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What would you have done in this situation?

Today I took my 18 month old daughter to the park. There were several kids there, including one little girl who I estimate to be about 2 1/2-3 years old. This little girl was wearing NOTHING but a diaper (which was dirty inside and out). It was about 85 degrees out, and the playground is all sand under the slides/swings, etc. So I know that ground was hot on her little feet. I assumed she was there with a group of kids who were playing with her, but when their parents called them to lunch, she stayed on the playground.

This left her and my daughter as the only kids. She clearly wanted to play with my daughter, and at first I allowed it. But upon close review, not only was her diaper full and dirty, but she had snot running all the way from her nose and literally DRIPPING from her chin.

Realizing that she needed her nose blown, I looked for her parent. I asked whether anyone at the park knew who her mama was. No one did. No one was watching her play. There was just no one paying any attention to this child.

So I took my daughter by the hand and went to this girl. I bent down to ask her where her mama was and took out a kleenex to wipe her nose. As soon as I did this, an older woman got out of a truck a quarter mile away and came to claim the girl. She was smiling and laughing (on the phone), but picked up the baby and put her in the truck, no car seat, nothing, and drove off.

I was THIS CLOSE to calling the police before the (I think it was grandmother) came and got her, and considered calling them when I had the tag number of the truck.

My husband says it was wrong to touch another person's child outside of an emergency (which I did only to giver her a kleenex to wipe her nose). What would you have done? Should I have called the police anyway? Should I have chastised the caregiver who picked up the baby? I sure as heck wanted to.


I should note that I'm in a town on the edge of the Navajo reservation, and it's mostly Navajos at this park, including this girl. I am caucasian, so I was a little reticent to do or say anything, in order not to foster any resentment. Also, they're extremely family oriented, and child kidnapping/sexual abuse is virtually unheard of around here. Neglect, on the other hand...different story.

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your husband is wrong. A lone toddler is everyone's business.

    How would he feel if your child somehow wandered off, and no adult bothered to help her?

    If you had reported it, would the police do anything? I know the reservations have their own laws.

    I definitely would have said something to the woman who left her there unsupervised. There are more dangers than kidnapping for a child that age.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You have the tag number, right? I would report it to cps. No car seat? Neglected? Sounds like enough to hand over to cps. Let them make the final decision.

    I once saw a little boy walk into a store with old bruises, new bruises, and bumps across his face. One particular bruise ran horizontal across his forehead, and it was black! He was barefoot, and wearing no more than a long, adult size tshirt, hanging off of his shoulders. His guardians were dressed quite nice. I just got a funny feeling, especially when he walked across the hot asphalt on a hundred degree day without a flinch, and his guardians also didn't flinch. I took the tag number and reported it. Maybe he was swimming, and had recently had a few bad falls, but you know what? I felt funny, so I reported it. I don't know what happened, but if I hadn't reported it I would have wondered my entire life if I should have.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I would of done the same thing. If you had called the police then the old lady would have been charged with child neglect because she left the child without supervision, with a dirty diaper that could lead to a rash, and no car seat!

  • 9 years ago

    You did nothing wrong and the child's caretaker was obviously disgustingly neglectful but there was not much you could have done at that time and the authorities probably wouldn't have done anything about the situation truthfully. All parents can do is watch out for their own children in most ambiguous situations like yours and intervene only when a clear cut crime such as blatant child abuse or child endangerment is being committed. Unfortunately, she was endangering the child but not to the point that you could intervene effectively.

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  • Sosumi
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    1. Yes I would have wiped the little girl's nose if I couldn't identify a care taker.

    2. I would have called the police as soon as she drove off with no carseat. In my state all children need to be in a booster/carseat under the age of 8 or 4'10.

    3. I would have made a note of the dirty diaper and nose when the caretaker approached.

  • 9 years ago

    If it wasn't for you keeping an eye on her someone could have kidnapped her she could have got hit by a car anything you did the motherly thing I would report them b/c what normal parent can't change their poor babies diaper and wipe her nose that's terrible and then the fact that she had no baby seat if I were you I'd report it that poor little girl

  • seven
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I think I wouldve called the police. That child is being neglected. You can still anonymously call if you have the plate number.

    PS You werent wrong to wipe her nose. Not like the mother was sitting right there and you were overstepping.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Backbiting winning in human society on account that time unknown is between the standard reasons of downfall of ethical character.To me,that's dreadful for that's poisonous repurcussions.yet on an analogous time by utilising mistake if I take place to backbite a individual who additionally has arrived status bebind me,i could be in a situatio of neither here nor there and be ashamed.yet I ,then,will seek for forgiveness from him and could promise inwardly that there will be no backbiting from my ingredient.As addition of one in all those errors make one's thoughts greater & greater poisonous and finally the backbitter has to adventure of bitter consequences in direction of time.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I'm not a parent but I'd call cps because I've seen toddlers neglected on reserves before :/ It's really sad

  • bubs
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    a 2-3 year old alone at a park, dirty and practically naked, I would have called the police and given her a tissue, for all you knew it was an emergency.

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