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So a Businessman the ANSWER to America's Woes?

Aren't the Businessmen, Bankers, CEO's, Wall Street and the rest of the HIGH ROLLERS who created that which they CRIED BAIL US OUT Back to where they were and have trillions of cash their holding on to ??? AND America should Elect ''ANOTHER" Multi Millionaire businessman to CONTINUE MORE tax breaks and Corporate Welfare?? Is that the answer for the middle class working families who are hurting..Won't the businessmen just EXPORT MORE JOBS and set up Cayman Accts. to EVADE American Taxes ??


BOB G Actually,, I'm college educated, financially independent, and have NO NEED for a JOB !! I earned my fortune honestly, and never depended on anyone since I was ten. Have ran three busi

nesses and share my wealth with fellow Americans in need. Unlike the right, republicans and people like yourself, I believe in rebuilding America's infrastructure which is decaying, willing to PAY TAXES, and would NEVER establish foreign bank accts to EVADE American TAXES !! The Rich and the Right along with Corporate GREED does those things.. And lastly buy American whenever possible,, and never have owned a FOREIGN CAR and never will !! CAN YOU SAY SAME ??? SOLOMON

Update 2:

DESIRE OR,,possibly YOUR WRONG, IGNORANT, or too NAIVE to realize the truth !! Compromise is NOT a dirty word, and BLIND ALLEGIANCE to a party or a belief which has NETTED WRONG RESULTS, begs reconsideration..NOT ''WELL IT DIDN'T WORK, SO LETS DO IT AGAIN AND SEE IF IT DOES !!" That's what Rmoney wants to do !! BUSH AGAIN ON STEROIDS !!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Romney’s plan is GW’s on steroids. His own spokesperson admitted as much.

    Trickle down - don’t trickle down, folks. Romney has already had over a decade of GW’s tax cuts and hasn’t created a damn thing - other than an account in the Caymans.

    Obama, 2012

  • 5 years ago

    The Iraqi and Afghan businessmen - many will lose each little thing if the Islamic extremists take over. Businessmen contained in the U. S., Europe and elsewhere will merely flow on to at least some thing else and could quickly make solid any losses they have incurrred. it really is genuinely no longer an determination for the human beings who truly stay and paintings in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    A businessman at LEAST creates jobs...ONLY LEGISLATION has the power to reign in these big banks and corporations. The DEMOCRATS took over BOTH Congresses and the Senate in 2006, Congress makes the LAWS, REPUBLICANS like John McCain, in 2005 said these corporations and banks need to have limits as far as spending and they need to have regulation on everything from salaries, to bonuses to loans; the DEMOCRATS said "NO" on regulations for big banks and corporations. See a dilemma here?

  • Power
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Bob G. still doesn't understand that community organizers are the volenteers who save tax payers money. He has no clue as to how the republican convention used that put down and lost the election. Keep it up republicans it will be the same thing again.

    No a business man like Romney represents greed. He has more money than anyone would want or need. Most people would feel guilty not paying their employees better than he has and instead taking that money for themselves. People are not so stupid as to let him win and if they are they will suffer cause they can't escape their karma. The voters of Romney will learn what it is like to be his slaves.

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  • 9 years ago

    As opposed to the community organizer who thinks the economy is doing just fine? I'll take the businessman any day.

    Your rant is really dishonest but all thinking people already know that. They only ones who believe your talking points are other left wing loons.

    @ Power: Actually I understand many things that seem well beyond your comprehension. Perhaps if you would get an education or a real job you would better understand that Obama is a world class failure.

  • daisy
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    compared to the community organizer, without a doubt. romney knows how to balance revenue and expenses - obama is clueless as we can all see by the insane spending. romney was a very successful venture capitalist, with a 78% success rate while at bain, the obama attempts with his green dream, which is really political payback to his contributors, have all failed. not one success. i think the losses are over 1 trillion now. every stimulus bill, repeat stimulus bill, and the shovel ready that never existed failed. we cannot even get a budget out of this administration, over 1,100 days now, and all obama can present are trillion dollar deficit budgets that did not even get one vote from his own party.

  • 9 years ago

    What are you trying to do ? Confuse the Republicans, with the facts ? I can tell you right now, it wont work... They've already seen, eight years of "W", & want more....

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, finally and you are obviously very ignorant or young.

  • 9 years ago

    Well, our experiment with Big Gov't, Big Spender types didn't work out so well, so let's try something else.

  • 9 years ago

    could be, too bad he also has to be a good little Republican.

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