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Biblical faith is NOT blind faith?

I've noticed that many believe that religious faith is blind without evidence of any sort. That may be true for some practicing in a particular religion. However, from a biblical standpoint the faith described is not without evidence nor is it blind.

Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen.

The faith described in the bible is similar to a farmer that plants a seed with the faith or confidence that later it will grow. We have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow even though it hasn't happened.

Scripturally when Jesus walked the earth he performed many miracles and signs as proofs that he was the promised messiah or christ. He didn't just tell others to take his word for it only.

John 5:36 "...the very works that I am doing, bear witness about me that the Father has sent me."

I believe in the bible because of the scientific accuracies and proofs the book itself contains. Such as this.

Isaiah 40:22

"...who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent..."

"Three U.S.-born scientists won the Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday for discovering that the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace, a stunning revelation..."

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If a person of any christian faith can't provide proof of any sort then it is not a bible based faith they are practicing or preaching to you.


I beg to differ ladies and gentlemen. Which is your right to believe or disbelieve whatever you wish. My point is only that the bible's description vs what many are led to believe are vastly different. The reasoning and the math add up and you are free to choose whether you like the answer or not.

There are plenty of other scientific accuracies in the bible that the writers would have no privy to know would later be true.

Genesis alone states that the universe had a beginning, the earth was created in stages, life started in the ocean, that it's possible to perform major surgery while a person is asleep (Adams' deep sleep rib removal), and that life was created according to a "kind" (fossil records do not reflect slow evlovement but rather life forms came about quickly and were relatively unchanged).

The science is there if a person is open to looking at it.

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I would just like to say I respect that you base your evidence on faith itself - that is the teaching of Jesus, but that is still a blind faith in many respects. More accurate to state biblical faith is not scientific faith. The only thing that annoys me about christians is that they try to assimilate science to prove the bible true - but what you've just done is show a passage of the bible that supports the expanding universe model, which I find very intriguing. I have no doubt that the authors of the bible tried to inject as much fact as possible into the bible, but they had a free hand when writing about events they weren't privy to. I don't believe that you've actually asked a question here though, so I'll ask readers one of my own.

    Do Christians have faith? If so, why do you feel the need to prove it with science?

  • 9 years ago

    That Hebrews passage is a total crock. How can faith provide evidence for something? It can't. The sort of faith that we have in the sun coming up is based on knowledge of the way the solar system works, it is not merely faith in the word of some god. There is good evidence for expecting it because the theory behind it has predictive capabilities (i.e. we know the earth rotates and we would know it if it suddenly stopped. Therefore, the sun will rise in the morning).

    How can you believe in a god for which there is absolutely no evidence for? None whatsoever.

    You think that those passages are scientifically accurate?

    Isaiah 40:22 - In what way exactly is space like a curtain or tent? It's nothing like that.

    The truth is that there is no evidence that Jesus even existed and much to support the hypothesis that he never existed at all. Your "faith" is merely an excuse to believe in something for which there is no evidence. You wouldn't believe in anything else with that standard of evidence so why will you make such an exception for your god?

    Do you believe in fairies & leprechauns? Because there is just as much evidence for those as there are for a god. In fact, they are in many ways more plausible.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Your faith is blind because too much of the bible has been PROVEN to be a lie. First the Genesis story makes no sense. If God walked around Eden, why isn't he walking around today for all to see? Archeologists, Egyptologists, and ALL Jewish scholars who have studied the matter agree that the Exodus never occurred, and that they were living in the land of Canaan at the time that the Bible says they were in Egypt. That's just starters. If you go into the New Testament, and look at the oldest texts, and compare it with what you have today, you have a VERY different Bible. Explain that!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Benefits. Blind faith is a credulousness, disposition to think , it can be when you know that you understand something it doesn't matter what other tells you and this is not an emotion, but an over trustfulness acceptation and a wishful considering whilst religion is, correctly, anything that you just and i endeavor every day in our lives. And we now have exercised it from the very moment we had been born. I suppose it can be genuine that your mother even stimulated you to consider that we might believe her when we lay in her hands. And we discovered daily that was once authentic, she would no longer drop us, that she was riskless, and we might put our religion in her palms, have you ever regarded what faith is? Or what system we go via to think in anything or anyone? Are you conscious of faith or notion for your every day lifestyles? Feel a second about the subsequent breath you take. Are you sure there is not some thing within the air you're taking into your lungs which could injury your health? Definitely, when you appear round your atmosphere, you can't consistently see or smell any fuel or fumes that might harm you. Provided that a brand new scent was determined, would you might be be a little bit worried. Would you ever recall this to be "a jump of religion"? Suppose is while you know that jesus has put religion to your heart that you may recognize Him and think that he is the Son of God . Gods is aware of every factor and he knew from the very commencing whom have been going to consider and whom weren't. Religion is trusting accepting and believing God for who he say he is even as surrender is giving up each factor to God so he can have his way on our lifestyles , is when you take delivery of this may to your lifestyles which is his cause for us. Surrendering to the Lord is like breaking down again to the feet of the cross telling the Lord that you simply can not make it on your possess we'd like his Holy spirit to advisor, train and to preserve us, it's to many temptation throughout us and if we don't stand and consider God we'd go ashtray that is what our enemy needs , it is as much as us to alternative existence or demise, as for me and my loved ones i will reward the Lord and alternative lifestyles and light-weight. Very uplifted, and an eye opener, query. Peace to all.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Anybody who believes that

    "...who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent..."

    Is even remotely similar to

    "Three U.S.-born scientists won the Nobel Prize in physics Tuesday for discovering that the universe is expanding at an accelerating pace, a stunning revelation..."

    Is indeed exhibiting blind faith

  • 9 years ago

    Blind faith, it is a wrong usage. Faith itself is the simple combination of Belief, Expectation and Desire/Goal.For every philosophy there is something good and something bad.You take only the good and eat it very slowly.Why because most of all the sacred books available in market is only interpretation of original. Interpretations have limited dimensions whereas original have infinite dimensions.

    Source(s): self experience
  • 9 years ago

    Unless you're willing to admit believing in Islam because the Qur'an says so isn't blind faith either you're hardly in a position to say Biblical faith isn't blind faith.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    You prove your faith in the bible with bible passages?

    Source(s): Circular reasoning much?
  • 9 years ago

    Stop using this forum for your preaching.

  • 9 years ago

    Your faith is blind, deaf, AND mute.

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