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My partner is injecting subutex?

Hi my partner has been clean for two years now and has been taking subutex since he came of the gear, at first he used to sniff them but now he is injecting then WTF? i'm way out of my depth here i have never taken drugs. Dont get me wrong i knew all about his past when i got with him and i'll never judge anybody that has taken drugs. I dont think he knows that i no he is injecting them and i dont know what to say to him, he gets all defensive if i mention anything about what he has been doing in the bathroom. Will he stop injecting them? because i've read a lot about the risks.

Also where would the likely place he would be injecting them? theres no marks on his arms and i doubt he would inject them there anyway because he has no vains what so ever from when he was using. would injecting subutex even leave marks where he has injected them?

Thank you

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is a cycle to addiction called the cycle of change (just goggle cycle of change and heaps of charts will come up) your partner obviously realises he has a problem as he has accessed a medical intervention by going on subutex. He is though not ready or able to take the next step in letting go of substance and living a clean and sober life. As unfortunate and unpleasant as it may be to hear there is really nothing you can do to "make" him change he has to come to this conclusion himself. That said you could encourage him to seek professional help whether that be through counselling or going to rehab. The pay off to stop using has to be greater than whatever it is he is getting from the drug. Most people need to hit rock bottom before they can get back up and start getting clean. It is a long process for someone that has had years of using under the belt and to be on subutex for 2years suggests to me that he has a long drug using past also having no veins left to inject with on arms points to long using history. He would be getting defensive because he is having a hit in bathroom and is scared of you finding out of your reaction. if you see a future with him be prepared for some rough patches and just be as supportive as you can and he will allow.

    Source(s): Alcohol and other drug worker... I work in a rehab
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    in between his toes in between his fingers on his legs on his thighs/buttox, thats where a lot of people inject when they are trying to hide it.... hope he stops injecting, thats not a fun way to go about drug usage... i hope you have the courage to confront him before he gets out of control

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