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Lv 613,788 points

Martinicus the mighty!

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Here are a few things about me: I love my creator Jesus so much that I try to put into practice what he teaches. I do volunteer work. I also do street preacher. Also, I am very active in the community. I even have a vegetable garden. I build model rockets and am into astronomy. I can be political.

  • How many of you here in the Politics section of YA participate in your own communities?

    Let me give you some examples of my day to day life, I mean, rather than complain about the problem, I actually e-mail my Senators, and Congressman on the issues of the day.

    But let's not stop there!

    I also attend John Birch Society meetings and we discuss politics, governments, and activism! I do frequent TEA party rallies!

    I also attend City Hall meetings as well, and am an active member in my community (I guess for this reason ALONE I am called an activist). . . And I do frequent community events as well!

    I am also involved at a local Rescue Mission and do hand out food, and work in the pantry by organizing the food that we receive through donations, and we distribute out to local Churches, and from time to time I also help serve the hot meals (and not just on Thanksgiving, but on a day to day basis when they need me) and on that I have learned to never refer to the poor, and the homeless as bums, because when growing up as a kid nobody says "When I grow up, I wanna be a homeless person!" or "I wanna be on welfare!" no one plans for such things in life! Plus, when reading the Bible, I am doing what Jesus commanded us to do in Matthew Chapter 25! And yes. . . . I am very active in Ministry as well but I am not perfect, and I do fall (or sin) from time to time! I am not preaching licentiousness, but all a Christian is nothing but a sinner that is saved! I am also thinking of creating a garden, and donate what I some of what I grow to the very Rescue Mission that I volunteer at to serve the vegetables in the meals.

    Now, with all of that said, NO! I AM NOT TRYING TO BRAG! But I am giving you an example me in the community, I am not the type of person that will sit and do nothing but complain because if you just only complain, what good does that do?! It is when you take action and DO SOMETHING that is where you see the "Change!" (NOTE: I am still a conservative and I am very well against the communist in chief Obama! But enough about the pink-o in chief! I'll save that for another day!)

    Look, all I am wondering is how many of YOU are active in the very community that you live in? Or do you just sit and do nothing but complain? I mean to vote is one thing, but to actually get up and do something to rather improve life within the community really makes the difference!

    Your thoughts please?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Jesse Ventura running for President in 2016?

    When I first heard the news that he is considering it, I thought alright! But after talking to friend of mine, who showed me on why I shouldn't vote for him. I am changing my mind that being if Ventura runs. . . I found out that he (Ventura) stands for some of the things that I oppose of (such as he is pro choice) But Ventura also has a tendency to changing his mind a lot! your thought please on Jesse Ventura running for President?

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Does anyone feel a sense of vindication against the IRS these days?

    As a TEA party protester, to an extent, I sure do! Your thoughts please?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Did you see Lois Lerner of the IRS run and hide from the truth?

    How many of you saw, or heard the hearing today investigating the IRS? What do you think of LOW-is Lerner Pleading the 5th and that RINO Darrell Issa letting her of the hook like that?

    For all I know, I am being audited $250.00 by the IRS. . . But enough about me!

    See LOW-is plead the 5th! See LOW-is run! RUN LOW-IS! RUN! RUN FROM THE TRUTH!!!! Now I say this as a 3rd party Conservative (Registered as American Independent) and not a Repbulican. . . . But please give me your thoughts on today's hearing?

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • I am wondering how many liberal/progressives live in Knob Creek, Kentucky?

    I am just curious! Just how many live in such areas? But hey, I am a conservative, HISPANIC male living in the belly of the liberal beast known as California. . . So. . . I am just wondering, since the question just keeps popping in my head, I mean, to see liberals that are pro-gun control, and living there in Knob Creek, Kentucky!

    I am pro God, pro family, and anti gun control, and for a Republic-which means LESS GOVERNMENT, and Pro Constitution! And I do own firearms that are strictly for hunting, and self defense.

