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Conservatives, do you want to go back to people being denied insurance due to pre-existing conditions?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you had any idea what "insurance" was, this moronic question would never even occur to you.

    Insurance is about risk mitigation. A group of people with a small chance of something bad happening pay into a pool, and those to whom it DOES happen get the payout. For this to work, the premium has to be AT LEAST equal to the % chance of the event happening times the value of the payout. Otherwise, the company goes bankrupt.

    In the case of what you call a "pre-existing condition", the risk is 100%, and therefore there is no feasible way for the premium to be less than the cost of the services. Therefore, insurance is pointless.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'd rather have people denied insurance due to pre-existing conditions than have women dying of untreated breast cancer and accident victims dying in the emergency room because of rationing, like what happens in the UK all the time.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    NO! and Good Point....

    We could have had a Bill that Had ONE Sentence in it......."Thou must Cover Pre-Existing Conditions...."

    Boom, done, over....That didn't take 2700 Pages did it? Didn't cost us 100's of BILLIONS of $$ per year to Pay For, either.

    It's not about Healthcare.....

    The Democrats GOT exactly what they want from Obamacare.....EXPANSION of Welfare Benefits...

    The Greatest COST of Obamacare is Expanding the Coverage of MEDICAID for the Impoverished to 138% of POVERTY Levels.

    More People on the DOLE, More People Voting Democrat so they can have Free Stuff and the Democrats Stay in Power.

    Pretty simple when looked at HONESTLY from Outside, rather than Emotionally and with total Self-Interest.

    Thanks for the Question.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What you want is for people who act irresponsibly by not taking care of themselves to be subsidized by the rest of us. This idea that you can't get insurance with preexisting conditions is another Democrat lie. Sure you have higher premiums, but that's called reality. Women have higher insurance premiums than men because they usually have more health issues IE can get pregnant.

  • 9 years ago

    They believe it doesn't t effect them. They can't se the benefits even when receiving them. They don't know that health insurance companies exist to make profits for them selves, not save lives.

    So they don't understand how that is a bad thing.

    They've just been taught that government=bad and that's the end of out for them. Thank you corporate brain washers.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Not necessarily, but fraud should be monitored more closely to protect the insurance companies from losing money and, consequently, going broke. Any increase in coverage naturally increases the premiums.

  • 9 years ago

    You don't really know what insurance is, do you? It isn't right to force insurers to start a policy to cover a known illness.

    Imagine if the government approached you one day saying "some guy you don't know is sick and we decided you are responsible for paying his bills".

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Let the insurance companies themselves decide who to insure. Keep the big feet of government out of that decision.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No. We don't want the government making laws requiring companies to do so. We'd much rather encourage business to do it on their own through tax incentives. In any case, insurance companies are private and should be able to decide whether they want to provide their service or not to anyone. There shouldn't be laws forcing them to provide a service.

  • Stymie
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Of course they do. Conservatives put profits over people, even their own children. They really don't care if there are millions of uninsured Americans. It's called Compassionate Conservatism.

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