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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 years ago

George Galloway back in the Commons? UK?

Well he's an interesting man, a character to say the least.

Real kick in the teeth for Labour this, what are your thoughts?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    galloway exploited the muslim vote,he's a cynical player and he'll use any means nessecary to feed his rampant ego.

    it would never occur to him that these people will feck him over as soon as they can simply because he's not one of them.

    the respect party is a muslim party and it won't be long before galloway finds himself about as welcome as a fart in a suit of armour.

    if the government really wants to pick a fight then it will expose the widespread electoral fraud so often to be found within pakistani,indian and bangladeshi 'communities'.

    i'll bet some people who voted galloway were either dead,didn't exist or weren't entitiled to vote in britain.they bring these practices with them.

  • 9 years ago

    God bless George Galloway and the intelligent people of Bradford who know what's going on in the UK and realise voting George is the best way to fight back.

    We know what the main three parties deliver. Anyone who has been to Bradford and places similarly depressed and deprived know the anger and resentment building up.

    If the "haves" in the south east don't wake up to the resentment the "have nots" feel, the south east and London will become ungovernable with Northern "spoilers" making life impossible down there. Just wait until the Olympics!

    How many people attacking George Galloway have ever been to Bradford? We are governed by a rich minority who think being poor is having to buy pasta in packets rather than spend all day making your own ... it's dangerous. The UK is very divided and some people are so poor they are pulling up railway line cabling to sell as scrap. You'd have the thought the fact people could be bothered to do it would say something to the UK about the level of poverty out there. Where there is poverty, there is anger and "nothing to lose" mentality. A dangerous cocktail in any nation.

    Source(s): reading
  • guiri
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Mr Galloway has actually done a great thing for Britain. He has got young Muslim kids, who felt that nobody cared, interested and active in politics, and they have won and now have a real voice in parliament!

    It can only get better.

    It really is a very British spring!

    Labour are seen among many in the Muslim 'community' 'oop north' as the party of Blair's Crusade against the Iraqi people etc. and now the see the new party leader as having Jewish and communist roots (not good in that political environment). They also feel that censoring Press TV was wrong in a country that claims to have freedom of speech, and Mr. Galloway's programme on Press TV was very popular with certain sections of British society.

    I congratulate George Galloway on his well planned successful campaign and hope he is a breath of fresh air in Westminster. (And that from a Tory!)

    Good luck George! Have fun!

    P.S. I loved Labour's official comment that George "had fought a dirty PEACE campaign".

    So peace is bad?

    Source(s): Serious Opinion for once.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    it just goes to show how many people in the uk are completely disillusioned

    with the performance of the three main parties.

    it also proves that in bradford west the muslim people got together and decided

    to change things and proved it in no uncertain manner.

    If only the rest of us could take a leaf out of their book and do the same instead

    of voting for the three main parties, then maybe we could change british

    politics forever.

    but we need a party of our own to follow really not people like galloway.

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  • Hopefully the start of a big kick in the teeth for all main political parties.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No suprises there given that Bradford is an islamic state and Galloway was a big mate of Saddam Hussein

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The man is an egotistical idiot. You think he wants to represent the people that's a crock. The only person George is interested in is George and that's a fact. I think that the only reason he got the seat is purely and simply because of protest voting and that's not a bad thing its about time we the people showed the idiots in Westminster who is actually in charge. We vote them in and we can vote them out too. But don't be fooled by this blithering idiot. Remember Big Brother and his cat thing!!

  • 9 years ago

    Has long has he get his saucer of milk he will be fine.

  • 9 years ago

    Bradford - AKA - Bradfordistan is welcome to keep George Galloway. In general you get what you deserve. It's natural justice.

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