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Question about tall skinny cedar trees -?

My parents still live in the house I grew up in, and in the front yard, on either side of the big living-room window they had two tall skinny cedar trees. The trees started out about 5 feet tall and by the time I left, they had grown almost as tall as the peak of the roof. These were big, sturdy trees, but about 4 years ago they both died.

My brother-in-law planted new ones in the same spot, but those two cedars died within the first year. They tried this two more times, only to find that the trees all died. There is a perfectly healthy hedge that covers the area under the window and in front of the trees. The neighbors on both sides of my parents both have cedar trees in their yards that are doing fine.

Can anyone tell me what may have killed the first two cedars? Also, why do new cedars planted in the same spot keep dying when the hedge and nearby grass are growing normally? Is it possible that whatever killed the first 2 trees somehow contaminated the soil in some way that is toxic only to cedar trees?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You answered the question there at the end.. yes, my guess would be remaining contaminants or pests from the prior tree's death remained in that spot, thus killing the other ones you put in the same spot. The reason for the other plants thriving could be that the stuff killing the trees is specific to trees and won't harm lawns or shrubs. Get the soil tested if you are using the same soil, and if the next tree looks like it's going to die, take a living piece in to the garden store.. ask them whats wrong.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Tall Cedar Trees

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Whatever disease killed the originals is still lingering. By replanting more cedars, your folks are actually feeding the disease. Without pictures, it's extremely difficult tell what the problem is. I would guess cedar rust or phomopsis blight.

    They need to pick trees from a different family altogether if they want something to survive there. Not knowing where you live, though, I can't recommend much. Pines, firs, and oaks are reasonable candidates.

    Most plant pathogens are not broad feeders. They have affinities for certain genetic traits that are not visible from the outside. Think of it as you would humans: we can definitely eat certain plants (and develop favorites within that group) but other plants can kill us or are simply indigestible.

  • 9 years ago

    There is something specific that is causing problems for Cedars (and maybe other trees), in a limited area.

    Grasses surviving when trees don't is fairly common, they have very different biologies. And it's quite possible for it to be something in a very limited area that's causing problems.

    You could try another kind of tree, but it may be something antagonistic to trees in general, so that might not work. Or it could be something anti-coniferous, in which case another type of tree might do just fine.

    Finding out what it is might be the trick.

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  • Deenie
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Idk anything about trees but can't you dig a big hole and get new soil to plant them in? This reminded me of "home". We had big trees in the front of our house. One day one of the just fell over ..roots and wind or anything. Since then the new owners burned down our house but she said the trees are still there. She posted pictures of the front yard and I ran my cursor over the trees...kinda felt like I had a little piece of home. Wonder why we get so attached to trees. I even made a playhouse out of the roots of one when I was little. Plant an oak or something that will grow tall and be there a long long time. Or maybe a palm tree. lol

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  • 9 years ago

    Sounds like it's a pest control problem. Call a local arborist to help identify the cause. My guess is a Pine Weevil.

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