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Is obama abusing the presidential executive order option, should congress pass a law?

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    President Bush issued an executive order that in the case of 'emergency' the president's administration could simply take over Congress's and the Supreme Court's jobs, take over the national media and the banks. And The President gets to decide what constitutes an 'emergency'. In other words, just on his own option, the president can declare himself a totalitarian dictator. Where was your protest then?

    Aren't executive orders just one more item in a long long list of deeds that are -crimes- only when done by a Democrat? Like letting friends sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom? Or taking a week's vacation with his family? Or going overseas to visit a foreign leader? Or disagreeing with Congress or the Supreme Court? Or . . . well, there's a long list of them.

    In fact it's kind of come down to a formula. ANYTHING Obama does is an impeachable offense. No matter what he does, Republicans react in feigned outrage. If he really ever DID do anything really illegal, how would you know?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    First, you begin with a fantasy world in which there are millions of illegal immigrants here just running around unemployed. They are here because they can work, as opposed to in their homeland, where they cannot. Feel free to look at what happened when Alabama got all high and mighty about illegals and their crops started rotting in the fields. Feel free to check out the sites that debunk the myths of all the illegals on welfare. Tell us why companies like Smithfield Hams advertises in Mexico and sends buses to bring workers up here. (Of course, it rapidly became obvious that they don't want to pay their workers minimum wage, since they have recently made a deal to sell Smithfield Hams to a Chinese company.) Second, you create the fantasy of just how far an executive order can go. All he can do is order priorities in enforcement, as he did last summer with the DREAM kids. He cannot order anything that is against the law, like ordering Social Security to issue them cards or ICE to issue green cards. If Congress, or more correctly, the GOP House fails to pass immigration reform, they will lose badly in the 2014 elections and we will just get it done in 2015. You can ignore the fact that the majority of Americans APPROVE of immigration reform if you want, but it will be to your own peril.

  • 9 years ago

    The job of the Executive branch is to enforce the laws that the Legislative branch passes. The Judicial branch decides guilt or innocence, and in the case of guilt, prescribes a penalty for it. The President has bypassed the Judicial branch by deciding that the people who are breaking the law by being here should not be punished for it. This is a violation of the Separation of Powers clause of the Constitution.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    yes he is abusing his authority with his unConstitutional use of the Executive Order, but the remedy for that is Impeachment and removal from office..if your ONLY response to a crime is to pass a law, then what's the point of even HAVING laws?...not much point if nobody enforces them!

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  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    No more so than any previous president. Bush executive of MANY.....warrantless wiretapping on American citizens. Truman executive order.....ended racial segregation in the military. Lincoln executive order.....emancipation proclamation.

  • 9 years ago

    All Executive Orders are unconstitutional, regardless of the president that signed them

    but if nothing is done, does the law mean anything, if outlaws rob a bank and all the police do is sit around and say that's illegal, they are not suppose to do that, do you think that will stop the outlaws from robbing more banks


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    How many times has Bush bypassed Congress?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago


    He just broke the law! OPENLY!



    Enough of this garbage.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    He hopes he is........he doesn't give a hoot about the plight of the people this order claims to help. He just hopes the GOP will fight it.

  • N
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    no, congress is abusing the filibuster.

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