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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

Safe to say that Barrack Hussein Obama is the most Unconstitutional president EVER?

Who does he represent? Does he represent the people??

Is this the "Hope and Change" he was talking about?

> Continued the Patriot Act after being against it when he was in "campaign mode"

> Killed a US Citizen without trial

> Signed into law the NDAA

> SOPA and Internet regulation under the Obama administration

> HR347 (an attack on free speech)

> ObamaCare mandate

Oh let's not forget

- Socialistic (people shoulda listened to Joe the Plumber)

- Divisive / Class Warefare

- Muslim? I'm not saying he is. But I find it disturbing that the question even needs to be asked, especially during war times. I think it's a bit NAIVE to think that he being among a Muslim family/relatives, schooling, etc had ZERO affect on who he identifies with / has empathies for.

George W Bush was bad w/the Patriot Act, but I can't think of another president more erosive to the Constitution than Obama.

Is this the Hope & Change he was talking about on the campaign trails?


** Yes I realize Both parties voted for many of these bills (which is sad), what I'm saying it's all been under Obama's tenure which is telling.

33 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When you're the one hiring the judges, you'd be surprised what you can get away with.

  • 9 years ago

    No, it's not safe to say because he isn't. Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal made much significant changes to the US and the Constitution than Obama. Roosevelt also often circumvented the constitution and congress by using executive powers more often than any other President. Roosevelt also had various parts of the National Industrial Recovery Act struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional.

    As for the majority of your reasons why he's unconstitutional, you should look to Congress to see which parties brought up those issues in government. The majority of them you will find were bills with heavy Republican support....

    Obama is also very far from being a socialist. I suggest you look up what it means to be a Socialist. So he wants universal healthcare for us, and good education. That doesn't make him a socialist. It pushes him closer to being a European style Social Democrat, but he's still very far to the right in comparison to the most right leaning European Social Democrat.

    He is not Muslim, even if he was, who cares? He's not trying to institute Sharia law on us, he believes in separation of church and state just like the constitution says. This is in contrast to many Republicans who want to replace the state as the highest power in our country with the Bible. Santorum is far more dangerous to our freedom and liberty, and our constitution than Obama is. Again, what does it really matter what religion our President, or any future President, belongs to if they aren't an extremist and don't force their religious beliefs on the rest of us. Most importantly what's the problem if they respect the separation of Church and State? Most average Muslims I've met in the US are far more caring and good natured toward their fellow man than many Christians.... I'm an atheist, and for me I respect everyone else's right to practice whatever religion they want as long as they respect everyone else right to practice their's without pushing their beliefs on others. Religion has no place in government, so as long as the President doesn't create Religious based laws, who really cares what he believes?

  • 9 years ago

    calling BS to the Us citizen one. Conservatives would've done the same. You do know what a socialist is, right? Class warefare is a made up term and should happpen if the aristocrats (1%) control everything. As for Muslim, who cares? Not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are Muslim:KKK Pope Urban II Anders Behivik. As for the most unconstitutional president. That would be Thomas Jefferson. Although I like him and believe he was one of our best presidents. He established us as a continental power through means of an Unconstitutional land deal. His party was against implied powers. He sayed it was treaty powers bu he wasn't fooling anyone. I wanna give a shoutout to the people who have bad ratings and I think i know why.

    Source(s): They use Facts
  • 9 years ago

    I agree he has done a lot of really terrible things that have pushed our country years, probably decades in the wrong direction. Is he trying to do good? I don't even know, I hope he is trying to do good, even though it really doesn't seem like it. However, as much as I don't like him, or approve what he is doing, I think it should be mentioned that many other presidents pushed this country to the point where it was when Obama got in the White house, which has allowed him to do what he is doing. There were many other socialistic presidents that are hailed as great presidents now that paved the way for Obama to come in and even become president. And the nation as a whole is filled with people that want these socialistic programs, want to be taken care of, don't care what state this nation will be in when our grandchildren are growing up. Its time to think about the future, now our future, but the next generation, and the generation after that. What kind of country do we want them growing up in? What kind of world do we want them growing up in?

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  • 9 years ago

    I believe that our government is unconstitutional! Both the House (of ill repute) and the Senate allow for these thing to pass! I always do my part as a Patriotic American, and read the Constitution,compare the Bill that are at large, and tell the how to vote and why! But unfortunately most of us (especially here on YA) don't realize that they can talk to their reps and senators, let alone read the Constitution and The Bill of Rights!

    Source(s): The Declaration of Independence! The Constitution of The United States of America! The Bill of Rights!
  • 9 years ago

    President Obama has acted with more disregard for the Constitution than all the Former Presidents combined. His touted knowledge regarding the Constitution makes him appear even more arrogant and reckless.

    Impeachment has been filed against Obama. This will go nowhere...because the Great Giant is sleeping!

    The US needs a true Leader of all the People. President Obama should step aside and then step down.

    Obama has made a mockery of our Country, our People, our Constitution and Liberty.

  • 9 years ago

    Yep, among other things. Top on my list is him and his admin thinking all they need to send American troops into combat is "international permission, or a consensus. Par for obama, skirting the Constitution, as usual. He may say he's a Christian, but ask yourself one thing. Have you ever been so distracted or tired to, as a Christian, slipped up and said "my muslim faith", or "my Buddhist faith" ? Never known anyone else to make that slip.

    obama must go.

  • 9 years ago


  • 9 years ago

    Did anybody mention the sheriff who rounded up that posse to investigate his birth certificate , pointing out to what we knew all along , ERRONEOUS on all accounts? he not even a us citizen which if we do something about it means all his little laws are null and void!!! but its whatever cause its pepsi or coke we get the same thing , i blame satan , and the Rothschild's

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    He represents the bloody democrats, the leading party in congress, who america voted for to lead the country, if you're going to complain 'on behalf of the people' then you need to ask them why they voted him into power

  • 9 years ago

    George W Bush was bad w/the Patriot Act, ?

    The USA Patriot Act passed the Senate 99 to 1 the first time.

    If Bush would vetoed it, it would have passed anyway.

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