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What exactly is a temple sealing in Mormon marriage?


Ah. I see I asked this during the wrong part of the day...

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately you did not ask this during the wrong part of the day Yahoo Answers, especially when it comes to questions about Mormon's is an extremely negative place and has been so for many years. I have stuck around as long as I have to try to give a voice of reason amide the storm of anger and hate.

    A Sealing is a special marriage ceremony performed in the temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Temple sealings, sealings or celestial marriage, as they are commonly referred to in the church are different than traditional marriages because instead of "til Death do you part" Sealings have the possibility of lasting through time and all eternity and couples are given that promise by God, instead of dreams they may have had.

    If you would like to know a little more about sealings then here is an article by one of our church leaders about the cerimony. There are audio and video links to listen to or watch (as appropriate) found on the side of the article.


    Here is links to a 2 part article that talks even more about temple marriages there is no audio or video but it does contain a lot of information.

    If you have any other questions please feel free to email me. I would be more than happy to try to answer them.

  • 9 years ago

    Temple sealings are done in the Temple and are an addition to marriage. One can either get married, and then be sealed later, or one can do both at the same time. Temple marriage, as it is sometimes called, unites a man and woman for both time and eternity. Rather than spend a lifetime building a house, just to tear it down, why not build a house that will stand forever? The sealing power is a gift from God. It is true that there is no "giving in marriage" in heaven; Men and women must be sealed together before the resurrection and final judgement.

    Neither is the man without the woman, nor the woman without the man, in the Lord. Men and woman were meant to be together, and they compliment each other.

  • 9 years ago

    Mormons claim that you won't be with your family in the afterlife unless you are all sealed together in their temples. It's a major selling point with their missionaries.

    In fact, the Mormons have a very complex idea of heaven, not based on the usual biblical descriptions. They think there are multiple levels, and levels within levels. God only dwells in the highest level, their 'Celestial Kingdom', and Mormons must be sealed to get there.

    Every Christian I know believes they will be with family and friends in the afterlife, so I'm not sure why the Mormons make such a big deal of it.

    Those of us who are apostate Mormons will be denied our families in any case, since we can't go there.

    Until 1978, Blacks couldn't enter Mormon temples, be sealed, or dwell with God in the afterlife.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Former Bishop, former Stake President, former stake council guy and so on... it kind of feels that he and you by no skill had time for another. The church places takes too lots time from households, I even have considered maximum of human beings divorce and maximum the cases that's using loss of time for another. The church demands hours of human beings's time, encourages to have 0.5 dozen little ones or greater, how can any marriage stay to tell the story?

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  • Ammon
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    A man and woman are sealed together for all time and eternity. This is the ultimate form of marriage, because the sealing comes from God, and it is potentially forever...

    as long as the participating partners keep all the commandments of Jesus Christ, striving always for the same mastery that Jesus Christ has.

    Jesus Christ is the master. Jesus Christ is the way. Chat.

    God bless.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Devoted1: This verse was referring to a question posed by the Sadducees, where they specifically mention marriage in the resurrection. Marriage has to be effectuated here on mortal Earth, not in the time of the resurrection. Two different times and places. This comment doesn't say anything in regard to marriage merely existing in heaven, but the act of effectuating it in heaven. And this is entirely true. We cannot give of marriage in heaven, nor be baptized, or anything else...

  • 9 years ago

    Mormons have said it's necessary so a man and woman can be married "for time and all eternity."

    HOWEVER, the Bible says there is no male or female and no marriage in heaven.

    So the question remains - is one to believe what a cult teaches, or what the Bible teaches?


    Source(s): ><>
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Something about marrying 10 year old girls I think.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    An excuse to get more money

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    a ridiculous religious ritual ?

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