    Now let's put all of that aside!

    I mean, how many liberals live in the Knob Creek area? And how pissed off do they get when they go by the shooting range that is featured on CMT's "Guntucky"? I seen this place on youtube a few years ago, and I admit that it is my dream vacation spot!

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • On Obama-care. . . I wonder this?

    Would Obama backers pissed off at people like me choosing holistic healing over Obama-care? I Know the People at Pfizer would. . . . George $0r0$ (Soros) MIGHT because he MAY have stock in Pfizer! Go ahead and give me your input.

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What would men like John Owen, D.L. Moody, and C.H. Spurgeon say?

    What would men like John Owen, D.L. Moody, C.H. Spurgeon, as well as the likes of Cotton Mathers, and John Wesley, Wycliffe, Foxe (Writer of Foxe's Book of Maryrs) I mean all these great men of faith, what would they say about the modern Protestant Church today? Now note: I ask this as a Protestant Christian myself. You can refer to using scriture too!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Liberals & Conservatives, Who would you rather see preach from the Bible?

    Bishop T. D. Jakes, or the Reverend Al Sharpton?

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Liberals and Conservatives! Who is more of a man of God?

    Would you consider it to be;

    Dr Tony Evans, or Reverand Jesse Jackson? Please enlighten me here. . . Tell me why?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • This question keeps nagging me about an alien race?

    Now a couple of days ago, I was watching on the History Channel "Ancient Aliens." A show that says thousands "Believe we have been visited by extra terrestrial beings from another world!" Now I got to thinking on this. . . . IF some well advanced alien race, far more advanced than us were to visit us, and then listen and see our media, and what I meant by that is not only our news agencies (the press) but our entertainment industry as well, and then they end up getting into YA, and the checking out Politics & Government-Politics section of YA, and see some of the answers in here, and then they would proceed to sneak on into our nation's capital-Washington DC, and see ALL of our "Elected" (More like bought and paid for SELECTED) Officials!

    What do you think their reaction would be? I would say it would be one of sarcasm like: "To think they actually learned how to harness the atom!"

    Your thoughts?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If the liberals do get their anti gun agendas passed?

    Do they take into consideration of the fact that a black market will arise on guns that would be illegal to obtain here in the U.S?! I never hear Senator Dianne Feinstein, who is trying to get more gun control laws passed, mention of a black market on illegal guns! Also do liberals think that criminals will adhere to gun control laws? Plus also, getting them in Mexico, and bringing them back across the border into the U.S, I mean, some of us MAY HAVE in the past actually brought "Not so legal" fireworks across the border from Mexico into the U.S. with no problem whatsoever! Now what makes them think not with firearms? Do liberals take into consideration of these things? Are they that oblivious to these facts? Your thoughts please. . .

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What will you be doing this Saturday?

    Me? I more than likely will start my day off with a good cup of coffee, and do some prayer time. . . Then I will be reading all of the false prophecies that DID NOT happen the day before all the while listening to a song that was recorded in 1992 called "Great Big Stupid World" by a Christian Music Artist named Randy Stonehill followed by REM's "It's the end of the world as we know it!". Then I will be here on YA and probably see some blathering liberal morons (like I just encountered a few when I came in here) and their questions will be something like "HeY CoNtArDs! JeSuS DiDNOT CoM FeR YoU! Y?" (I anticipate questions like this. . . . And probably from some of my "Bible Scholars" that are here in YA Politics) Something in that nature, and I, more than likely will come across some moron squealing anti gun spew. . . . Then after all that, I will probably will be enjoying a decent breakfast (I am a good cook) and I will go about life as usual, and maybe even do some Christmas shopping. Notice that I didn't spell Christmas with an "X". . . That's for lazy morons! Plus when I refer to my "Bible Scholars" here in the Politics section of YA, I am being a bit sarcastic!

