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Are Atheists all basically Liberal?

Are Atheists basically all Liberal? From what I am reading on ANSWERS, they all seem to follow a pattern of liberalism. Since they are non-believers of the Judeo-Christian ethic, exactly what do they use as a moral guideline? Is Liberalism their new religion?

19 Answers

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    A "liberal" theist like me must drive you up the wall then. Although I'm also pretty certain that in any country other than US I'd be considered conservative or centrist, with my strong family values and all. Try reading up a little on neuroscience for humanity's inborn moral guidelines.

  • 9 years ago

    No. Many are. Most atheists I know and myself are very libertarian. Logically they would be so. Since they appreciate freedom of their own mind they also appreciate other personal freedoms. Some may support liberal policies or politicians by default because they are opposed to the religious leaning of most so-called conservatives. Some are socialists, communists, or anarchists.

    Judeo-Christian ethic?! Judaism and Christianity are quite different. Lumping them together as if they have identical ethics is invalid.

    Atheists have many sources for morals. And unlike theists their ethics and morals are genuine, on their own accord, instead of acting out of promise of reward and fear of punishment. I don't wish to be murdered. I'm guessing you don't either. Let's agree not to murder each other. No god required. I come to the decision on my own. The theist claims this idea only exists with belief in their particular god.

    Certainly liberalism is not a new religion. Liberalism actually exists. It doesn't require faith to believe in its existence. So it defies the definition of religion. However, believing it's actually the best approach to governance I would argue takes a great deal of faith.

  • 9 years ago

    No. I'm a socialist. I consider you cons and libs to be basically the same, with only a few minor cosmetic differences.

    I use survival rules as a moral guideline. Murder, rape, etc. are bad for human social structures. I enjoy hot meals, modern toilets, vaccines, computers -- so it's in my personal interest not to do things that disturb the structure that allows us to work together and make these things.

    Liberalism is a "new religion"? No. And even if it was, I'm an UNBELIEVER so it wouldn't apply to me anyway.

  • 9 years ago

    The majority of atheists do have a lot of trouble connecting with the modern GOP. Libertarians represent no more than 10% of the conservative movement. If not being a conservative qualifies you as a liberal, then yes.

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  • 9 years ago

    You mean like Jesus? In my experience, atheists are more moral than Christians.

    I think you have no idea what the word liberal means.

    Pharisees: Conservative

    Jesus: Liberal

  • 9 years ago

    most atheist are liberal as a result of most conservatives being christians, conservatives don't like gays ect. because of their religion

    atheists and liberalism is a lack of self made rules

    every liberal lives by their own guidelines

  • 9 years ago

    Not at all....there are some atheists here who can be considered conservative. And, boy, am I sick to death of hearing that because I don't believe in God, I'm immoral. I am not... and I don't appreciate someone who doesn't know me making a statement like that. Grow up!

    @TreeStone: Are you talking about me? You know me? When did we meet? Where did you get the idea that I was a drug addict? I smoke pot; have done for about 45 years and I'm a law-abiding citizen who pays taxes and helps my community. F YOU!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Liberals are naturally more skeptical, testing, less rigid, more scientific, more concerned with human issues (human rights). Our morals (yours included) are innate and nurtured by society. They were not invented by the Bible, hardly... but observed. And most morals from the Bible we don't follow, you included. Like slavery, selling our daughters to their rapists, stoning people, killing witches or heretics. All of our morals are subjective, whether Christians want to admit it or not.

    Heck, in my country you'd likely consider our conservatives to be liberal. I lean closer to conservative (politically) in my country and would probably be considered a centrist. But in the USA I'd be a bleeding heart liberal.

  • 9 years ago

    Hitchens was a conservative, but perhaps not to an American, your country is so right wing that everyone else in the world seems positively communist in comparison.

    As far as morals go, love your family and try and be nice to people, its quite simple.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No, l think that the liberal atheists are way too much Conservatives

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