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What is your take on this unbelievable act of arrogant hateful insult to dead children?

Mohamed Benalel Merah the father of the Jihad inspired killer who murdered 3 school children,3 soldiers and one school teacher is bringing a legal case claiming his son Mohamed Merah was killed by persons unknown.This Islamic sadist filmed the shootings and glorified in his actions.He admitted to police he killed these people and was shot dead while shooting at the police team.

Now the legal people representing Merah senior are asking why so many police where on duty that day.For the reports I read the killer gave the police little option to shoot him,so he can be called a martyr for Allah.

I think this father is cynical money grabber and willing to hurt the families of his sons victims and commit his own form of Jihad.He and his supporters should be deported,who would want low life's like this in their country,detain and deport,what are others opinion on this disgrace.


Babylon and Frank,the idea of this forum is to answer,give opinions and not side track to avoid the subject,Merah took pleasure wiping out seven lives so he is a murderous cowardly thug who was shot down like a dog,now what do you think of his whinging father.

Update 2:

Sha'mone and Trick,you are 100% correct,so why have so many of these people been allowed into western countries knowing their attitude to the west,I have read reports from all over Europe,the U.S,Canada,Australia and New Zealand and all are similar concerning Islamic social upheaval,reports of rapes,beatings and of course honour killings,they are hardly an asset but more a drain on resources and a threat to democracy,freedom of speech and expression,I have also read reports from Islamic militant countries that the cross is a sign for satan,how do they work that one out.

Update 3:

Exactly Skiddoo,makes you wonder about the Muslim mind set and question are they really from the same planet as the rest of us.

Update 4:

Helen,I hope you are right but I have read that Hollande pandered to the immigrant vote,he is a left wing socialist and the stories coming out of France yet mysteriously missed by the mainstream media are of attacks on Jews,attacks on Churches,property and Muslim criminal activity and of course the brave soldiers of Allah and their Jihad outrages.

Update 5:

Chewbaka,I do not sanction the killing any innocent so please keep to the agenda,what do you think of this example of an Islamic humanitarian.

Update 6:

Christine,I would like to be a fly on the wall if this "Father" had to face the relatives of his sons victims,he would probably blame the victims or claim he was being victimised,typical Muslim behaviour,Dorothy,excellent point,the U.S paid the families of the Afghan victims so maybe it should be a two way street as respect should be.I can just hear the Imams,manic street clerics and the likes of Anjem Choudary,ranting,chewing their beards and generally getting enraged while looking like the crazed idiots they are.

Update 7:

Lily,the silence of Islam only sanctions the Islamic murderers and to Chewbaka,we need to discus these murderous cowardly attacks openly,I nor others on this forum have asked for this disgraceful action against innocents from deluded religious maniacs.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Weren't other children of this vile man involved in jihad too?

    He should be deported ASAP.

    I think the son deserved to die and the father is an ignorant waste of taxpayers money....what kind of father produces such revolting children?

    As for being a money grabber.....again typical.

    Perhaps the victims families should demand blood money from the scum bag.

    Source(s): Ignore Joeke and doggy......showing their true colours again....yet still here at our tax payers expense.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I suspect that " Money " is not a Primary motive,I believe pressure may well have been brought on the Father,whatever his personal views may be.

    The Islamic Jihad is first and foremost a Political Movement,hiding among and behind religious motivations.

    They operate and thrive on their hatred of everything Western,and propagating hatred against themselves is playing into their hands.

    Western anger against Muslims in general,recruits more to the Extremist cause.

    Until the non violent majority of Muslims denounce violence,the Killers,Rapists,and Hate mongers will remain hidden among them.

    We cannot tell the difference easily,but Muslims could,if they chose to do so.

    Source(s): European Islam is the key to defeating the Jihad. Don't hold your breath.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Thank **** it happened in France and not the UK. Daddy would have been given free legal aid to sue the police who were doing the world a favour by shooting his son like the rabid dog he was

    Time to re-evaluate the purpose and benefits of having these 3rd world 12th century people living in the civilised western world.Mass enforce deportations need to be carried out asap. Never mind how long they have lived in western countries or any stupid human rights shite. Just get shot of them forthwith.

  • 9 years ago

    What happened to the American soldier who murdered the Afghan children in their beds?

    Don't matter weather your muslim christian jewish hindu atheist or buddist.No one has the right to kill innocent children.And if their is a god which I doubt,then he must be one sick SOB to allows this filth to breath.

    NB The Americans say that this soldier had done 2 tours of Afghanistan before and seen some of his comrades killed or injured as though this is some form of excuse for walking into a house and

    butchering men women and children as they slept.

    It is nothing to do with Islam or any other bullshite religion you cannot just stereotype people.THere are bad f*kers in this world from what ever group or label they stick onto themselves.That is why stupid people still hate jews,germans,british,irish etc,.The as*holes that make the headlines are not the bloody norm but by giving these bast*rds the oxygen of publicity you just breed more hatred.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Anti atheism is doing lots harm to Christianity that it somewhat is fairly anti Christianity – David Manley It takes somewhat purely one to make a quarrel. it somewhat is ineffective for the sheep to bypass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism, mutually as the wolf keeps to be of a distinctive opinion. - William Ralph Inge. Why so unaware of what reasons the backlash against christianity? all the different religions and atheists stay in peace and are purely attacked by employing undesirable christians which reasons all stable christians to melancholy on the wear they do! Up until eventually approximately 40 years returned Christianity advance into thriving and there advance into no conflict with others yet in basically those few short years the prominent christians are growing to be illiberal, hate crammed, bigoted and persecuting ensuing in a growing to be backlash against christianity and inflicting christianity to unfastened over ten p.c. in decrease than a decade with the loss accelerating! The self destruction of Christianity is underway and the only ingredient which could end it somewhat is to desert the poor human emotions, seek for to rediscover the assumption of a loving god and act like it! Posts like yours that stress people extra removed from God are employing you in direction of hell. So who're you working for the devil or the antichrist with the aid of fact it particular ain't the loving god!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Islam is arrogant. They believe they are the superior religion and anyone who isn't Muslim are as low as dogs. Compare this to suicide bombers and the like, do there families come out and voice their disgust, do they hell.

  • Skidoo
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'd heard this was coming, but am no less horrified. The father should hang his head in shame at what his son did, not defend his actions and bring - no doubt costly - legal action against the police for killing his mad dog child.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It just brings the day closer when all muslims will be banished to their homelands

    Source(s): dreaming
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    1. Muslims don't care about the death of non muslims. You never hear them criticizing their fellow muslims who murder non muslims.

    2. Muslims arrogantly believe they deserve special privileges, even when everyone can see they are totally in the wrong.

    3. Muslims believe non muslims deserve to die. They believe they're above the rest of us. They believe it is wrong to punish them as long as it's ''only infidels'' they are murdering.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Why is it that whenever I read an atrocity story these days it contains the word Islamic?

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