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Lv 7

What about these scriptures is difficult to understand?

Some say they do not understand my answer to Profano's question, "O.T referrences to the Trinity". Is it really so difficult to understand, do I need to explain it? Here is my answer:

Genesis 1:26 Let Us make man in our image.

2 Sam. 23:2,3 Spirit, God, Rock.

Is. 6:3,8 King, LORD Almighty, Lord,

Is.42:1 "I", Chosen One, Spirit.

Is.48:12,16,17 First and last, Spirit, God.

Is.63:10-16 Holy Spirit, Lord, Father.

Hag. 2: 5-7 Holy Spirit, LORD Almighty, Desire of All Nations.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not difficult for Christians who are biblically literate, but most people on here wouldn't even know what the abbreviations stand for!

    Also, you would need to link the OT verses with NT verses about Jesus. For example, if I cited Isaiah 44:24 "I am te Lord who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself" - I would then cite John 1:3 about Jesus creating everything.

    You cited Isaiah 48:12 "I am the first and I am the last". That needs to be linked with Jesus saying he is the first and the last in Revelation 2:8.

    Yes, it's always better if you can take a bit more time and trouble to explain things as not everyone on here has a more-than-basic grasp of the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Not too hard to understand, but we would have to look all those up to valuate it.

    Genesis 1:26 (King James Version)

    26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    Here are the rest of your verses with several NT verses added to it about the Holy Spirit:

    Vin has the list that includes Jesus in all the verses. Jesus is in the OT too in many places. God bless you. Good post!

  • 9 years ago

    Let US make man in OUR image.

    Now please, all of you....tell me exactly how this speaks of any trinity? It most certainly DOES NOT. that is what YOU 'read' into it, for you believe the lies of the harlot 'church'.

    Not one word any of you said, mentions any trinity.

    Now can the word US, mean a trinity god? it is simply not true.

    Not one single scripture calls Jesus God, except where God set Jesus on the throne of god AFTER his resurrection, (heb 1) can called him God, so that we now realize that in the age we live ing, JESUS IS RULING AS GOD and we must worship this MAN, AS OUR GOD.

    But to say that Mary gave birth to a god, is total idolatry. God has no father, no beginning or ending of days.

    The addition of many words, to God's word, is all that up-holds this false teaching. Not one single writer in Scripture ever said, I believe that Jesus is God.

    Jesus never once said this. Paul did not teach it. Peter did not teach it. So where did this LIE COME FROM?

    the harlot church.

    You seem not to realize that many scriptures, such as the one who quote from in Isa and other places, speaks of JESUS, IN PROPHESY, ONLY. Same as Psalm 22...Isa 53... It speaks of the crucifixion, as if it had already happened....but, it is purely PROPHESY.

    God had not beginning. God has no ending, So to say he is the beginning is false. Jesus is the beginning....but of WHAT? NOT ETERNITY. He is the BEGINNING, IN WHICH GOD PUT HIS WORD.

    He is the beginning of the GRACE AGE, THE ENDING OF THE LAW AGE.

    MUCH MORE, BUT NO ONE WILL LISTEN. trinity is lies of the devil.

    You cannot find one single reference to 'GOD, THE SON'. It is not there.

    You cannot find one reference to, 1st person, or 2nd person or third person. NOR ANY OTHER WORD PERTAINING TO THIS FALSE DOCTRINE.

    Edit@Terry: Love it. That is a wonderful message. Thanks. Love John 17, the Father is the only true God.

    Source(s): KJV truth
  • Well, probably has something to do with the fact that the Jews did not believe in a trinity, and therefore there is no way they would have written about a trinity. You're reaching, these references of yours are referring to the same person with different titles and/or attributes, not three people wrapped in one.

    That would be with the exception of the Genesis scripture you mentioned...but when you tell me how this conversation is going on between US without US being the same individual, I'll tell you why that particular scripture is not proof of a trinity.

    More importantly, Jesus himself said he was not God.

    John 8:13-18--13 Hence the Pharisees said to him: “You bear witness about yourself; your witness is not true.” 14) In answer Jesus said to them: “Even if I do bear witness about myself, my witness is true, because I know where I came from and where I am going. But YOU do not know where I came from and where I am going. 15) YOU judge according to the flesh; I do not judge any man at all. 16) and yet if I do judge, my judgment is truthful, because I am not alone, but the Father who sent me is with me. 17) Also, in YOUR own Law it is written, ‘The witness of two men is true.’ 18) I am one that bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.”

