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Do you think Islam is suited to western countries taking these stories into consideration?

At Skane University Hospital in Lund,Sweden,Muslims complained about a cross on the wall of a room called the room of silence which is used by people in a religions for contemplation,Muslims have no valid reason to complain about the cross no matter what their twisted logic tells them,unless they are also part vampire.Surely when immigrating to western countries they knew the religion was mainly Christian,so why did they not consider this fact before coming to the west and complaining all the time,I would be interested from all religions,Islam included and secularists,thank you.


Another story which alarms me is the case of the Russian radio host who was stabbed 15 times and called an enemy of Allah by a lunatic Muslim because he compared the prophet to a business man,do Muslims not realise that in the west there is free speech and that assault and attempted murder cannot be overlooked because of a religion so again,why come to the west if you cannot allow for free speech for when other people migrate to new countries they try to assimmilate and avoid being problematic and criminal

Update 2:

Babylon,no side tracking,the dissident republicans are Irish men in their own country.

Coolio,this is not a case of one Muslim and this complaining about the presence of a cross is common in many western countries,I am wise to Islamic double talk,arrogance and having no respect for other religions,Islam is a political religion and the incessant study of the Koran is a brainwashing tool so why come to the west if you have not considered assimilation is expected

Update 3:

Hello,a priest listened to the Muslims and said he would have to refer with others but why did he not ask them what their problem was and also why no other religion had a problem with the cross,I can see a pattern emerging of anti-social,anti-western,anti-Christian and other religions along with Muslim criminal activity coming from the self imposed Islamic ghettos in many European countries also in the U.S,Canada,Australia and N.Zealand while still claiming to be a religion of peace,I recommend the Jihad Watch site and Atlas Shrugged also.disgraceful behaviour from "religious savages".

Update 4:

Great story Herb,I bet that left them with something to chew over,what gets me is they never seem to consider the fact that they could be/are wrong,in far too many Muslim countries Islam is becoming similar to fascism and children are being brainwashed to hate Jews and Christians while Muslims know nothing really about the foundations of their religion,I recommend Robert Spencer's book "Did Muhammad Exist" refers to historical facts and puts a good case forwards.

Update 5:

Babylon,I have never went to a Muslim country and I always thought Muslims were coming to the west to get out from under the thumb of Shariah law and their repressive religion,I do not agree with the U.K or the U.S going into any Muslim country,I am only concerned about the cultures of the likes of Ireland or any other western country that has allowed Muslims to enter only to find they are stealth colonists.

18 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Muslims know in the free countries of the West, that when they get here (those who immigrate) they'll be able to have enough freedom to do as they please, even if it means doing their best to change our cultures. No matter what it takes, they ''now'' have the freedom to try and do it. They have more freedom in the West to change our ways, than they could even dream about having in their former countries. They know before they get here that they'll be taking advantage of that. They don't hesitate to take advantage of the freedom of the West, even though without us they could NEVER have it. They never say thank you to our countries for taking them in out of their misery. This proves they don't appreciate anything we've done or about how we've had to sacrifice for them to live here. We've all had to sacrifice in one way or another to give them a better life.

    Islam is suited in Western countries for those of the Islam faith ONLY. They sure as hell aren't suited for us. We are not benefiting. They are trying to drag the West down to their ''old world'' level. Multiculturalism is the worst thing to ever hit the West. We pay a high price in more ways than one, for them to come here and live.Them and their supporters are reeking havoc on our cultures. It needs to stop.We're putting ourselves out, to help those who couldn't care less about us or our feelings/belief's. They are as selfish as they come. They want their cake and eat it too... talk about ungrateful hypocrites for trying to change us, into what the countries they left behind were like.They can't stand to live in their former countries or they wouldn't have left them, yet they're trying to change ours into what they couldn't stand. WTH? These people have problems. It's either from inbreeding or being brainwashed for too many years.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    even although the U. S. shape mandates separation between Church and State, distinctly lots each and every religious Christian considers morality whilst balloting. And seem the place that is gotten us. formally, religious morality has no place in politics, yet truly, faith performs a extensive section. Do you suspect that a Muslim, Buddhist or atheist might ever have a huge gamble to be elected, whether that they had overwhelmingly great financial or foreign places coverage ideals?

  • 9 years ago

    Of course not.

    There is trouble everywhere in the world where Islam rubs up against non Muslims.

    When not fighting with non Muslims they war amongst themselves....look at Syria.

    Strangely woof forgets all the Muslims asking for western help when living under barbaric Muslim regimes.....

    As for going ...all the illegals too?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    no one should ask for a cross to be taken down thus deigning another's spirituality.. it's pretty disgusting.. the negative should never take precedence over the positive.

    did they take the cross down?

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No it isn't. I can only conclude these people are so arrogant and superior everyone must bow to their superiority. And the government and all who allow them to behave like this dont help much either.They need to wake up. THis is 2012, and in our case this is the UK. They've chosen to live in it, and no matter what the hysterical morons says England IS and will remain a Christina country. Dont like it, then go somewhere you do like.

  • 9 years ago

    In Frankfurt Germany, Sailfish Muslims were handing out free German copies of the Koran, as they did in many cities.

    I was asked if I would like a copy, I told the guy that I had read "al-Qur'an" many times, which was the truth. He asked me if I was a Muslim, I answered that I was not, so he asked me how come I had read their holy book.

    I explained that I had lived in Egypt, and friends there had given me an english copy to read, which I did, and later twice more, plus I looked at a few chosen sections more often.

    He then asked me if I was interested in becoming a Muslim.

    I said "No, I'm not, but let me ask you a question ....... If I offered you a copy of "The Holy Bible" , or "The Talmud" , or the four Hindu "Veda's" , or the Taoist "Tao-te-ching" , or the Buddhist "Tipitaka", would you accept any of these to read ?"

    He said "No, that would be like sacrilege for him to do so".

    I explained that I had read them all, as well as al-Qur'an, and I am STILL a confirmed atheist !

    He told me that I would be one of the first to die when the day of judgment comes.

    I picked up his al-Qur'an and asked him to show me where in this book does it say that he should kill non-believers, because in the al-Qur'an I read, Mohammad writes that other beliefs and religions must be respected.

    Many passers by were now watching us and listening in.

    "Show me and I will willingly become a Muslim" I taunted him.

    "I know that you can't because nowhere in your holy book does it say anything like it..... if your Mohammad was standing here now he would disown you, ALL OF YOU ! Allah Akbar !"

    I turned and stormed away, to a raptuous applause from all the onlookers.

  • No religion, if adhered to in its fullest form, is compatible with Western civilisation. The problems always arise when any religion tries to enforce its beliefs on a reluctant population.

  • 9 years ago

    I guess we shouldn't be suprised giving how backwards and illogical they are in their own countries.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    America just cannot help itself? You are effectively fair game?

    Because Julian Assange chose to publish the cruel use of a high tech military stealth bomber as inhumane Murder. He has been victimized America cannot call itself America's best friend? Take your Marines and get out now! America Americans will not be welcome to kill Australia's favorite son Julian Assange. American arrogance to murder an ally journalist who cared about America.

  • 9 years ago

    Definitely not, what I find the most disturbing is how the men treat their women & try to say that it is part of their religion, which it is not.............

  • john h
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No I do not islam seems to be a backwards very narrow unforgiving religion

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