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What is the daftest advice you have been about babies or pre-school age children?

I especially thinking about advice, or being told you MUST do something by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional.

A family friend who was a midwife, came round one day, when my daughter was about 4 months old. She asked if I was getting a baby walker. When I said I did not believe in them, she said I SHOULD get one, and push my daughter to walk.

"Oh really? " I said "Mum didn't have baby walkers for us, but we all managed!"

I felt like asking her if she thought humans invented wheels, before learning to walk upright.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    babies shouldnt have a baby walker until they can sit up unsupported because their necks and their spines are not strong enough to cope with constantly being upright for long periods of time. I had a walker for my son but didn't put him in to until he could support himself for longer than 10 minutes, so roughly 6 months.. I wasn't doing it to push him to walk either, he liked to follow me around the flat and follow his sister..

    the dumbest advice I got was from my mother in law who I still have not forgiven to this very day, when my daughter was a baby I decided to breast feed on demand, when my daughter was 2 months old my MIL accused her of being too fat and refused to let me feed her when we were in her house, so my daughter would scream and in the end I clogged up my milk ducts and got an infection with a very high fever and my milk completely dried up... worst ever advice it still makes my blood boil to think of it!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    relies upon! I specially purchase very low fee clothing and keep revenues. i'm getting various 2d hand stuff as nicely. I definitely have considered products that have been purely too lovable to bypass up even nevertheless they have been on the costly area. I continually get them huge so as that they get the main placed on out of them. It does not take place generally, even with the incontrovertible fact that it does take place. With that mentioned, all my 2d hand clothing look style new. I keep stable care of them. I additionally keep revenues at those costly shops. i purchase it super adequate to in positive condition them here 3 hundred and sixty 5 days. this is superb what they stick on the rack on the top of season. With that mentioned clothier clothing are actually not of the utmost magnitude to me. If money become a non situation i might nevertheless keep revenues. contained in the top it is there money, precise? If this is how they pick to spend it so be it. =)

  • 9 years ago

    To not do anything about setting up a routine for naps and bedtimes because "babies will sleep when they're tired". Um, no they won't. Sometimes being tired makes them overstimulated and unable to fall asleep unassisted. That's why you teach them healthy sleep habits from a young age. Although, I think the person was well-intended and just trying to comfort me because I was dealing with a baby who had a hard time sleeping at all.

  • 9 years ago

    yeah, that's pretty dumb on lots of levels (besides obviously not being needed to learn to walk; nobody learns to walk at 4 months; and baby walkers tend to be unsafe, anyway).

    a friend suggested i should leave my infant asleep in the car at the beach (in the summer, by herself ... with a baby monitor) so as not to disturb her rest and to keep my hands free to focus on my other kids.


    oh, and a pediatric nutrionist we were referred to because my child was under the first percentile for weight looked at the completely healthy diet we were serving and suggested we add in more things like chips.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Lol someone in the newborn and baby section has been saying you shouldn't use breast pumps because it's as bad as formula and you have to breastfeed until age 5. Not everyone wants a kindergartner on their boob.

  • 9 years ago

    I often have people interject their "advice" all the time when I'm carrying my three daughters around. My response is simple: "When did you have your kids? Three decades ago? Wasn't that when they also advised you to smoke and drink while pregnant?"

    They normally get the point really quick.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    An unbelievable amount of people told me to spank them when they infants!!! That kind of advice explains a whole lot about the world.

  • 9 years ago

    We used to be told that no child would go to kindergarten in diapers let them make their own way to the toilet........well, 4 kids in my grandsons class ( age 5 ) not disabled......not toilet thats not right.

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