    Notice in verse 13 that the Pharisees say that when Jesus claims to be the Messiah, that what Jesus said is not true. They were not calling Jesus a liar. Rather, they were referring to a Mosaic Law requirement that for any legal matter, at least two witnesses had to make the same claim before it could be believed. One had to make a claim, at least one other had to corroborate that claim. The Pharisees are saying that since only Jesus is saying that Jesus is the Messiah (at that time, Jesus was the only one saying it), they don't have to believe Jesus, and indeed should not believe Jesus.

    Jesus responds in verses 14-16 by more or less saying that it doesn't matter whether they believe or not, Jesus is the Messiah and their belief or lack of belief will not change that. But in verses 17 and 18, Jesus goes further and says that even if they want two witnesses, they have two witnesses. Jesus is one witness, God is the other witness.

    Now if Jesus said there were two witnesses (Jesus and God) when there was only one witness (Jesus/God), then that would make Jesus a liar and, since God cannot lie, Jesus would have immediately disqualified himself from being God. If, on the other hand, Jesus is telling the truth when he says that God is a separate person and can therefore be second witness, then I think we should probably take Jesus at his word when he says that he is not God.

    Either way, Jesus is not God and he himself said so. Anyone who insists that Jesus is part of a trinity and is therefore God is calling Jesus a liar. Obviously that would not be their intention, but that is the end result. Jesus is not God, he himself said so, and anyone who counters that by saying Jesus is God calls Jesus a liar, and that is simply the way it is.

    There is no trinity.


    Wow...didn't think any "Christian" would be willing to call Jesus a liar, but now there are at least two who would rather call Jesus a liar than humbly accept that the trinity does not exist. Jesus gave all glory to his Father, but you'd rather pridefully go against Jesus twice by not giving glory to his Father, and instead choose to call Jesus a liar.

    Not exactly the most Christian path one could choose, but God did give you the right to choose your own beliefs even if those beliefs go against the truth. For the record, though, it is generally not kosher to call one's self a Christian if you are going to ignore the teachings of the Christ, know what I mean...

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    And there are 70 things the Holy Spirit does.

    I was amazed. Here is that list that further shows what you put here.

    It's very clear to me also.

  • Vin
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Those scriptures indeed prove the Trinity...

    Here's a few more....

    Matt.1:20-23 Holy Spirit, Jesus, God.

    3:16,17 Jesus, Spirit of God.

    4:1-3 Jesus, Spirit, God.

    10:5-20 Jesus, Spirit, Father.

    12:25-32 Spirit, God, Son of Man..

    22:37-43 Jesus, Lord, God, Christ, Spirit.

    28:19 Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

    Mark 1:1:8 Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit.

    3:29-35 Holy Spirit, Jesus, God.

    Luke1:30-35 God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.

    1:41-49 Holy Spirit, Lord, Mighty One.

    2:25-28 Holy Spirit, Lord Christ Jesus, God.

    4:1-3 Jesus, Holy Spirit, Son of God.

    9:21 Holy Spirit, Father, Lord of heaven and earth.

    11:1-13 Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit.

    12:1-12 Jesus, God, Holy Spirit,

    John 1:29-34 Lamb of God, Holy Spirit, Son of God.

    3:5-6 Jesus, Spirit, God.

    3:3,35 Spirit, Father, Son.

    6:63-65 Spirit, Jesus, Father.

    14:9-20 Jesus, Counselor, Father.

    14:23-25 Jesus, Father, Counselor.

    15:24-16:3 Father, Counselor, Spirit of Truth.

    16:7-19 Counselor, Father, Jesus.

    20:21,22 Jesus, Father, Holy Spirit.

    Acts 1:1-3 Jesus, Holy Spirit, God.

    1:6-11 Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus.

    2:17-22 God, Spirit, Jesus.

    2:32-39 Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ.

    4:8-10 Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, God.

    4:24-27 God, Holy Spirit, Jesus.

    4:30,31 Jesus, Holy Spirit, God.

    5:29-32 God, Prince of Peace, Holy Spirit.

    7:48-56 Most High, Holy Spirit, Righteous One, Son of Man, Lord Jesus.

    8:14-17 God, Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus.

    9:17-20 Lord, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Son of God.

    10:38 God, Jesus, Holy Spirit.

    10:46-48 God, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ.

    11:16,17 Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus Christ, God.

    11:20 Lord Jesus, God, Holy Spirit.

