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Lv 6

Do most atheists here sound like Jim Carrey?

The atheist penchant for ignoring odds astounds me. I have heard even supposedly renown physicists who are atheists do this. I am reminded of the movie "Dumb and Dumber" in which the Jim Carrey character asked the girl what odds they had of getting together. She replied: "A million to one." to which the Carrey character say happily: "So you are telling me that we have a chance!". I am certain even atheists laughed at that one because it was so obvious she was saying it was impossible.

Yet they readily accept these odds (from various sciences shows, books, or newspaper/magazines on a scientific research)

Odds of the universe not collapsing in on itself moments after the Big Bang: billions upon billions to one.

While not speaking about the origins of life itself, the odds of a planet to have all of the conditions necessary for life conditions to exist and continue to exist : 1:5,203,106,979,840,000,000,000, 000,000,000. (This would included the size of the sun, heat of the sun, size of the planet, location of the planet, tilt of the planet, rotation of the planet, orbit of the planet, existence of a moon, size of the moon, location of the moon, chemical makeup of the planet, the planet's atmosphere, existence of substantial water, etc. etc.)

Odds of all the elements of DNA coming together in the primordial soup: billions upon billions upon billions to one. (still no life)

Odds for life to spring from lifelessness: by today's understanding 0

Odds of a single cell organism being anything other than a single cell organism: by today's understanding: 0

We can go on and on into all of the other totally impossible odds involving evolution. And lest you miss my point, I am NOT denying any of these things happened... I believe they DID happen. But the difference is that where as the atheist sees it as just dumb luck and random chance, to me the only conclusion that can be drawn it that their had to be an intelligent guide which influenced the process. Which one of these actually seems to be more likely?


Glutton: Thank you for your enlightened atheistic response.

Update 2:

Canuck, Tabita, DMT, Phalanx: Thank you for the expected non-answers.

Update 3:

Jonathan: Soooo... you are saying that an event that DID happen, but which had only one chance in 5,203,106,979,840,000,000,000, 000,000,000 of happening is MORE likely to have occurred randomly than it is for some an intelligence to guide the process? Great logic Jim!

Update 4:

Gazoo: Way to go! Deny the odds exist! Wow! You know more than scientists do!

Update 5:

Stinky: Please look through my question again. Not once did I mention"God". All I spoke about was an "intelligent guide".

Update 6:

Cynic: If you do not consider the odds of you walking across the street without being hit by a car you will be dead or injured within a week. You certainly should LOOK at odds before you make decisions.

Update 7:

Pull my Finger (aka Jim Carrey): Certainly, take any one event and you might have grounds for you statement. But if you were at Vegas and the exact same number came up on every roulette wheel in the entire city at the exact moment it would certainly SHOULD give at least the THOUGHT that it was rigged. But when it happened 100 times in a row you would have to say that had to be an intelligence behind it occurring.

Update 8:

Francisco: Thank you for your non-answer. Denying something happened does not mean that it did not happen.

Update 9:

Old Man: a molecule bumping into another molecule does not produce a new type of molecule. Look under any microscope to prove that. Bacteria bump into bacteria all the time. They do not produce a multicellular organizm.

Update 10:

Cory: Actually if you asked scientists they would acknowledge the odds. In their paper "Disturbing Implications of a Cosmological Constant" the four atheist authors pointed to the odds of an event happening as being "miraculous" (their word) and would require an intelligence. They rejected it because of that, even though that was what was generally accepted. Look up the paper yourself.

Update 11:

Mister: If you want to know HOW the odds were calculated you must ask the scientists who calculated them. Please refer to my answer above and look up what is said in that paper.

Update 12:

Jennifer: Well that makes zero sense because not once did I mention "God". I only spoke about an "intelligent guide". Perhaps the same "intelligent guide" which the authors of the paper I mentioned above referred to.

Update 13:

Vixen: The odds of the events you mention are minor in comparison to what we are speaking about here. And if indeed they are beyond the possiblity of chance, then perhaps you SHOULD consider that there was a guided reason for them to occur.

Update 14:

madura: I have not suggested here that God exists. All I have said is the the impossibility of the events to have occurred randomly suggest that an intelligence existed for the process to occur.

Update 15:

yahooer: I agree totally with your first point.... that is precisely what the atheists here seem to be doing. In as far as your second point we are not talking about ANYTHING occurring, which certainly could be random, but rather one specific thing in a specific amount of time, which by the odds are statistically impossible. A billion monkeys typing on a billion keyboards for 5 billion years are not going to produce the works of Shakespeare... not even a sonnet. Even if they did they would never be able to repeat it over and over and over.

