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Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop Help?

I have a dell Inspiron 530 desktop running windows vista. It was running good untill sometimes it would shutdown if you weren't using it for a while, I don't know if that is a problem or a power saver thing. Now I used it last night and this morning it was off and it won't turn on. The power button blinks an orange light when pressed the fans move when the power button is pressed, but it still won't turn on. Any solutions?

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Usually that means the power supply is going bad, if you are lucky. I say lucky because sometimes the orange flashing(depending on the amount of flashes" can mean the system board is going. I would contact Dell support and see if it is under warranty. But start with the power supply. I have seen that happen a ton of times at work and we just swap out the PS and it is good to go.

    As a temp fix you can try unplugging it from the power cord for about 5-10 minutes and sometimes that will allow you to work again...but if it does work the power supply is going to eventually go out because of the flashing orange light you keep getting.

  • 9 years ago

    Hello Dear, try to take the power cable off and press the power button once and put the power cable back agin, it will turn on. Then in the futerue try to shut down your PC instead of leaving it On for long time. also you can change the Power Options to Never (Go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options then click on Change the plan settings)

    Good Luck :-)

    Source(s): My own knowledge and experience
  • 9 years ago

    Sounds like a power issue. Take it to a qualified repair shop and have the power supply checked. They are relatively cheap to replace if bad.

    Source(s): Cyber medic Computer Repair
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