    Now, what will you be doing this Saturday? Be creative and humor me. . . I see some of you with your avatars that seem so creative and down right hillarious. . . Come on now! I know that this is the Politics section of YA, but what will YOU be doing this Saturday?

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • To all of my "Bible scholars" here in the political section of YA: Riddle me this?

    Now my fellow conservatives can answer this too, however, I am mainly aiming this at those of you with the avatars of Jesus flipping the bird at me, or the ones that have Jesus and a name like "Jesus made me con. . . Whatever" or an avatar of Jesus and the name "Original Liberal" (My favorite by the ways) I am going to refer to YOU all as my "Bible scholars" because I am assuming that you have read the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations! Now I know this is the political section of YA, and forgive me of my hypocrisy. . . But my question is this: What does The Gospel of St Matthew chapter 25 verses 31 through 46 mean to YOU?

    Now, I always try to put this scripture into practice on a daily basis. . . Though sometimes I fail at it, and I do not mean to brag, however I do it out of total unconditional agape! Now I am assuming that some of you being my "Bible Scholars" know what agape is! I know I do!

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Can you answer me this all of you Liberals and all of you Patriots (True Conservatives)?

    Now, before I begin, I do realize that we need good labor laws. . . We also need to enforce them as well. I also realize that the purpose of union is make sure that the employees of the said company are being treated well, and not to be screwed over company.

    But let's take the case of Wal-Mart! Everyone knows they import MOST of their goods from countries that offer cheap labor for pennies on the dollar an hour! But why is that? ? ? ? Call it what you want, but it is what it is. Of course it is extremely bad that we buy from countries that disregard human rights-Mainly China, India etc and all! I could list a whole group of them and rant on their human rights. . . Most of which are mainly socialist/communist countries.

    Plus, Don't we have some of the strictest manufacturing regulations that makes it extremely hard, if not impossible to get retail chain stores such as "Evil Wal-Mart" (Being sarcastic with the name. . . I do shop at Wal-Mart) and Target, as well as K-Mart to sell the said product?

    Also I ask, if you were to work overtime, most companies HAVE to pay double, and in some states, triple overtime wages for working on a holiday like Thanksgiving, why complain? Would not the families of the said employees understand that overtime, let alone double, and sometimes triple, means more for the wallet to help out with bills that need to be paid? Or would you rather see a family starve because that person did not make enough money to have groceries all because of the bills that had to be paid?

    Also I ask, if you were to allow for the unions to come into places like Wal-Mart, wouldn't it drive up the prices? You gotta consider store overhead to operate as well.

    Also I ask, what about those thousands of workers that lost their jobs at Hostess just recently? Will the union they have give them more work, or will they seek more union dues from these people that lost their jobs?

    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • Am I the only one that sees things like this?

    Now as I see it, socialism in the media has helped to destroy America. As of today, I will no longer be a member of neither the Democrat party, nor the Republican Party! In my opinion, the Democrat Party might as well merge with the Communist Party USA and make it official of their true agenda! And the Republican Party were "Bought-n-soul'd" (They sold their soul) a long time ago and are no longer the party of Lincoln. Living proof of this is this past election! Because any other time, Obama would have been anihilated at the voting booth! Now with that said, I agree with Pastor Johnny Hunter when he said in the documentary called "MAAFA 21: The Black Genocide" on why he is an Independent that "Both the Republican Party, and Democrat Party have been in bed with Jezebel. . . " But in my opinion, they are still in bed having a 3 way with her right now!

    I guess that is the John Birch Society member in me speaking. . .

