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Lv 7

What are J.W.s afraid of?

Two J.W. women came to our door today. I told them I had something for them and tried to give them a list of questions I have prepared for just such an occasion. She tried to give me her paper, and I tried to give her my list of questions. She refused to touch the paper as if it was contaminated with the plague. I would not take her paper. She asked me if my pastor had given me the questions. I was somewhat offended at the question, as if I am not smart enough to do something myself. I said "No, I did it", emphasis on the word 'I'. She kept trying to give me her paper. I told her to answer my questions and come back and we would talk. She tried to give her paper to me again, and I said "We are at an impasse. Either we do this my way or we don't do it at all." She said "Then we don't do it at all", and left.

What is so threatening about a list of questions that she wouldn't even touch it, let alone read it?

14 Answers

  • danman
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    One jw gives away the mindset of all 7.7 million jw. He intimates that if you will listen to the scriptures they will present, you have no other course but accept it as truth.

    Jw just roll over and accept that because the Watchtower writers referenced a verse somewhere in the bible, it automatically makes that application or interpretation the gospel 'truth'. Yet when they are cornered by the hundreds and hundreds of mistakes they have made over the past 130 years of interpreting the bible, they will quickly say 'we are only human, we make mistakes, we are not 'inspired' just 'spirit directed'.

    The fear that you saw manifest in that visiting jw, is a common occurrence in their door to door ministry. Most of them will not even allow themselves to get prepared for such question lists, by examine the former and even current teachings of the Watchtower. They are forbidden to even be commenting on sites like YA.

    Yet they opt to disobey their governing body instructions simply because this at home in front of my computer, dressed in my pj's is sooo much easier than counting time knocking on 'not at homes' or meeting the occasional Lillangel!! God forbid they have a challenge in presenting a 'reason for their faith'.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I had the same experience with a Witness Elder at the door. He had a "trainee" with him and would not take my list of questions.

    Any Religion that can not defend their beliefs when challenged has no beliefs to defend.

    Challenging beliefs either exposes error in our belief system and helps you strengthen your beliefs or strengthens your convictions that you are on the right track

    the answer to your question is Fear... The witness at your door was full of fear...she did not see the Irony that she found it normal to request of you to take her Literature and reject yours.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I would verbally ask 'Who is your Savior'? And then, what do you

    do with sin?

    Or, does it not matter to you that this group changed the bible and

    what you read is wrong? Isn't this a concern to you?

    Now, better be ready, though, have their book ready and underlined

    to show where it was changed.

    They won't LOOK, like a baby that puts a blanket over their face.

    But they will leave, and leave you alone, and gossip about you

    so none of them ever come to your door. You then become

    a serious enemy to their faith.

  • wren
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Because the Truth would set them free...Jesus Christ.....

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and they lack wisdom and essential in today's world but if you entertain cults at your front door, don't ever expect them to tell you the truth because they only see it from their viewpoint, which is way off the mark....but don't worry your name will be in their logbook that they did your territory, to mark up their 70 hours necessary for the month, so they can "prove" they did your reminds me of that ad that used to be on TV...Avon calling........

    Source(s): The Holy Bible...the Word of substitutes............
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  • 9 years ago

    I must admit that as a committed Christian who has studied extensively the claims of my own faith as well as that of others, I would be glad to have a list of questions given to me! The JW's are warned not to research what others believe, that's one of the things that make it a cult. I once gave my JW lady a whole book I'd written about why her faith is wrong and it didn't make a bit of difference, sadly.

  • 9 years ago

    I often wonder why people feel they have to be threatening at their own front witnesses, men or women?

    Your list of questions should have been answered...if you were willing to accept the answers given...this is done by referring to scripture.

    If you will not accept scripture as the word of god, then there is not much point in continuing.

    This is what i suspect from your initial statement...

    Possibly your publication has statements without scriptural support. No witness will read this.

    How about an example of one of your questions.

    Source(s): NWT
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    They are forbidden from accepting religious literature from anyone other than the Watchtower Organization. Your analysis is correct - they were probably quite literally afraid to take the paper, it being a serious violation of their religious principles.

    If you don't know: Witnesses teach that "Christendom" and its teachings are cursed by God. They literally view non-Witness religious literature as taboo - as the very work of Satan.

    To them, it seemed as if you were trying to tempt them from the only path to salvation with that piece of paper. To them, that piece of paper was a temptations from Satan himself.

    - Jim,

  • Linda
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Nice try but since we are constantly threatened, spit on, attacked by vicious dogs, hit, stabbed, shot at, arrested , tortured and killed I would say that we are not put off by a piece of paper.

    It isn't that we are not afraid. We are but God has asked us to carry a message of warning and salvation to everyone in the world and we are obeying His command.

    He would like it if every human would give up wickedness and live by His laws of love and peace and He is giving them every chance to do that before Armageddon.

    There are almost 8,000,000 witnesses in the world and each one of them has a different personality. You may encounter any one of them. There are also some who will not make it through Armageddon. Calling yourself a servant of God does not make you one.

    I am a witness and I would be happy to look at your material and discuss it with you. We are not forbidden to do anything. Being a servant of God is a voluntary position and I keep His commandments because I love Him and I want to.

    There are those who are new at being a Christian and may be afraid of opposition. When their faith has matured, like mine they will not be afraid of anything except losing Jehovah's friendship.

    There is no greater joy than serving the living God. Please join us,. There is so much to look forward to. The bible says that the eye has not seen nor the ear heard nor can the mind imagine all the wonderful things that God has planned for those who love Him.

    Source(s): JW
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The JW I work with is afraid of spiders. She comes and gets me every time she sees one in her office.

    Maybe that JW was a germaphobe.

  • 9 years ago

    Atheist homeowners.

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