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Lv 7
JayJay asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

Jesus Christ will remove this world of Atheists once and for all?

This was such a good question, but it was deleted. So I thought I'd re-post it and see what happens. So let me ask it again: Will Jesus Christ succeed in removing atheism from this world? Is his message strong enough to push back against atheism, addiction, and un-belief?


PS: this question was supposed to be in the "religion" section.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Then delete yourself and repost in religion, troll.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There never was any biblical Jesus. He was a fictional composite character created by writers from the stories of several historical persons that were combined to create one fictional character. There has NEVER been found any evidence that the biblical Jesus ever existed. The first century Jewish historians Flavius Josephus and Philo of Alexandria traveled throughout Palestine in the first century, and they wrote about many false messiahs and miracle workers including John the Baptist and James the Just, BUT they NEVER wrote about the biblical Jesus.

  • 9 years ago

    Jesus was not a judgmental prick as you are insinuating. He would hang with societies outcasts in order to help them understand that God doesn't judge and that they don't have to be the person other people (like yourself) have judged them to be. Why do so many Christians think that Jesus was such an a$$hole?

    Living life loving.

  • 9 years ago

    The story of Jesus was borrowed from neighboring religions. As for ridding the world of atheism, well. too bad that means ridding the U.S. of less than 1% of its prison population (13% of people in US are atheist) The better alternative for society would be to rid the prison population of it's majority of 75% christian population compared to the US 74% christian pop. Point being, if jesus wants to come and rid the world of the high educated, dedicated, well behaved and moral intellectuals then he is nobody that i want to worship. No message is strong enough to stop the spread of info and knowledge of the current day.does that answer your question?

    P.S. By posting this you have effectively made christians look even more intolerant and ignorant of others.

    P.S.S. Just because I'm an atheist does not mean that I don't follow the ethics set by society, but then curiously attributed to religion.

    Source(s): atheist.
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  • J
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Yes by the time I'm finished everyone will know I am for real as is God.

    Yes it's me Jesus.....back and still eating the fruits and seeds as God ordered in Genesis, from beginning to end....

    and to prove I'm the real deal I explain (in all languages as promised) how I performed 2 miracles feeding the 5000 and the miraculous catch in my key video "the announcement". More will be revealed in due course over the next few months as the world wakes up slowly to the reality I am back. Of course some will say I am an imposter but the reality is no one will wonder how the miracles were performed anymore as my truth will be embedded in the minds of man and everyone will know it's the truth even if they deny me in their hearts. Spread the video (facebook-Jayzus Christo, twitter-@themessiahme, email etc) if you want to speed up the coming of a world free of oppression, violence, paedophilia etc it's going to happen. to doubt is normal but oppose or censor me at your peril. Those who muster faith and pass on the video shall be rewarded (although perhaps despised by many).

    Love Jesus

    PS. there is no contradiction between God and science as I explain briefly and succinctly

    Plus the new calendar, not so new but the easiest and most universal true celestrial calendar.

  • 9 years ago

    The problem here is not Atheism but hypocrisy. "Judge not lest ye be judged". Ever hear of that? Being a self-proclaimed Christian, you should.

    You should also know the story of how Jesus healed the servant of a Roman Centurion instead of cursing him and judging him. If you truly are a Christian, why don't you take a lesson from Jesus' example?

    Source(s): Observation and my heart
  • Jim V
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    >> Is his message strong enough to push back against atheism, addiction, and un-belief? <<

    Yes it is, but not without being willing to embrace the message.

    So, I guess I'd put it this way. The message of Christ does have the potential to remove atheism from this world ... but it won't because of our free will.

    On the the other hand, Jesus will - at some point - remove atheism from the world. But it will take his direct intervention.

  • 9 years ago

    If you believe in Jesus you would not be so hasty to type and would be showing these people love . God loves the ones who are destroyed as well . When everyone was singing and rejoicing as they left Egypt God said he was sad for those who felt his wrath because he made them to.

    You should not be using Jesus in a way that discriminates someone. Tho we all know what the bible says will happen in the end this comment is not a comment intended for the good and does not do anyone any good!

    How does this spread the good news or show our lords love to the unbelievers? Do you think your comment will help anyone see our lord in this world?

  • 9 years ago

    First of all you posted a statement on a site designed for questions. That might be why your "question" was deleted the first time. And if I'm to understand your half retarded "question", then I would just say that there is no reason to believe that God, let alone his fictional son, will have any influence on this world or the life you live.

  • Sleepy
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Based on the history written by christians themselves, I'd think he'd remove them first.

    PS, ever heard of religious addiction? I had a nephew almost die from spending so much time with his nose in that book of tall tales that he fell asleep at work and almost got eaten by a heavy piece of machinery.

  • 9 years ago

    Remember too JayJay that each non-believer has until his last breath or close to it, to get it right and find salvation with God.. God wants to be fair with all and each individual and we must remember that God ALREADY knows who will be saved and who will not because he knows all things past present and future correct?

    With that said, it would be difficult for and with no reason for him to clear the world of evil when we are each bound for Heaven, whatever and wherever that may be..Let's not be so concerned about others' salvation as much as assuring our own, eh? I'm doing good just knowing that each day God makes me stronger and gives me more and more insight on his WORD that I don't want to anger or be upset trying to figure out the ending of some one else's life

    What I have learned to do instead of being hurt or angered by those who call themselves non-believers because they are hurting form some catastrophe that happened in their lives is simply PRAY for them with heartwarming sincerity...That binds us to humanity and God is so pleased when we understand and adhere to his commands and requests.Amen

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