Update 16:

42 (aka Jim Carrey). We are not talking about "long-shot odds". We are talking about statistically impossible odds. And I never mentioned anything about "God". I spoke about an "intelligent guide".

Update 17:

Coco: Sorry, it is not my sources who are off.... ask any scientist.... it is your analysis.

Update 18:

Mind: It has not been done. So YES the odds of it happening according today's understanding are 0. This does not mean that there will not be greater understanding in the future. Your comment that "Single celled organisms existed on Earth for about the first 3 billion years of Earth's existence and could have easily evolved the mechanisms necessary to duplicate in that amount of time" is incorrect. The earth is 4.5 billion years old. Life appeared 3.5 billion years ago. If the single cells needed 3 billion years to become multi-cellular that completely defeats evolution.

I find it interesting that you reject my example of the roulette wheel as the odds are too low, but you readily accept the far greater odds of things happening without a guide. Ask yourself this: would it be more or less likely for these things to happen if such a guide existed?

Update 19:

Stainless: I cannot help it if you do not understand evolution. The process calls for random mutation which then gave the organism a greater chance of survival. The random mutation had to occur before natural selection. The odds of the universe not collasping in on itself came from a PBS show.

33 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Among various possible explanations, there are these:-

    (1) If the chance of something happening is 1 in N and the number of chances for it to happen is about N or greater, then it is not surprising that it should happen. This is the reasoning behind the Drake Equation. Drake estimated the various values and claimed that there were probably many intelligent civilisations in the galaxy. More recently, Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking have both written about it in their books. Stephen Hawking is ready to accept a value of N far higher than the one you quote.

    (2) The whole thing was set up deliberately by an intelligent designer, more often called God.

    (3) There are a few people around who have seriously suggested that an intelligence other than God was involved in the design.

    (4) If intelligence is an essential part of the make up of existence, then the development of intelligent life is just inevitable. This possibility might encompass either or both (1) or (2)

    Focusing on the first 2, I have noticed that most people seem to regard one of them as more or less obvious and the other as so absurd that they can hardly understand how any intelligent person could fall for it. Perhaps I should collect some quotes, the 2 views sometimes seem close mirrors of each other.

    I have noticed wishful thinking on both sides; one tries to make N as small as they can get away with and the other to maximise it. I notice that you include tilt of the planet, existence of a moon, size of the moon and location of the moon. There has been some suggestion that the Lunar tides and seasonal variation in weather speeded up evolution, but who can say that intelligent life could not have appeared without them? If they are left out, I am not sure how many zeros that would slice off your figure.

    The fact is, of course, that any current estimate of N must involve a lot of guesswork. Maybe we will have a reliable figure in the distant future.

    I do not know the answer.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    So, do you believe that all improbable events are evidence of an intelligent God at work?

    When you reverse probabilities like that, methinks it demonstrates your failure to understand the fallacy of such an argument.

    To demonstrate what you're doing here:

    There are 311,875,200 possible poker hands that can be dealed, given that you lay down five cards. Yet, when you deal any five cards, you're guaranteed to hit one of them, every single time. Isn't it stupid to go back and say "Oh wow, the hand I just got is 1 out of 311,875,200, ergo, a supernatural agency is at work"?

    That's precisely what you're doing here. And stop with the pretense, it's clear that you're arguing for an intelligent creator God. Intelligent design is a thinly veiled disguise of theism.

    Given a long enough time scale with a sufficient enough events occurring, in a near-infinite, constantly expanding universe, it becomes a virtual certainty that some things which the virtually impossible can happen, so long as the probability does not supersede the trial number.

    Secondly, you are repeating the fallacy that evolution is a matter of pure chance. It is not. It follows physical, biological, and mathematical rules that guide it.

    Unless you want to show some sources for your cited statistics, I see no reason to take your assertions as truth.

    Unless you prove that the emergence of the universe as it is right now has exactly a probability of zero instead of asserting things which you have no justification for, your attempt at apologetics still seems like you're grasping at straws and acting with a false bravado while at it.

    Keep it up. It's amusing to see you play a game you don't understand.


    "a molecule bumping into another molecule does not produce a new type of molecule. Look under any microscope to prove that."

    You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Molecular collision is how all chemical reactions take place which results in a chemically different molecules.

    I'm wondering if you've actually deceived yourself into thinking you're some expert on the nonsense you've said.

  • Tao
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Actually what you have written here is complete nonsense.

    I'd love to hear how those odds were calculated, for one thing.

    Actually I don't care because it doesn't matter. Do you play the lottery? Ever listen to a lottery winner talking about how lucky they were to have one the lottery? I'm sure you've read stories about people calling such a win a 'miracle.' I'm sure you'd count your own blessings if pure chance made you a millionaire overnight. Depending on the lottery, the odds can be astronomical. The odds of winning Powerball in the US, for example, are 1:80,089,128. So if you played one ticket and won, you'd think it was pretty amazing. Lets say you used your children's birthdays to select your numbers, you might think it all fit perfectly and in your whole life you've been destined to win the lottery because you actually won the lottery! Amazing. There are two problems with this. One, it ignores the millions of people who didn't win the lottery and all the special reasons they have for choosing their numbers. Second, and most importantly, if instead you worked at the lottery office, you'd know full well that SOMEONE wins the lottery fairly often. The astronomical odds are only of any particular number selection winning the lottery, not that someone wins the lottery. People win the lottery all the time, despite the astronomical odds. When it comes to truly astronomical phenomena, we're talking about 13 billion years for just one 'winner' to arise. That was us. Get over it.

    And this is the proper way of looking at the statistics of improbable things.

    Even if the odds really were that high, you're looking through the wrong end of the microscope. We won the lottery. It completely ignores that elsewhere in the universe there are planets that didn't win the life lottery and nebulae that didn't win the planet lottery, etc. You don't have any idea how many permutations have happened that could have resulted in life elsewhere in the universe. You don't know whether or not there are other lottery winners out there. You don't know if there were lottery winners in the past or how many more there will be in the future. You simply don't know.

    Also, don't forget that whether a planet forms, whether hydrogen atoms bond or whether life develops are all separate incidents all requiring their own probabilities. As soon as a clump of hydrogen atoms formed strong enough a gravitational field to stay together, the process of nucleosynthesis was a foregone conclusion as was the development of planets, etc.

    Your stated "odds for life to spring from lifelessness" as 0 is completely incorrect and wholly ignorant of the state of molecular biology. We have a number of models where this is not only possible but probable and plenty of examples of things that exist in the state between what is considered life and inorganic matter.

    In short, from your first sentence to your last, you don't know what you're talking about.

    Where else but a planet where intelligent life has evolved could we even be talking about this kind of thing?

    Also, the odds of an intelligent designer designing what you have described as so complex and random must be at least as complex and improbable as what you've described. So your argument from improbability fails immediately as the universe existing naturally will always be the most probable option.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm gonna have to go with Jim Carrey.....he truly is a clever man in my opinion, and very versatlile too. I love Will Ferral though...I find him the funniest out of all of them - even just looking at him cracks me up!

    For the best answers, search on this site

  • 9 years ago

    I am an atheist. And yes, people don't understand statistics, including YOU.

    Now, let's assume these probabilities that you are feeding us, 1:5,203,106,979,840,000,000,000, 000,000,000... now, that's fine. This is the probability for JUST a materialistic universe to exist, this is how much it costs. Now, how much would it cost for a universe created by a god, let alone the Christian god to be more specific? To make it more simplistic, let's make 1:5,203,106,979,840,000,000,000, 000,000,000 = P(x)

    So, for a universe created by the christian god, the probability would be P(god existing), as opposed to P(x).

    What do YOU think is more probable? P(x) or P(god existing/coming together from nothingness)? P(x) now seems like picking 1 out of 5 cards... but then again, I don't expect you to understand this.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I have two answers for you

    1.) people spend their entire life chasing a prize in lottery that (although it doesn't have THAT low of odds of being won) people don't seem to care. If it matches their belief (that one day they will win the lottery) then they are happy ignoring the fact that they are losing endless amounts of money and not gaining a cent (I play lottery too, but I am just pointing this out, for the sake of proving a point, that it doesn't matter how small the odds are if it matches what you believe.)

    2.) Meta-physics. ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING can happen in the physical world given the right amount of time and the right conditions

  • 9 years ago

    By being able to say that this planet has all the necessary components for life is already biased because youre here. And as for the DNA thats evolution all the species that didnt create correct DNA wouldnt be here because they died out. And evolution is not totally impossible it happens everyday. If a person walks in front of a car on the street and gets hit, they will most likely not pass on the stupid gene, there for that gene will die out. To say evolution is imposssible is ignorant and slightly annoying

    Source(s): Go look at ur sources they seem a little off
  • 9 years ago

    (("But the difference is that where as the atheist sees it as just dumb luck and random chance")) You are the one saying that evolution happened that way,biologist have always said that evolution was because of natural selection,which is not random chance. This is the trouble with people who are trying to destroy the TOE, they don't understand it to begin with.

    Life evolved to fit the conditions that are on this planet,not the other way around.So all that bunk about the odds of the planet having the right conditions is a load of hooey. Now your statement about the Universe collapsing is not something I've heard. Would you mind giving me a source or did you just pull that out of a hat?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Don't you ever. Ever. Down talk Jim Carrey.


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