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will obama win against mitt romney?

will obama get re-elected inspite of still weak U.S. economy?

18 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. Mitt Romney in 2012 is what John Kerry was in 2004. Bush had a weak economy and an unpopular war. Obama has a recovering yet still weak economy as well. John Kerry and the Dems ran an "Anyone But Bush" campaign that stood for nothing in 2004. Mitt Romney and the Repubs are doing the same thing in 2012. Calling the other guy a loser without having a significantly better plan than the other won't get you anyway.

  • 9 years ago

    Your answer is in the electoral map. It looks hard (but not impossible) for the Republicans to win.

    Use click "start with 2008". Give Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Indiana, Nevada, Colorado, and New Mexico to the Republicans. They still lose.

    The republicans need to pluck-off one other state. Obama beats Romney in Michigan because of the auto bailout. The Republicans in Ohio are trying to put switching Ohio to a right-to-work state on the ballot. That will bring out the union vote in droves. That leaves then fighting over Pennsylvania, possibly New Hampshire, and Iowa. (plus not lose NM or CO). It's an uphill fight.

  • Deb M
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The republicans are trying to lay the blame on Obama or the economy...Santorum said the bank failure was Obama's fault...interesting that it all happened in 2008 before the November elections. The housing crisis was an agenda item for the candidate during the 2008 elections. As to Romney...foolish man to say he would have let the Auto industry go bankrupt. That would have added a big debt on the taxpayer for pensions...yes...Romney with his scam with companies laid a tax burden on the American people. The federal government paid the bill though the Guaranteed Pension fund.

    Has Romney EVER had a job? Does he know how to work for a living...would people really want that type of leadership?

    Obama gave a speech on bringing back manufacturing to the US. The republicans are now jumping on the bandwagon...BUT in true republican plan on how to do it!

    The economy must be better...the republicans are not talking jobs..just demoralizing women. The republicans are a joke...Limbaugh is a cocaine addict and the leader of the party.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    Romney has a better chance than Santorum-largely because of the Mormon thing-but neither is a legitimate candidate and won't beat Obama. Just like 1996, Bob Dole was a throw away candidate the "winner" of the Republican primary will become a footnote to history as they won't win.

    The 2012 election is going to be a choice between the lesser of two bad candidates.

    In theory it would be a great time to vote for a 3rd party candidate and while the grassroots behind 3rd party candidates are picking up they still have barely surpassed critical mass (5%) so the choice will be between a known quantity-even if that quantity doesn't do anything-and an unknown religious radical.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    This is the honest truth.....

    There is about 150million jobs for a population of around 340million. Millions working part-time. Minimum wage under $8 00 and not likely to move. 50 million people on food stamps and no health-care insurance.

    The rich getting super-rich and the in-equality gap getting bigger and bigger.

    America is owned by the super-rich Chinese communist (oh the irony) and Saudi oil money.

    Doesn't matter who is president.

    But Obama is a cool dude tho'.

  • Ruby
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    that is what the polls show.

    According to the recent polls, the only GOP candidate who can beat Obama is Ron Paul.

    Ron Paul is the only candidate that can draw the vote from true conservatives, independents and disgruntled democrats.

    He is the only one who will bring the troops home, and that is the draw for disgruntled democrats. An Obama win will see a contintinuation of the perpetual war agenda and empire building.

    Ron Paul is the only candidate willing to stop the insane printing of money. Every time new money is printed, the value of the dollars in your pocket decreases. That is a hidden tax, called "inflation" and it has to stop. Obama and the establishment GOP candidates will stay that course, so if the status quo stands, it won't be long before you see the $10 gallon of gas.

  • 9 years ago

    The only way Obama will be re-elected will be if this is the most corrupt election in American history. After all, Obama and his minions are basing their election on stirring up racial tension, class warfare, dependency, no rules for ID for racial minorities, handing out 'poison candy' to those who have been convinced they cannot depend on themselves, they cannot get a decent education without liberals, they need others to pay for their abortions and birth and total immorality. They need the government to teach their children what is right and wrong. They need liberals to teach them that we need a ruler and we must be loyal, subjects in dire need of them. Corrupt Chicago politics will rule with the corrupt Attorney General, Holder refusing to prosecute the law breaking cheats or the Black Panthers who will block the elderly from the polling places.

    They are already lining up for the kill BUT I don't think it will work this time. The people of the U.S. are wising up and the liberal masks are coming off and their desperation is showing.

    Romney or Santorum will win. The silent majority is awake, aware and ready to make their voices heard. The people know we all all worse off with Obama's Solyndra, windmills, other solar bankrupt projects that have cost us billions, more gas projects, sky high totally unaffordable gas prices and the middle and lower class are getting the ones getting hurt. They are not able to afford even a used car while Obama's failing electric car, wealthy buyers are getting the rest of us to pay for their $10,000 tax break on these experimental cars that only work for 23 miles on electric before they switch over to gas. I guess they can afford it but Obama is giving them a break while demeaning these folks to the crowds and supplementing their income while they donate to his re-election.

    No Obama will not win. No one but the promiscuous girls and children that get tax payer birth control and abortions. Let us never forget that Obama voted for infanticide while he was in the Illinois Senate. When in the U.S. Senate he never cast a vote, simply voted 'present'. Once again he did all he could because he didn't want to stand for anything so no one would know where he stood on any issue. This was very obvious the Senate was only a stepping stone toward his bid for the presidency. Great representation for the people of Illinois. Now all of us are his subjects. He must go.

  • 9 years ago

    The question should be ask... Will Mitt Romney win, against Mitt Romney?

  • 9 years ago

    most likely.

    Although i want Paul to, he won't because mitt gets WAY more votes, i think mostly because of Super PAC's.

    Obama won't be President again.

    Interesting fact: 99% of African Americans that voted in the 2008 election voted for Obama, the highest since the 14th amendment gave every citizen, including African Americans of coarse.

    My point is i think just wanted a Black President.

    Not being Racist, just realistic.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No. Obama is to be vetted this time around, as stated by Breibart just before he died. The tapes of Obama since college, which Breibart had, will be surfacing soon. Hopefully, they won't bring them out too early, as that will give Obama time to get "shovel ready". It would be best to wait until after the GOP selects their man, which could be Mitt Romney.

    Although Obama and his little thugs have been trying to dig up dirt on Romney, their shovels are empty. They have attempted to take things out of context and blow the fabricated dirt up, but people are doing their homework this time around.

    Once Mitt or another Republican candidate is selected, Republicans, Conservatives, some Liberals and even some Democrats will line up behind him in support. The polls will rise in favor of the GOP candidate.

    Anybody, but Obama 2012.

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