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people who became pregnant on first try, how?

did you chart your cycle?

Did you just have sex every day not caring?

did you use ovulation strips?

Is it your first, second, third, etc child?

How old were you?

Did you feel like you were just lucky or you "knew" it was only going to take you once?

Just some thoughts going through my mind. It took us 2.5 YEARS to conceive our first child and we're working on our second and I don't want to go as crazy as I did the first time. I think I'm in the 2WW of our 2nd or 3rd cycle. I'm trying not to keep track this time. Just let things that are going to happen, happen. And I'm 30. Please share your story. :)

8 Answers

  • Jackie
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My first came by surprise. My second, I spent a couple months keeping track of periods start/end dates on an iphone app. Then when we were ready to go for it, we had unprotected sex, once, on the day it said I would ovulate. I wasn't expecting it to be that easy, but I got pregnant! I'm 39 weeks today :) It had been at least a week since we had had sex, and we didn't use any ovulation strips or anything like that.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Me and my partner decided to try for a baby in July 2011, I got pregnant in august 2011, I fell very lucky, I was ready to wait for a long time like friends and family, but it happend right away.

    I didn`t have sex every day as I read that if you do it the sperm is not so pawerfull and need time to recover so keep having sex every 3 days is the best and specially on your ovulation period, but you can also have sex 3 days before ovulation period and become pregnant.

    It`s my first baby

    I am 25

    The only thing I did was start taking pre pregnancy vitamins with folic acid. And after sex I stay 30 min in bed with a pillow under my hips to make the sperm go deeply inside.

    I know a couple that took 3 years trying to conceive, they didi IVF and they had twins, and the second pregnancy came really fast without they even think about trying again, so is hard to say how long someone will take to have a baby, the only thing I allways say is if both are healthy and the result of tests say that is no problems, don`t spend money in IVF, just be patient that will happen eventually!

    Good luck!

  • Suzy Q
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Oh, but that is easy:


    I know that is not what you want to hear, but there is no way around the luck factor when trying to conceive. Even when you do everything 100% right there is only about 20% chance of conception in any given cycle.

    The reason for this is that getting sperm to meet the egg is actually the easy part. Crucial, sure, but not hard to achieve.

    The hard part is the fertilized egg traveling down the fallopian tube at the right speed (too fast or too slow can make pregnancy fail), starting cell division correctly, not making any mistakes during those crucial first divisions, egg and sperm not having any chromosomal abnormalities to begin with, and the fertilized egg succeeding in implanting correctly into the uterus.

    And those are the very things you can't control. Fact is that MOST fertilized eggs simply never make it through the first two weeks.

    By all means, DO chart and/or use ovulation strips, understanding your cycle is a very good thing to get that first crucial basic covered. But you need to understand that beyond that there is simply a very big part of trying to conceive that is out of your hands.

    Source(s): It took us two years, the last two cycles of which I used ovulation strips AND charted.
  • 9 years ago

    I think my husband and I were both blessed with fertile genes. All we had to do was say that we might be ready for a baby, and I was pregnant.

    With my first, I was 25, and we'd been married just 4 months. We weren't really sure we were ready to TTC although we had talked about it a bit. We had one night without protection, and I was pregnant right away.

    I got my period back 6 months after she was born, and my husband and I decided to "let whatever happens happen" because we had several friends who had trouble conceiving baby #2 after easily getting pregnant with #1. Well, I had a 2nd period 6 weeks later and then got pregnant again. My girls are 17 months apart.

    We were extra careful to prevent pregnancy for the next two years because I wasn't ready to have 3 kids under the age of 3. Then, we talked about possibly TTC in the next 6 months or so, but that we wouldn't try to prevent anymore. No sooner had we made that decision than I was pregnant again. I was 29 at that point, 30 when my son was born.

    I think some people just have an easier time than others, and I don't know why that is. I do know that I was relaxed and pretty healthy when I conceived. Two out of three times, I had just started an exercise program and was just starting to lose weight, so it's possible that played a role. Honestly, though, I think genetics make the biggest difference.

    Good luck to you! Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who conceives easily the 2nd time after struggling the first time.

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  • noa
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I could write a novel but I won't bore you with all the details..! lol.

    Thought we'd have a honeymoon baby.. after 3+ years of every test known to man, Lap and dye, HSG, Clomid etc,etc, we got a BFP on our 2nd attempt of IVF.. 3rd worked as well!

    Human beings are the least fertile on the planet, "Teen Mom" would lead you to believe otherwise..The absolute very best of luck on the 2ww. x

  • 9 years ago

    i charted my cycle and my temperature for about 3 months before i started trying so i could find the exact days i ovulated then had sex once a day for that week , it worked , fell pregnant on the first try

  • 9 years ago

    I had sex 14 days after my period

  • well you know my story. Best of luck to you, we plan to try in April.

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