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Lv 6

If God is omnipotent, why did He need to rest on the 7th day?

Doesn't "all-powerful" imply exactly that: He's all-powerful?

16 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    God did not "need" to rest on the 7th day. He chose to rest as an example for us.

    With love in Christ.

  • reneau
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    unfavourable domestic dog (not God ....YOU!) unfavourable guy, what Bible are YOU reading that suggested God needed to relax. He in basic terms became putting a trend for his creation to save on with, one which i'd upload remains ingrained in humanity millenia later. And your lack of ability to comprehend the which technique of the firmament shows yet another outstanding exhibit of lack of expertise the firmament is all round you, that's termed the ambience. that's the remnant of the firmament that DID separate the dense protecting of water interior the form of Ice crystals that once surrounded the earth, giving it the end results of being in an egg shell, also giving it a touch uniform temperature from pole to pole. at the same time as it became damaged up, the gravitational pull of the earth drew that mass of ice crystal water to both poles, giving us not in user-friendly words the polar ice cap, yet explaining why even at present quite some animals are got here upon flash frozen with eco-friendly foodstuff nevertheless of their mouths interior the arctic area. earlier you flow off into gales of laughter over a topic you may favor to a minimum of seem into it so as that your lack of expertise isn't as blatantly glaring because that's consequently.

  • 9 years ago

    God is also a God of love, and He likes to lead by example. If we are called to strive to be like Him, then we need to give our mortal minds and bodies a chance to rest. We wouldn't do that if God hadn't shown us how.

    You could say that He created rest on the seventh day.

    @ Blonde trop: :P

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    God is sovereign; he does as he wills and doesn't care what you think or say. What you mean is, how can you think of a way to criticize in an attempt to stop him from drop kicking you into hell for eternity. Nice. God still hates you and you're still going to hell.

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  • 9 years ago

    He didn't need to rest. He wasnt resting because he was tired what that means is on the 7th day god said the world I've created is perfect anything henceforth is the result of humanity's failures

  • 9 years ago

    He rested from his creative works dealing with earth and mankind. If I'm an attorney and I rest my case, does that mean I don't have the energy to continue with it? No. It simply means my case is complete.

  • Football was on.

    Don't believe me? Look how many more people watched the Superbowl than went to church today!

  • 9 years ago

    Perhaps Adam tap danced on his very last divine nerve.

  • It's hard work for an imaginary being to do anything, let alone create a universe. Give him a break.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I want an "all powerful" nap too. How do I get one ?

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