    But my question is this: I have seen Faux News (I call it the News of the William F. Buckley Neocon/RINO. . . . Now remember, I am against Obama) and I seen the interview where they cut short the interview where the person they were interviewing accused them of being "too Republican" Now, I cruise down the remote past HLN and CNN (Left wing news) then I go on down past ABC, NBC, and CBS and land on FSTV (AKA Free Speech TV) and in my opinion that might as well be known as CPUSATV (Communist Party USA TV) and I was watching Amy Goodman do their take on the news and she covered the horrible tradgedy in Bangledesh where "Six people had died in a fire that was in a clothing factory that made clothes for Wal-Mart and Sears. . . " I imean, nevermind the fact that six people had died (and that was a horrible tradgedy by the ways) but to add in that they "made clothes for Wal-Mart and Sears!" Now, I also hardly ever listen to AM Radio unless it is a Christian/Gospel Radio Station. . . . But what I'm asking is where is the truth in the secular media today? To me, the powers that be have a problem. . . They are a bunch of globalist, and the media in general, are owned by the globalist. It seems to me that the media was "Bought-n-soul'd" not by the capitalist, but by the globalist. I am also aware of the 1st Amendent where we are granted freedom of speech-That means not only to tell the truth, but also to lie as well, or cover things up!

    I have seen the movie "They Live" and I feel like the charactor that "Rowdy" Roddy Piper played when he grabs those "special sunglasses" and sees thing very differently! That's how I feel at times! I just look all around and see what is happening!

    Is the media that biased to have a devide and conquor attitude?

    Give me you thoughts on this.

    11 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • How many of you would like to see ALL of our elected officials earn no more than Minimum Wage?

    And let the voters decide who shall get a raise, and how much of a raise shall they get, as well as what kind of benefits they deserve! Give me your thoughts exactly!

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Liberals and Conservatives! What is your idea of a Church?

    I Know. . . Some of you are going to say "This is the wrong section for you! This should be in the Society & Culture-Religion section!!!" And I admit, without trying to sound all too hypocritical here on the fact that I have been known to say this when someone attacks Christianity here in the politics section, and mainly they are liberals. . . . But I ask this, even though Conservatives can chime in as well, but I am mainly asking those that have attacked Christianity by refering to Jesus as "A magical Jew!!" or even those of you with avatars with Jesus flipping me the bird, or having a picture of Jesus and a name "Original Liberal" or you call your self Teavangalist! Now these things I do find quit offensive, but it does not surprise me to see this at all coming from the left! It doesn't! But I ask what is your idea of the Church, or what a Church actually does? ? ? It may, or may not match my idea of the Church, or what the Church is supposed to do! I ask this as a Protestant Christian, and not as a Roman Catholic. . . There is a big difference the two! Also where does Matthew 25:36-46 fit in with your thinking?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Hey liberals! Riddle me this too?

    Now you have protested against eating at Chick-fil-a (and I admit that you won) Now will you stop buying gasoline, or petroleum based products because in some of the countries that are in OPEC arrest and KILL people for being homosexuals?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If you were to take a few businesses and combine them together?

    Wouldn't that be like building a Rat Rod? I mean you have a body of a 1928 Ford Model T! Now, you may have to take out all of the rust and whatever dents you might have! Then you take and (if you know how to weld) build the frame and the suspension, but if you can find the frame that will work then that too is cool! Then you take the 396 engine and the transmission out of a wrecked '68 Chevy. Then you take the rear axel off of a '74 Oldsmobile, or a '71 Dodge-Now of course you more than likely will have to make drive shaft that will work for the transmission and the rear end! Now you may have to get things like the gages at your local speed shop (and NO I don't mean through your local drug dealer!) or get them online at Summit, or even Year 1! Then before you know it, you have a cool ride, and a low budget car! And for some of you liberals that shun at the sight of this: Hey! at least I did a form of recycling. . . I mean all of the parts were from used vehicles! I hope to have this type of car up and running by Earth Day!

    Now isn't that what Romney did with Bayer-Sterns? (Baher-Bayer. . . However that is spelled) I mean he took the best of a few companies and made them work together like the car that I plan on building?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Liberals! Riddle me this?

    If someone in the entertainment industry makes millions of dollars you think it is good, but for someone to make millions of dollars in the business world you think they are crooks? Explain yourselves!

    18 AnswersPolitics9 years ago