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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 9 years ago

Proof that Noah's flood never happened?

The Earth's total water supply is not enough for Noah's flood,

1.338 billion cubic kilometers is ALL the water Earth has. It includes every single thing, water vapor, ice, glaciers, and oceans.

Since Noah's flood says every single thing be flooded, we're going to use Earth's highest point (A mountain) The biblical requirement is that all Earth be covered in water. The water will cover the tip of the mountain.

Now let me get to the point, how much water will it take to fill the Earth with water like the bible says, well it would take 4.51 billion cubic kilometers. That's more water than we got on Earth. Sorry Christians, you are all pathetic. I just disproved Noah's flood.

49 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get yourself "The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark" on DVD. It may even be free over the Internet. It is 90 min.s long, answering your questions and lots of others with photos also! Even answers from ones that do not believe or understand it.

    Source(s): Bible, history
  • Joel V
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You are assuming that the deepest parts of the oceans and the highest mountains were like that during the flood.

    Actually, originally the planet was a lot flatter than it used to be. There weren't the giant mountains or the deep ocean trenches. Tectonic plate movements forming these mountains and trenches are what allowed the flood waters to recede; after all, they didn't exactly have anywhere to go, what with the entire world flooded.

    Even today, if you were to hypothetically bulldoze all the mountains and dump them into the ocean trenches, the entire world would again be underwater quite a bit.

    EDIT: Referring to the accusations that the animals on the ark could not survive at Mt Everest level altitudes, even if that were the case (which it wasn't, as there was not mount everest then, as stated before), the atmosphere at the flood sea level would be the same as the atmosphere at pre-flood sea level. The flood water would push the atmosphere up. So no, a thin atmospher wouldn't be an issue in any situation here.

    And yes, the ark was seaworthy. It was meant to be more as a lifeboat than to be navigable, but it was at the perfect dimensions to allow for a balance of stability (so it wouldn't capsize), strength (so it wouldn't break in two) and comfort (so everyone would have enough room to move around in).

  • 9 years ago

    There is nothing to suggest that plate tectonic movement is a recent or relatively recent occurrence and quite a bit the shows that it has been an ongoing dynamic throughout earth's history. We can easily see from mountain ranges like the Appalachians that they existed long before any time frame possibly related tot he Biblical time scale. Even younger mountain ranges were formed before the Biblically specified time for the flood. Given what we know about other planets and moons, it is highly unlikely that the earth was "smooth" for very long after its surface solidified.

    While your figure of 1.338 billion cubic KM is correct (as verified by the USGS website), you fail to mention that there simply is not enough hydrogen on earth to make up for the shortfall of some 3 billion cubic KM.

  • Carl
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    What you have done is to take the geological conditions which exist now and presume they were the same at the time of Noah's flood, this is a flawed conclusion.

    The earth's crust is elastic in geological terms and has been pushed down by the weight of water on it, this contributes to the dry land mass being raised up. You are looking at present geological conditions and making the presumption that the volume of water available would not cover the land mass that existed at the time of Noah.

    So, no, you have not given proof that Noah's flood never happened.

    You also fail to explain how sedimentary rocks (formed by the action of water) exist all over the earth.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    OK, as much as I don't believe in he Bible there's some unfairness here. In the historical time of the flood, the people's "world" was the Tigress Euphrates River Valley. For that valley to flood to those people it would be "the whole world". And 2 of every animal would be only the animals in that area. They reported what they knew, but they only knew a very small part of the globe. As far as the boat and Noah---well no opinion on that. While I don't believe in the Bible, and I'm certainly not Christian, I do believe that some fairness could come into play here. Let's take these stories in the context of the culture and knowledge of the times. Hay--I'll bet that most Christians don't know how long a cubit is (dimensions used in building the Ark). It's the measurement from the tip of your finger to your elbow. Just a little trivia.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    You atheists really have abandoned common sense. Lets use "logic". People in the Bible times didn't have the science we have today, how would they know the cubic kilometers? They just said it flooded every single thing. Sorry atheists, you're all angry and stupid people with nothing better to do.

    And by the way, screw you. And before you say anything back....I'm the thane of whiterun. WHAT NOW???

    "The average radius of the earth is about 6400km. The volume of ocean water ( the major source of water on earth -- see the interesting web site:

    is about 1.3x10^9 km^3. If the earth were a smooth sphere with a shell of water, the average depth dR = dV/ 4 x pi x R^2 where dR is the average depth, pi = 3.14, R = 6400km. Plugging in the numbers gives a depth of about 2.5 km. (~ 1.6 miles).


    Of course, the earth wasn't a perfect sphere then any more than it is now, but the Bible says the highest mountains (at that time) were covered to a depth of 15 cubits (22.5-26.25 feet, depending on 18-21" cubit). Before the catastrophic plate tectonics, there weren't mountains like Everest-height or others.

    Who's pathetic now, douche?"

    What? You gonna thumbs me down just cause I proved you wrong?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No you didn't prove it at all! There's attually people finding pieces of what they believe to

    be Noahs ark right now. It's made out of the same wood, gopher wood. And their finding animal hair on the wood. In the bible it says Noah took 2 kinds of every animal. And the world was destroyed with water. Why do you think we have deep oceans? Also science doesn't prove anything! Back in the old testament it spoke of magic and miracles. For example, the world is a miracle created by God. So get your facts straight! Sorry Athiest, you are pathetic. I just proved Noah's Ark! Ha!

    Source(s): Truth!!!!
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Isaiah 55:8-11.

    8 “For the thoughts of YOU people are not my thoughts, nor are my ways YOUR ways,” is the utterance of Jehovah. 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than YOUR ways, and my thoughts than YOUR thoughts. 10 For just as the pouring rain descends, and the snow, from the heavens and does not return to that place, unless it actually saturates the earth and makes it produce and sprout, and seed is actually given to the sower and bread to the eater, 11 so my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.

    The flood was brought upon a wicked and twisted generation by the most high God. Now we cannot put God in a box and give him human boundaries & limitations. Recall the scripture says the heavens are higher than the earth. So now are u saying this event was impossible to an all powerful God? Didn't he create the heavens with it's billions of galaxies. The account of Noah requires more faith than physical evidence & faith is not a possession of all men. Read the Genesis account again and ask God in prayer to guide you in seeing if it is a myth or divine truth.

    Source(s): Bible
  • 9 years ago

    @Isolated Empiricist: For a moment, lets grant the flood for the purpose of this point:

    If the water level on the Earth were to rise spectacularly, like rising by several kilometers, the athmosphere would be pushed up by the rising water level as well.

    So, the air pressure at the new sea level would be pretty much the same as it is now. Where else would the air go ?

    Now, the biblical flood is a myth. But, the point about the air stands.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You are a moron. The Great Flood NEVER covered the entire planet. "The world", as the Bible says, was the world as man knew it, the small piece of land where man lived in the Middle East. No one was in today's N. and S. America, Asia, Australia, Africa and Western Europe. Man lived in Israel, Rome, Greece, and some Muslim countries. So you don't have to prove that the flood never happened because it didn't cover the entire planet. Just a small area of land back then.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    The text in Genesis 7:20, reports that the waters rose fifteen cubits (seven meters) above the high mountains. Considering the Everest as a reference between the high mountains. Everest is now 8848 meters high, due to the existence of marine sediments found at 7,800 meters, it is supposed that before the flood was 1048 meters height (8848-7800). If the waters in 40 days of rain covered the high mountains, it is assumed that the waters rose 1055 meters above sea level, i.e. 1048 plus 7 meters (fifteen cubits).

    The entry of water in the deluge is equivalent to a hypothetical column of 1055 meters of water. This volume of water would increase the diameter of the planet in 2110 meters and continents and oceans occupied the surface in proportion to the density of the elements. For isostatic balance between continents and seas, there should be a ratio of three parts oceans and one of the continents, or 25% continents and 75% of oceans. If one consider that the continents are on average 838 meters above sea level, then the proportion of the continents should be below 25%, something around 20% and not 29.2% (or 34.6% with the continental shelves) as it’s today. The conclusion is that the continents are 70% (34.6 / 20.o) above that physics allows in a global balance, considering the average surface density of 3.0 g/cm ³. If the continents are above that the physics allows, it is assumed that the continents are sinking to achieve a global balance.

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