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Is anyone else getting very angry about Muslim child sex offenders,I think the lot should be deported,read on?

Shabir Ahmed (59) was found guilty of raping a young girl from she was 3 years old to she was seventeen.The girl eventually got the courage to go to the police and report his disgusting actions,Ahmed was part of the Rochdale perverts and has other convictions for paedophilia.

But like all the other Muslim scum bags involved in this despicable affair he is claiming he is the victim of a conspiracy including the police,the E.D.L,the B.N.P and Social Services,he even ranted to jurors of his other convictions saying "my only crime was to be a Muslim and not of the majority race"what an odious failed human being,Islam is not a race but a religious,political,military,cultural ideology.

I wonder why leaders within the Muslim community are not openly condemning these human waste products,it seems to me that Islam is backward in coming forward regarding crimes against humanity.What are your thoughts on these cases.


Molly,they are on an island and I agree that any priest found guilty of similar crimes should face the law,but I always said I blame the church for the stupid ruling banning marriage for priests and nuns,it was a tragedy in the making.

Update 2:

Leo,Shabir Ahmed was part of the group of Muslim sex groomers in Rochdale,he was previously convicted along with his fellow criminals but tried again for this case and I don't have to make Muslims look bad,they do a good job themselves.

Update 3:

The Teacher,it seems to me Muslims always play the victim,in a previous trial for similar offences one Muslim man called the judge a racist because he was found guilty and convicted along with his co-defendants,again what race is Islam ?

Update 4:

Why is it when I question the dubious morals of Muslims I am accused of spreading hate,the fact the media contented itself in calling them Asians is an insult to all non-Muslims of Asian descent,if people took the time to educate themselves about Islam and the teachings of the Koran along with finding out about the crimes against humanity carried out in the name of Allah they would be better served,I subscribe to the Jihad Watch site and Atlas Shrugs,they are real eye openers,Muslim paedophiles need to identified and not allowed to hide under the blanket name of Asian,I am sick of the media playing down the facts of any crime.

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Once again, here we have a Muslim racist paedophile not getting his own way and playing the religion card. Sorry to any law abiding black folk but its like saying "you only pick on me because I'm black". No actually, you are only picked on because you got caught. Just goes to prove how these child rapists are doing what they do thinking they will get away with it because they are "special". Paedophiles are not special they are abhorrent, the victims here are the children, and to rape a girl from aged 3 until 17, all this creature and its fellow creatures are, are filthy arrogant child rapists. I want them jailed, not put on the nonce's wing and if they survive, then deport the filth.

  • mable
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You act as if marrying is the price you pay for sex as if there's no other reason at the back of it apart from sex. Initially I consider most people don't seem to be waiting for marraige to open their "gardens" up for industry. Marraige should no longer be in regards to the intercourse. Of course the sex is primary too however no longer the whole thing. Additionally why do you consider that a womens pleasure is larger than a mans?? How would that even be decided. Some women get no pleasure out of intercourse. I suppose you will have this all improper.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Good Point Monkey Spanker,that Statement should be More widely read.

    However,the Fact remains,it appears to be a cultural/moral/religious consensus among certain Pakistanis,that any Crime against us kaffirs,is not a sin.

    Their leaders would say that,wouldn't they.

    No-one accuses them of being Politically Naive.

    Their Communities may well hold differing views.

  • 9 years ago

    All child sex offenders, not just muslims, should be put to death. There is no cure for this. Just look at the children who have been abducted and killed by child sex offenders who have done time and been released. These people are not like the rest of humanity and cannot be fixed. As long as they are alive they are a danger to the children of all societies.

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  • 9 years ago

    Notice that those who are convicted of being pedophiles do not rant and rave that there conviction is based on you are just after coaches, nurses, catholic priest or atheist etc. These rants are by pedophiles of the Muslim religion whom feel it's okay and right to rape small children of both sexes or to kill in the name of there god. The Muslim community won't say a thing because they consider others as infidels and these horrific monstrous acts are no concerned to us. He should be hung for his foul deeds against this Muslim girl which the Muslim community has failed to protect as she is just a girl and through a muslim mans eye rape is okay.

    Source(s): reader
  • GENE
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Are you proud of yourself for spreading more hate with your venomous mouth?

    This question is not about child abuse, it is about hate toward Muslims. You need to grow up. We are not all stupid and few of us want to live in a world which is contaminated by the type of anger you spread.

    Find something useful to do with your life. Currently you are only an embarrassment to your people.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There is a big difference between Catholic priests and muslims in Rochdale committing offences against children

    The Catholic priests can not be deported , the muslims can and should be

    all of them disgust me and so do the people who have covered these crimes up

    lets face it we have enough criminals of our own we really don't need any other countries trash

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Just as bad are the cases of Catholic priests covering up abuse that went on for decades, and that was right under our noses in a Western supposedly advanced society. ALL child sex offenders should be castrated or locked away for life (or both!)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What I'm seeing from these awful crimes is bad people hiding behind religion as it suits their purpose.

    Catholic priests abusing children, sadistic nuns running orphanages damaging little ones, zionists hiding behind the torah & claiming to be gods chosen people, these muslims are just another slimy bunch who do not practice what they preach.

    The sooner all these ( false ) religions are abolished the better.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    lets just deport "all" muslim's, they all disgusting creatures

    ever seen one with soap in a shopping trolly ??

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