leaking seal purely enable bypass at that factor, distinctly because of the fact the tension grow to be as much as spec whilst the fluid point grow to be at spec. i may well be greater thinking (and additionally you're able to be waiting to verify) that the seal in the R &P grow to be no longer put in correct and reason the seal to fail. So i might seem complicated at that.

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