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shakira vasquex

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  • Real bad smelling washing machine?

    Hello about 3/4 months ago i started smelling a really bad smell on my clothes, my washing machine smelt really really bad. I looked on the internet and since i have been doing regular boil washes, i have scrubbed and soaked the draw, I have cleaned all the seal and drum and got loads of mouldy balls out of there and I even tried vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice. I have also checked my waste pipe and it seems fine and i do have a S bend pipe.

    It has made it a bit better with all the boil washes ECT but still my washing does not smell fresh at all. I was using gels but have changed back to powder and liquid. Its driving me crazy and somtimes have to put my washing threw three times, i really can not afford a new washing machine but i have tried just about everything :/ I even tipped bleach in there the other day because i have just had enough lol.

    Thank you if you comment

    7 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • Where can I get hair extensions from online?


    Could any one tell me where i can get good hair extensions from online? i don't want ones with clips already attached i do just want one long weft of hair so i can cut it to where i want and attach the clips myself? I've looked on the internet but all i can find is the ones with the clips in which i do not want

    Thank you

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Guys? is it true some girls..........?


    Is it true that some girls can actually be looser down there than others? does it go on body size or anything like that?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What breed is my dog?

    Hello i was wondering if anyone could tell me what breed my dog is? I think he has got lurcher, Whippet in him but all the pictures ive pulled from the net look nothing like him.

    This pic was taken when we rescued him he was about 4/5 months old im guessing.

    Thank you

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • getting my dog to stop attacking other dogs?

    hello i have got a whippet cross and he is about 7 months old. when i take him home to my moms (she has a border collie) he runs up to her bites her. he is only playing but she gets really nervous round him. if he is there she wont eat, sleep, drink wee or anyhtings. if she gets up to do anything he just attacks her. i shout and say no but he never stops. he does this with other dogs to. will he ever stop how can i get him to stop?....

    Thank you

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • puppy food? Adult food?


    would feeding a 6 month old puppy adult dog food cause him to have an upset stomach? Because my puppy always has a bad tummy all of the time. every bowel movement he does it always loose since we have had him.

    I put him on winolot dog food and although he could hold it down everytime he went to the toilet it is always loose. what could i feed him to make it better? because he loves his food and wants to eat all of the time and i dont really want to put him on dry biscuits 24/7 . he is a whippet if this helps?

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Border Collie and another Dog?

    Hello my parents have had there border collie for about 4 years now. A few weeks ago my partner rescued a puppy after some Bas**** had left him tied up on a gas pipe in the snow. He has had him for a few weeks and i want to take him to live with me at my parents house. He has been there a few times but my mom's border collie doesn't really like him, i think its because he jumps around biting her ankles but he only wants to play. Would the border collie ever accept him in the house long term? Because she has a lot off attention with throwing the ball for her all day, and only used to it just been her getting all the attention would she feel pushed out? I no my parents would have the puppy but i no they feel one would get pushed out?

    Thank you

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • fly tipping how to report?

    there is fly tipping going on right now behind my house. my next door neighbour has thrown around 300 black bags of rubbish and there is still more to come. i dont want to give my name do i phone the police?

    4 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Is it OK for my bf to watch porn?

    Hello me and my boyfriend have been together for two years. I was using his phone browsing the internet and saw porn sites that he had been on. I confronted him about it and he said it was ages ago! i knew he was lying. we argued about it and i told him i didnt think it was right him looking at another naked women and it made me feel really upset.

    He now makes comments like look at my history and he will scroll down and there's nothing on there like he has deleted it and he is getting internet fitted so he can use a laptop and I keep thinking he only wants it for porn.

    Is it wrong that it upsets me this much?

    What could i say to him to make him realise?

    14 AnswersEngagements & Weddings9 years ago
  • how do I confront him?

    Hello my other half is a recovering heroin addict he was taking smack for a good ten years of his life and two years ago he decided enough was enough.

    He has been clean for smack for two years now but is still taking subutex. Recently his doctor upped his dose because he said he was feeling depressed with life. Last week i found out he is injecting his subutex i was like wtf he doesnt know i no and i want it to stop i mean why would you inject something that is supposed to be took under the tongue,

    How do i confront him without him getting mad?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • My partner is injecting subutex?

    Hi my partner has been clean for two years now and has been taking subutex since he came of the gear, at first he used to sniff them but now he is injecting then WTF? i'm way out of my depth here i have never taken drugs. Dont get me wrong i knew all about his past when i got with him and i'll never judge anybody that has taken drugs. I dont think he knows that i no he is injecting them and i dont know what to say to him, he gets all defensive if i mention anything about what he has been doing in the bathroom. Will he stop injecting them? because i've read a lot about the risks.

    Also where would the likely place he would be injecting them? theres no marks on his arms and i doubt he would inject them there anyway because he has no vains what so ever from when he was using. would injecting subutex even leave marks where he has injected them?

    Thank you

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Has he started using again?

    Hello my partner has been clean for nearrly two years and he has been on subutex since he stopped using smack. His dose was reduced about 6 months ago and he tried to come of them and went through a detox this failed and he went back on the subutex. He has been through a bad patch recently and he was depressed all the time and i found out his doctor had upped his dose of subutex. The other day i found a syringe, i immediately thought he was using again and yesterday i found the syringe, spoon and a subutex in like a pack in his bathroom which he clearly tried to hide i really dont know what to think of it. i asked him what he was doing in the bathroom and he said using the toilet. I told him that i know but i think he thought i was just trying to trick him into telling me. How do i confront him? i really want to help him but he just can not be honest i really dont know what to do and feel way out of my depth.

    If he is using what would be the signs?

    thank you

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Why do I keep getting ill?


    I keep getting the flu, in the last four months I have had two colds and a stomach bug and now im coming down with the flu again.

    I recover from the flu and about two weeks later i get it again im sick of keep feeling ill all the time. Is it normal? I haven't been around anyone that has got the flu i just keep getting it. I brought some multi vitamin tablets to try and boost my immune system not much good they have done.

    5 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • how long does it take to get addicted to Valium?

    How long do you have to be taking Valium to start to get addicted to it? and how much?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • He is back on drugs? help?

    Hello i have been with my BF for nearly two years, he is a recovering heroin addict and is on medication. he lied to me from day one, i knew he used to be on smack but when we met he told me he had been clean for months (which he had) we were together nine months when I found out he was taking medication. He said he didn't tell me because he thought i would leave him we had a massive row over it but we got threw it. Recently I've had a gut feeling he has started using again i asked him and he went mad saying how could i think that of him i felt awful for even thinking it.

    The other day he was in the bathroom for ages and i just knew he was up to something When i asked him he said he was just using the toilet but i just knew he wasn't i started an argument and he told me he was taking Valium and then it came out his doctor has dosed his medication up because he is stressed and until he stops taking other things i said what like smack and haven't heard a reply from him.

    How could he lie to me? he tells me he loves me but how can he? what do i do please help

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago