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Multiple Vietnam Entry Visa Question?

I currently have a single entry 1 month visa for Vietnam. I plan on going to Cambodia by bus, and then flying back into HCMC Airport from Cambodia and then continuing on to my flight back to the US.

Do I need to get a multiple entry visa if I don't plan on exiting the airport on my way back from Cambodia? I will have checked luggage, so would it be allowed to pick those up and then go back and check in for my flight back to the US?

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    IF both flights are on Vietnam Airways then you may be OK, but ask the airline to be sure. Otherwise you'll need a second visa. See for low cost ($35) pre-approved visa

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Well, in your case if you do not exit Ho Chi Minh airport, you no need to apply for Vietnam visa to come back Vietnam from Cambodia and then depart to the US. Because Vietnam visa is only required for you if you leave the transit area of Ho Chi Minh airport and go to the city before getting on board to go to The US.

    Therefore, in case you change your plan to visit the city during your transit time at Ho Chi Minh airport. you can apply for Vietnam visa very quick at

    To more understand about Vietnam visa in the transit case, you can visit

  • 9 years ago


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