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Anonymous asked in HealthOther - Health · 9 years ago

what does my dream mean?? please help because i am disturbed by it..?

basically a random woman who i have never seen in my life before was chasing me trying to shoot me, but at the start of the dream she was chasing me with a gun but near the end of the dream it turned out she was trying to to stab me with a a needle with some fluid in the needle.. but i was with my little sister and i was scared she was gona hurt my little sister who is 12, so i stopped and i screamed at her and asked her why she was doing this to me, and i pushed her over and grabbed the needle out of her hand and i said to her have a taste of your own medicine and i stabbed her forehead with the needle but it turned out the needle wasnt a needle :S, it was long metal staples and i stabed like 6 of them into her head and nose without realising, but i dint mean too! i dint think it was staples and i said i was sorry and started to pull out the staples from her head but as i was pulling them out, i looked round and my sister had stiched her eye together, her eye was bleeding and stiched together, my sister was crying and didnt realise what she had done, so i had a dead random girl infront of me who me and my sister had killed! i felt sick, i woke up sweating andc crying, and i had to turn on the tele because i couldent get back to sleep, i am only 17, is this normal to dream of things like this, but hear is a few things that could be linked to it, i watched a film that night i had that dream and the film was about a man who went blinde and it scared me because i am type 1 diabetic and i was worrying i could maybe go blinde before i went to bed that night, and also that night my mum had just gave birth and i had an abortion and have regretted it ever since it has happend i have been wanting a baby for ages and cant sleep very well since the abortion :/ and i was worried for when my baby sister arrived because i want a baby so badley so im quite stressed about that! could it be lin ked to why i keep having weird dreams like this?? also i had another dream about someone pulling my teeth out and trying to rape me and push me into a club com pletly naked :/ .. please help????

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, first of all, yes, it's completely normal to have terrifying, screwed up dreams that make no sense and make you feel like a bad person, but you have to remember that it's a dream, and that's all it is. Basically, if you were thinking about something before you went to bed, your brain is going to find a way to twist that little worry into some big horror story.

    It sounds like you definitely did have some things on your mind when you had this dream. You watched a movie that scared you? Well, I'd actually be worried if you didn't have a scary dream after that. And it also seems like you have this lingering worry about your abortion and whether or not it was the right choice. I've never had an abortion before, so I really can't understand what you must be going through with that, but my heart goes out to you for having to make such a tough choice--and only at 17! But what I can tell you is that, as with anything, it will get better over time. Getting an abortion is one of those things that can really screw with your head for a while, and you know what? That's good, because it means you're a normal human being with normal emotions. Also, for what it's worth, I think you probably made the right choice. You are 17; you have years and years ahead of you to have a baby--why the hurry to have one now when you're still figuring out who you are?

    Lastly, when you have a scary dream like that, you have to remind yourself that nothing in that dream is real. There is no lady chasing you around with a needle, or anything else. But I'm guessing that's not the part that scared you, right? You're scared about your reaction (killing her), because that showed a side of you that you didn't know existed. Well, guess what--that part of you doesn't exist. Maybe you're able to stab someone to death in a delusional dream world, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't do that in real life. We all do crazy things in dreams (especially when our loved ones are in danger in a dream); I've killed off loads of people in my dreams, but it doesn't mean anything, because I'm not a psychopath in real life. In fact, I'm one of the most non-violent people out there.

    So, in conclusion, I want you to try to just calm down. You seem like a strong young woman to me, and I'm sure you're going to be fine. You have some emotional scars that are going to take time to heal, and that's okay. Just remember that the stuff that happens in dreams--and more importantly, the stuff YOU do in dreams--has nothing to do with reality. In any case, you're no more messed up than the rest of us! ;-)

  • 9 years ago

    It's means that your mind was still active when you were asleep (like it always is) and your hit REM sleep (like you always do) and you rememberd it in the morning in the form of a dream.... ( that's all it is )

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