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Could there be a scar that I can't see?

About 3 years ago, i was jogging and the TOP of my wrist (where my hand and forearm connect) got scraped up buy a brick wall. It kind of scratched an A pattern into the skin. NO BLOOD or anything. However, the skin in the A pattern was pink and little white flakes stuck up from the pink lines. I washed the wound constantly, and applied some bactine, but never neosporin or lotion.

I can't see a scar, but could there be one?

BQ: when it comes to the TOP of the rist (not the veiny part), how deep does a scratch have to go to scar? Also, does a scratch have to bleed to scar? Because I heard that skin has to open to scar, is this true?

this has been bugging me lately, I don't want any scars on that particular area.


It was a cinder block wall by the way.

1 Answer

  • sa
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It may be possible but better to ignore !

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