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Lv 4

Atheist turned Christian?

What do atheists think about people who claim they were once atheists, but then became Christian? Were they ever really atheists, or just too lazy to put thought into what they truly believed all along?

I don't think a true atheist can become religious until real evidence becomes available for the existence of god. After all, lack of evidence is why we don't believe.

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's perfectly possible. Personal experience, while highly suspect as evidence, can be very compelling.

    However, 100% of the "ex-atheists" (current Christians who claim they were "hardcore" atheists) on R&S I've talked to seem to have no clue about atheism. They fall either in the category "temporarily disappointed/angry Christians" or "lying through their teeth".

    I don't have any personal experience with "real life" people to compare with.

    Source(s): To categorically deny the possibility - no 'true' atheist etc. etc. - is a fallacy.
  • 5 years ago

    I think it's possible. Afterall, some Christians will try to tell Atheists in the opposite situation the same bull ("you NEVER believed in Jesus! If you REALLY gave your heart to Him, you wouldn't BE Atheist! *foam drips down mouth, eyes roll back into head*).

    I know from personal experience that that's complete bull.

    I cried my heart out the first time I saw The Passion of the Christ. Thinking about it now makes me cringe. I used to come home from church camp in the summers of my junior high years all preachy and would lead the family in prayer, eager to show my devotion. Now I'm polite and still pray along with family, but I don't get anything from it; It's just holding hands and talking to thin air to me.

    The difference between then and now is that, over time, I had different experiences, was exposed to different ideas, and did some independent thinking and research.

    So I think the same could be said for Christians who were once Atheists. Maybe it just varies¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I think you're right that they weren't really an atheist, but don't think that it's always that they were too lazy to think about it - more that they never really had a reason to think about it.

    It could be that a person "didn't really believe in god" but was looking for something to belong to. Someone invites them to their church for some activity or other. Some church communities can be very welcoming and inclusive. So someone who has felt out of place or lonely now feels at home and cared about. In order to stay with this new community they have to believe in god. (Sort of their "admission price" as it were) So they begin to listen to the sermons, lessons, bible studies, etc. and they start to believe.

    In this way, someone who was (technically) an atheist, becomes a Christian.

  • 9 years ago

    I've heard of many examples of people who became Jehovah's Witnesses that were former atheists... And who are you to say that its impossible for an atheist to become a Believer of God?

    Anything can happen... Maybe some are starting to see the same proof that theists see.

    You never know. There are Muslims who have became Christians.. Why can't atheists?

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I was a pretty hardened atheist (serious) and I feel that I had and still have a good understanding of the atheistic perspective. It's in my experience that many atheists don't have a clue what the Bible or Christianity actually teaches. It's mostly parroting what others have said or heard. I can say the same for many so-called Christians who don't bother to do any form of studying or asking questions that may be tough to answer/ask.

  • 4 years ago

    i replaced into an overtly atheist that grew to become to Christ. considering the fact that then I extremely have seen lots that retains me rooted in the Christian faith. I ask atheist in the event that they have been to witness a miracle, or perhaps infrequently, see a angel, could they believe.. you notice, atheist are so closed minded, they are going to on no account relinquish their faith. I extremely have self belief, yet no longer adequate to be an atheist. I extremely have expierenced a miralce on me in my view, even inspite of the undeniable fact that I wasn't a great believer on the time. 2 human beings have instructed me approximately them in my view seeing a leg strengthen till now their eyes. They the two knew the guy (2 seperate ocasions) One individual wasn't religious (no longer anti religious), the different individual grew up in church an is extra religious. attempt as you could, you could on no account clarify away those. Then there is cosmological evidence it extremely is bringing in extra scientist, physicist, cosmologist to the religion.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    So an atheist that has near death experience and believes they have seen the lighted tunnel or cold halls of hell can't truly become a believer by your logic. Can their brain believe what they haven't believed as real and take it for evidence.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    How true you are, Katherine:

    For an atheist to convert, they must discard a whole lot of information they were programmed with through academic years.

    Yet with all this monkey business, over 80% of Americans believe in God, the Creator.

    I was an Atheist for several decades but knew I'd serve God unflinchingly if I knew for certain He exists.

    Well, I was not on the right wave length to communicate on His level; you see, God communicates in abstracts just to confound the wise. Jesus said the same thing about speaking in parables so only those with Spiritual discernment could understand.

    But know this, Katherine, God loves everyone, and calls everyone to be candidates for His kingdom.

    Just to learn how He communicates, crack the last-day Bible code. And recommend it to your Muslim friends, too: English, -- ARABIC:

    Blessings, Messiah

  • 9 years ago

    Given that so many claimants of thios sort so badly fail at even correctly expressing what atheism IS, it is clear that they are simply LYING about having ever been atheists.

    In order to be it, one must have SOME idea of what it is. Those who don't know, never were that.

  • 9 years ago

    i could understand an atheist turning deist or something similar, but I always assume going full blown christian is just giving in to the irrational fear of hell.

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