    13:48-52 Lord, God, Holy Spirit.

    15:8-11 God, Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus.

    16:6-10 Holy Spirit, Spirit of Jesus, God.

    19:4-7 Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, God.

    20:21,22 God, Lord Jesus, Spirit.

    20:23,24 Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus, God.

  • 9 years ago

    They aren't anything to do with a trinity, as any Jew will tell you. If they were a son would be mentioned

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Dear friend,

    The reason why people say Jesus is God is because they have adopted a pagan teaching that dates back to Babylon and Egypt. So here are a few thing to consider:

    Jesus in Praying to HIS FATHER said: "This is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and him whom you sent, Jesus Christ. John 17: 3. So listen to what the son says when he calls his father THE ONLY TRUE GOD!

    Here are a few more things to think about, , "

    The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him." (John 13:16) Jesus said on numerous occasions that, "the Father… hath sent me." (John 5:37,6:37)

    Jesus prays to God. (John 17:1-3)

    Jesus has faith in God. (Hebrews 2:17,18, Hebrews 3:2)

    Jesus is a servant of God. (Acts 3:13)

    Jesus does not know things God knows. (Mark 13:32, Revelation 1:1)

    Jesus worships God. (John 4:22)

    Jesus has one who is God to him. (Revelation 3:12)

    Jesus is in subjection to God. (1 Corinthians 15:28)

    Jesus' head is God. (1 Corinthians 11:1)

    Jesus has reverent submission, fear, of God. (Hebrews 5:7)

    Jesus is given lordship by God. (Acts 2:36)

    Jesus is exalted by God.(Acts 5:31)

    Jesus is made high priest by God. (Hebrews 5:10)

    Jesus is given authority by God. (Philippians 2:9)

    Jesus is given kingship by God. (Luke 1:32,33)

    Jesus is given judgment by God. (Acts 10:42)

    "God raised [Jesus] from the dead". (Acts 2:24, Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 15:15)

    Jesus is at the right hand of God. (Mark 16:19, Luke 22:69, Acts 2:33, Romans 8:34)

    Jesus is the one human mediator between the one God and man. (1 Timothy 2:5)

    No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. (1 John 4:12)

    God put everything, except Himself, under Jesus. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28)

    Jesus did not think being "equal with God" was graspable. (Philippians 2:6)

    "Around the ninth hour, Jesus shouted in a loud voice, saying "Eli Eli lama sabachthani?" which is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"" (Matthew 27:46)

    I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one "like a son of man" with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, "Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe." Rev 14: 14-15 Here is Jesus is taking orders from another angel ! Can we beleive that an angel who orders Christ to harvest the earth is giving orders to God Himself! Or that he would have to tell the omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing) Most High "God the Son" when and how to do anything?

    The trinity doctrine as many people know was agreed upon in the 3rd century at the council of Nicaea, by this time the apostasy foretold by the apostle Paul had set in Act 20:29-30 & 2 Tim 4: 3-4, 1 Tim 4:1, just think about this for a moment, Constantine a pagan ruler of Rome, chairing this council, and most of the bishops he invited to the council were from Alexandria in EGYPT, now we all know that the Egyptians were famous for there pagan Gods and worshiped trinity gods, the main ones being the 3 in 1 gods Isis, Horus and Osiris in fact that is what made the Jews so different in that they were monotheistic. Jehovah had warned his people over and over to keep away from the pagan nations so that they would not be induced to serve their gods. The Romans had their dual God of Janus, the Greeks had their trinity gods as did those from Asia Canaan and many of the lands surrounding Israel and now thanks to the council of Nicaea of the 4th century the Christian congregation had assimilated this into Christianity!

    Or you could go down this route:

    The Trinity clearly teaches that God asked himself to go to earth to save mankind.

    Then he agreed with himself and volunteered himself to himself to offer himself.

    Then God impregnated a woman as himself, with himself.

    God prayed to himself and glorified himself repeatedly.

    God strengthened himself and talked to himself.

    Finally God forsook himself and sacrificed himself to prove his loyalty to himself.

    While dead he resurrected himself so that he could exalt himself above himself.

    Then he sat at his own right hand and waited until he placed his enemies as a footstool for himself.

    Finally with Satan’s forces defeated God would turn his kingdom over to himself.

    That all things would become everything to himself.

    Now that wasn’t hard, was it???

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    you cant understand it because you are realising there is no floaty man sitting on a cloud watching over you. Welcome to atheism.

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